AJAX framework Karora Cooee 1.1 released

The Karora group has released version 1.1 of their Java-based AJAX framework Cooee. This release includes new components and several bug fixes aimed at improving browser compatibility and stability.

The updates to Cooee include:
- Overall improved compatibility across all major browsers. Consequently, components now behave in a much more uniform way across different environments.
- Improved handling of Modal windows
- Changes to the way in which components register event handlers
- Improved component styling management
- Transparent color support
- Improved OSGI Support

Amonst the updates, three new components have also been added to the component set, these are:
- RegExTextField: Validates input based on regular expressions with helpful user feedback
- IntegerTextField: Validates Integer number with helpful user feedback
- ActiveTextArea: A text area component which notifies the user when they have exceeded input limits

Supporting documentation around the framework has also been vastly improved.

Karora Cooee can be downloaded from the Karora website at http://www.karora.org/?q=node/14. A full changelog is also available at the website.

Karora Cooee was a project established in early 2007. The framework originates from a combination of Nextapp's Echo 2 framework and its supporting libraries such as EchoPointNG. Version 1.1 represents the project's 4th release. Karora also develops two other projects, Moomba and Orana, which are implementations of the Eclipse Workbench and JFace APIs for the Cooee framework.
