JPPF helloword

JPPF,全称Java Parallel Processing Framework,即java并行处理框架,是一个开放源码网格计算框架,它可以在一个分布执行环境中 同时运行多个java应用。

提供了负载平衡, 故障转移和错误恢复等服务。
提供一个基 于JMX的管理控制台,它既可以监视 节点也可以管理执行的任务。你可以远程取消和重启任务,或配置令其超时的截止日期或时间间隔。
JPPF 框架使用一个兼容JCA 1.5规范的资源适配器与J2EE 应用服务器进行集成,这个适配器为服务器提供了到原始 网格服务的访问。适配器通过实现异步任务提交从而避免了JTA 事务超时的风险。








 * JPPF.
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 JPPF Team.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.jppf.application.template;

import java.util.List;

import org.jppf.client.*;
import org.jppf.server.protocol.JPPFTask;

 * This is a template JPPF application runner.
 * It is fully commented and is designed to be used as a starting point
 * to write an application using JPPF.
 * @author Laurent Cohen
public class TemplateApplicationRunner {
   * The JPPF client, handles all communications with the server.
   * It is recommended to only use one JPPF client per JVM, so it
   * should generally be created and used as a singleton.
  private static JPPFClient jppfClient =  null;

   * The entry point for this application runner to be run from a Java command line.
   * @param args by default, we do not use the command line arguments,
   * however nothing prevents us from using them if need be.
  public static void main(final String...args) {
    try {
      // create the JPPFClient. This constructor call causes JPPF to read the configuration file
      // and connect with one or multiple JPPF drivers.
      jppfClient = new JPPFClient();

      // create a runner instance.
      TemplateApplicationRunner runner = new TemplateApplicationRunner();

      // Create a job
      JPPFJob job = runner.createJob();

      // execute a blocking job

      // execute a non-blocking job
    } catch(Exception e) {
    } finally {
      if (jppfClient != null) jppfClient.close();

   * Create a JPPF job that can be submitted for execution.
   * @return an instance of the {@link org.jppf.client.JPPFJob JPPFJob} class.
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs while creating the job or adding tasks.
  public JPPFJob createJob() throws Exception {
    // create a JPPF job
    JPPFJob job = new JPPFJob();

    // give this job a readable unique id that we can use to monitor and manage it.
    job.setName("Template Job Id");

    // add a task to the job.
    job.addTask(new TemplateJPPFTask());

    // add more tasks here ...

    // there is no guarantee on the order of execution of the tasks,
    // however the results are guaranteed to be returned in the same order as the tasks.
    return job;

   * Execute a job in blocking mode. The application will be blocked until the job
   * execution is complete.
   * @param job the JPPF job to execute.
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs while executing the job.
  public void executeBlockingJob(final JPPFJob job) throws Exception {
    // set the job in blocking mode.

    // Submit the job and wait until the results are returned.
    // The results are returned as a list of JPPFTask instances,
    // in the same order as the one in which the tasks where initially added the job.
    List<JPPFTask> results = jppfClient.submit(job);

    // process the results

   * Execute a job in non-blocking mode. The application has the responsibility
   * for handling the notification of job completion and collecting the results.
   * @param job the JPPF job to execute.
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs while executing the job.
  public void executeNonBlockingJob(final JPPFJob job) throws Exception {
    // set the job in non-blocking (or asynchronous) mode.

    // this call returns immediately. We will use the collector at a later time
    // to obtain the execution results asynchronously
    JPPFResultCollector collector = submitNonBlockingJob(job);

    // the non-blocking job execution is asynchronous, we can do anything else in the meantime
    System.out.println("Doing something while the job is executing ...");
    // ...

    // We are now ready to get the results of the job execution.
    // We use JPPFResultCollector.waitForResults() for this. This method returns immediately with
    // the results if the job has completed, otherwise it waits until the job execution is complete.
    List<JPPFTask> results = collector.waitForResults();

    // process the results

   * Execute a job in non-blocking mode. The application has the responsibility
   * for handling the notification of job completion and collecting the results.
   * @param job the JPPF job to execute.
   * @return a JPPFResultCollector used to obtain the execution results at a later time.
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs while executing the job.
  public JPPFResultCollector submitNonBlockingJob(final JPPFJob job) throws Exception {
    // set the job in non-blocking (or asynchronous) mode.

    // We need to be notified of when the job execution has completed.
    // To this effect, we define an instance of the TaskResultListener interface,
    // which we will register with the job.
    // Here, we use an instance of JPPFResultCollector, conveniently provided by the JPPF API.
    // JPPFResultCollector implements TaskResultListener and has a constructor that takes
    // the number of tasks in the job as a parameter.
    JPPFResultCollector collector = new JPPFResultCollector(job);

    // Submit the job. This call returns immediately without waiting for the execution of
    // the job to complete. As a consequence, the object returned for a non-blocking job is
    // always null. Note that we are calling the exact same method as in the blocking case.

    // finally return the result collector, so it can be used to collect the exeuction results
    // at a time of our chosing. The collector can also be obtained at any time by calling 
    // (JPPFResultCollector) job.getResultListener()
    return collector;

   * Process the execution results of each submitted task. 
   * @param results the tasks results after execution on the grid.
  public void processExecutionResults(final List<JPPFTask> results) {
    // process the results
    for (JPPFTask task: results) {
      // if the task execution resulted in an exception
      if (task.getException() != null) {
        // process the exception here ...
      else {
        // process the result here ...
