XQuery Expression learning

open the file: doc("xxx.xml")


doc("xxx.xml")/bookstore/book[conditon clause]


for, where, order, return




for $x in doc("xxx.xml")/bookstore/book

where $x/price>20

order by $x/title

return $x/title


integrate with html tags


for $x in doc("xxx.xml")/bookstore/book/title

oder by $x

return <li>($x)</li>



get the data directly use the data() function



for $x in doc("xxx.xml")/bookstore/book/title

return <li>(data|($x))</li>



basic syntax rules

comment: (:  I am comment :)


for $x in doc("xxx.xml")/bookstore/book

return if ($x/@attribute="hey")

then <child>(data($x/title))</child>

else <adult>(data($x/title))<adult>


one group: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=

another group: eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge

what's the difference? see the follow two examples

$bookstore//book/@q > 20   --> if any items fulfill the condition,  then return true

$bookstore//book/@q lt 20   --> only one item fulfill the condition, then return true


use function

default functions: upper-case, substring, data, and so on...

custom function:

declare function prefix:function_name($parameter AS datatype)

AS returnDataType{



