OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box

[email protected]

Abstract. BRep is short for Boundary Representation. Boundary Representation gives a complete description of an object by associating topological and geometric information for solid modeling. In this case, objects are described by their boundaries. There are two types of information in BRep: Topological information and Geometric information. This paper is concerned with the Box BRep in OpenCascade, and also show how to use Tcl script to dump box BRep info.

Key words. OpenCascade, BRep, Boundary Representation, Box, Winged-Edge Structure

1. Introduction

边界表示法(BRep: Boundary Representation)通过拓朴(Topology)和几何(Geometry)给出了一个物体完整的描述,即用边界来表示物体。


l Vertex: a zero-dimensional shape corresponding to a point in geometry;

l Edge: a shape corresponding to a curve, and bound by a vertex at each extremity;

l Wire: a sequence of edges connected by their vertices;

l Face: part of a plane(in 2D geometry) or a surface(in 3D geometry) bounded by a closed wire;

l Shell: a collection of faces connected by some of the edges their wire boundaries;

l Solid: part of 3D space bound by a shell;

l Compound solid: a collection of solids.

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第1张图片

Figure 1.1 Topological Entities in OpenCascade


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Figure 1.2 Topological Shape Hierarchy of OpenCascade

OpenCascade的BRep表示中几何曲线曲面是参数化表示的,即曲线上的点与一个参数u有关,曲面上的点与两个参数u,v来有关。因为是参数化表示的,所以曲线曲面是有向的(naturally orientated)。方向(Orientation)是重要的,对面而言方向是面上每个点处的法向。

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Figure 1.3 Orientation of Faces

使用参数表示的曲线曲面还需要注意曲线曲面的有界性Bounded,奇异性Singularity(曲面上的奇点Singular Point),曲面上的曲线(PCurve: Curve on Surface)等概念。


2. Dump Box BRep Info by Tcl


在Draw Test Harness中输入以下三行Tcl命令,即可以将Box的BRep信息输出到屏幕:

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第4张图片

Figure 2.1 Dump Box BRep info in Draw Test Harness



#    Copyright (c) 
2014  eryar All Rights Reserved.
#           File : box.tcl
#         Author : eryar@
163 .com
#           Date : 
2014 - 03 - 17   19 : 00
#        Version : 
1 .0v
#    Description : Dump OpenCascade primitive box topology info to file.
#      Key Words : OpenCascade, BRep, Tcl, Box

# Load Modeling algorithms.

# Make the box.
box theBox 
1.0   2.0   3.0
set boxInfo [dump theBox]

# Save box BRep info to file.
if  [ catch  {open d: / box.txt w + } theFile] {
" Cannot open d:/box.txt for writing: $theFile "
else  {
    puts $theFile $boxInfo
    flush $theFile
    close $theFile

" Dump Info Finished! "

将上述内容保存到文件box.tcl,并在Draw Test Harness中输入如下命令:

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第5张图片

Figure 2.2 Run a Tcl File in Draw Test Harness


OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第6张图片

Figure 2.3 Box BRep Info Generated by Tcl Script


3. Box BRep in OpenCascade

翼边结构(Winged-Edge Structure)及其边的表格方式(Edge Table)可以清晰地表达出形状的拓朴关系,表中内容有:

l 边的名称,即边的编号Edge Name;

l 边的起止顶点Start vertex and end vertex;

l 相连的两个面 Left face and right face;

l 遍历左面时访问边的顺序The predecessor and successor edges when traversing its left face;

l 遍历右面时访问边的顺序The predecessor and successor edges when traversing its right face;

如下图所示为Edge Table表示的翼边结构:

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第7张图片

Figure 3.1 Edge Table of Winged-Edge Structure


如下图所示为一个Edge Table的示例:

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第8张图片

Figure 3.2 Complete Edge Table for Pyramid


但是OpenCascade中没有使用翼边结构来表示形状,可以从图1.2所示的类结构得出。因为每个形状只包含子形状的数据,不包含其父形状的数据,所以在OpenCascade中不能反向访问其父形状(In OpenCascade, there is no back pointer from sub-shapes to ancestor shapes.),所以若想得到与给定顶点或边相连的面或环等信息,必须使用这个工具:



OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第9张图片

Figure 3.3 Get Ancestor Shapes in OpenCascade


OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第10张图片

Figure 3.4 The Box generated by Tcl Script


OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第11张图片

Figure 3.5 Vertex of the Box BRep

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第12张图片

Figure 3.6 Edges of the Box BRep


OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第13张图片

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第14张图片

Figure 3.7 Wire #4 of Box BRep

由图可知,由于Wire #4是由边E30,E9,E20,E13组成,由于30和9号边前有负号,所以需要反向,方向反向的边用红色箭头标示。其它Wire的处理与此类似。通过上面左右两幅图的对比,可以清楚知道哪些Edge在组成Wire时反向了。

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第15张图片

Figure 3.8 Faces and Shells of Box BRep

由上图可知,每个Face由一个Wire组成。注意到由Face组成Shell时,Face前面有方向性。如Face 5#前面有负号,意思是面的法向与Wire的方向相反,其他类似。

最后的Solid由Shell组成。这样Box的拓朴数据就形成了。其中Face, Edge, Vertex中包含了几何数据。Face的参数表示的几何数据位于surfaces部分,如下图所示:

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第16张图片

Figure 3.9 Parametric Surfaces of the Box


OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第17张图片

Figure 3.10 Curve info of the Edge in Box 



OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第18张图片

Figure 3.11 Surface of Face


根据#23号二维参数曲线计算得出曲面上的U,V分别为(3, 0)和(3, 1),将得到U,V代入#4曲面中得出对应的曲面上的点,计算过程如下所示:

OpenCascade Primitives BRep - Box_第19张图片


4. Conclusion


若对文中内容有任何意见、建议都可以与我取得联系,邮箱:[email protected],欢迎讨论、交流、指导。

5. References

1. OpenCascade, Test Harness User’s Guide 2013

2. OpenCascade, BRep Format Description White Paper, 2013

3. John K. Ousterhout, Tcl and Tk Toolkit, 1993

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