
           使用C++一个最大的好处是它的动态性。我们可以使用new ,delete 动态分配内存和释放内存。但是有时候就会出现一些问题,如果我们忘记删除用new创建的对象,将会出现内存泄露,在长期运行的系统中,甚至一个很小的内存泄露将会造成很大的问题。所以,怎么样保证每一个new对应一个delete呢?

          一个很好的办法是用C++中的auto_ptr变量。接下来讲使用智能指针来解决这个问题。 在MyAuto_Ptr类中实现智能指针,用类

MyTestObect 测试智能指针。


class MyTestObject
    string name;
    int age;

    MyTestObject(string s, int a)
        name = s;
        age = a;
        cout << "Object created\n";

        cout << "Object destroyed\n";

    string GetName()
        return name;

    int GetAge()
        return age;


template <class T>
class MyAuto_Ptr
    T *ptr;


    explicit MyAuto_Ptr(T *p = 0)


         delete ptr;

    MyAuto_Ptr(MyAuto_Ptr<T> &source)
        ptr = source.ptr;

        //Since the ownership gets transferred lets point the source to 0
        source.ptr = 0;

    MyAuto_Ptr& operator=(MyAuto_Ptr<T> &source)
        //check for self reference
        if(ptr != source.ptr)
            //flush the existing memory
            delete ptr;
            ptr = 0;

            // use the new pointer
            ptr = source.ptr;

            //Since the ownership gets transferred lets point the source to 0
            source.ptr = 0;

            return *this;

    T& operator *()
        return *ptr;


    T* operator ->()
        return ptr;

    T* get()
        return ptr;

    void reset(T *newVal)
        delete ptr;
        ptr = newVal;

    //release the pointer and returns the ownership
    T* release()
        T *t = ptr;
        ptr = 0;
        return t;


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    {//dummy brace to test the destruction
        MyAuto_Ptr<MyTestObject> p(new MyTestObject("Rahul Singh", 29));

        //test the -> operator
        cout << "Name: " << p->GetName() << ", Age: " << p->GetAge() << "\n";

        //test the transfer of ownership in copy constructor
        MyAuto_Ptr<MyTestObject> p2(p);

        //test the * operator
        cout << "Name: " << (*p2).GetName() << ", Age: " << (*p2).GetAge() << "\n";

        //test the transfer of ownership in assignment operator
        MyAuto_Ptr<MyTestObject> p3;
        p3 = p2;

        //test the get function
        cout << "Name: " << p3.get()->GetName() << ",
            Age: " << p3.get()->GetAge() << "\n";

        //lets test the reset function
        p3.reset(new MyTestObject("Megha Singh", 28));

        //test the get function
        cout << "Name: " << p3.get()->GetName() << ",
            Age: " << p3.get()->GetAge() << "\n";

        //finally lets test the release function
        MyAuto_Ptr<MyTestObject> p4(p3.release());

        cout << "Name: " << p4.get()->GetName() << ",
            Age: " << p4.get()->GetAge() << "\n";
    return 0;

复制 搜索
