Warning C4819:The file contains a character that can not be represented in the current code page(936

今天工程引用了一份代码, 编译出N多错误, 诡异的是这些所谓的‘错误’都是正确的,是绝对没有问题的,查找了半天,终于找到问题所在:


Warning C4819:The file contains a character that can not be represented in the current code page(936). 
save the file in unicode format to prevent data loss.



打开warning的文件 ctrl+A全选 然后选择菜单: File->advanced save options

选择编码格式:UNICODE codepage 1200 问题就解决了

这个问题告诉偶 不要只看编译错误 编译警告也是不可忽视的~

你可能感兴趣的:(Warning C4819:The file contains a character that can not be represented in the current code page(936)