那么下面我就简单来介绍下我做的这个小游戏《猴子跳》,整个游戏风格简单,有点类似《doodle jump》
static { System.loadLibrary("xml2"); System.loadLibrary("wiengine"); System.loadLibrary("lua"); System.loadLibrary("chipmunk"); }
import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Director; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Scene; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Director.IDirectorLifecycleListener; import com.wiyun.engine.opengl.WYGLSurfaceView; import com.wiyun.engine.transitions.JumpZoomTransition; import android.app.Activity; import android.media.MediaPlayer; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams; public class GameView extends Activity implements IDirectorLifecycleListener { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ protected WYGLSurfaceView mGLSurfaceView; static GameView gameview; static int fenshu, score; protected Scene mScene; static { System.loadLibrary("xml2"); System.loadLibrary("wiengine"); System.loadLibrary("lua"); System.loadLibrary("chipmunk"); } MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer, mMediaPlayer2; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); getWindow().addFlags(LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); mGLSurfaceView = new WYGLSurfaceView(this); gameview = this; setContentView(mGLSurfaceView); // 设置显示帧率,程序发布时应该去掉 Director.getInstance().setDisplayFPS(true); // 创建第一个场景 menu a = new menu(); mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); // 添加一个生命周期监听器,如果不需要可以不添加 Director.getInstance().addLifecycleListener(this); // 开始运行第一个场景 Director.getInstance().runWithScene(a.mScene); } public void play1() { mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(GameView.this, R.raw.jump); mMediaPlayer.setLooping(false); mMediaPlayer.start(); } public void play2() { mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(GameView.this, R.raw.boost); mMediaPlayer.setLooping(false); mMediaPlayer.start(); } public void play3() { mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(GameView.this, R.raw.jump2); mMediaPlayer.setLooping(false); mMediaPlayer.start(); } public void change() { main a = new main(); Director.getInstance().replaceScene( JumpZoomTransition.make(1, a.mScene)); number n = new number(); a.mScene.addChild(n); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); Director.getInstance().pause(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); Director.getInstance().resume(); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Director.getInstance().end(); } @Override public void onDirectorEnded() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onDirectorPaused() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onDirectorResumed() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onDirectorScreenCaptured(String arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onSurfaceChanged(int arg0, int arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onSurfaceCreated() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onSurfaceDestroyed() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
菜单栏 menu.java
import com.wiyun.engine.motionwelder.MWSprite; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Director; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Layer; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Menu; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.MenuItemSprite; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Scene; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Sprite; import com.wiyun.engine.opengl.Texture2D; import com.wiyun.engine.particle.ParticleSystem; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYRect; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYSize; import com.wiyun.engine.utils.ResolutionIndependent; public class menu extends Layer { public Scene mScene; WYSize s; MWSprite m_sprite1; ParticleSystem emitter; menu() { s = Director.getInstance().getWindowSize(); mScene = Scene.make(); bc(); s(); m(); } public void bc() { Texture2D bc = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.bc); Sprite bc2 = Sprite.make(bc); bc.autoRelease(); bc2.autoRelease(); bc2.setPosition(bc2.getWidth() / 2, bc2.getHeight() / 2); mScene.addChild(bc2); } public void s() { emitter = ParticleSnow.make(); emitter.setPosition(s.width / 2, s.height); emitter.autoRelease(); mScene.addChild(emitter); } public void m() { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.start_normal); Texture2D tex2 = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.start_down); Sprite sprite1Normal = Sprite.make(tex, ResolutionIndependent .resolve(WYRect.make(0, 0, 96, 29))); Sprite sprite1Disabled = Sprite.make(tex2, ResolutionIndependent .resolve(WYRect.make(0, 0, 96, 29))); MenuItemSprite start = MenuItemSprite.make(sprite1Normal, sprite1Disabled, sprite1Disabled, this, "start"); tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.about_normal); tex2 = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.about_down); sprite1Normal = Sprite.make(tex, ResolutionIndependent.resolve(WYRect .make(0, 0, 96, 29))); sprite1Disabled = Sprite.make(tex2, ResolutionIndependent .resolve(WYRect.make(0, 0, 96, 29))); MenuItemSprite about = MenuItemSprite.make(sprite1Normal, sprite1Disabled, sprite1Disabled); tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.quit_normal); tex2 = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.quit_down); sprite1Normal = Sprite.make(tex, ResolutionIndependent.resolve(WYRect .make(0, 0, 96, 29))); sprite1Disabled = Sprite.make(tex2, ResolutionIndependent .resolve(WYRect.make(0, 0, 96, 29))); MenuItemSprite quit = MenuItemSprite.make(sprite1Normal, sprite1Disabled, sprite1Disabled, this, "quit"); Menu menu = Menu.make(start, about, quit); menu.alignItemsVertically(40); menu.setPosition(s.width / 2, s.height / 2); mScene.addChild(menu); } public void quit() { GameView.gameview.onDestroy(); } public void start() { GameView.gameview.change(); } }
import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.Box2D; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.Box2DRender; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.collision.PolygonShape; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.Body; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.BodyDef; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.Fixture; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.World; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.World.IContactListener; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.contacts.Contact; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Director; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Layer; import com.wiyun.engine.opengl.Texture2D; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYPoint; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYSize; import com.wiyun.engine.utils.TargetSelector; public class BC extends Layer implements IContactListener { static World mWorld; Fixture bc1, bc2; WYSize s; Box2DRender render; float y1 = +17.8f, y2 = 0; static int chushi = 30; static boolean grass1 = false, grass2 = false, grass3 = false; protected Box2D mBox2D; BC() { mBox2D = Box2D.make(); mBox2D.setDebugDraw(false); render = Box2DRender.make(); mBox2D.setBox2DRender(render); mWorld = mBox2D.getWorld(); s = Director.getInstance().getWindowSize(); addChild(mBox2D); y1 = s.height / s.width * 10f; // set gravity mWorld.setGravity(0, 4);// 47 { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition(0, y1); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(10f, s.height / s.width * 10f); int id = id(chushi); bc1 = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(id); render.bindTexture(bc1, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition(0, y1 + s.height / s.width * 20 - 0.26f); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(10f, s.height / s.width * 10f); bc2 = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); chushi--; int id = id(chushi); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(id); render.bindTexture(bc2, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } // place box2d to center of bottom edge mBox2D.setPosition(s.width / 2, 0); mWorld.setContactListener(this); // add contact listener schedule(new TargetSelector(this, "update(float)", new Object[] { 0f })); } public void update(float delta) { mWorld.step(1.f / 60.f, 10, 10); mWorld.clearForces(); if (Box2.collision == true) { bc1.getBody().setLinearVelocity( WYPoint.make(0f, -2.56f * Box2.jump1)); bc2.getBody().setLinearVelocity( WYPoint.make(0f, -2.56f * Box2.jump1)); Box2.collision = false; } if (bc1.getBody().getPosition().y < -y1 + 0.26f) { int id = id(chushi); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(id); render.bindTexture(bc1, tex); tex.autoRelease(); chushi--; id = id(chushi); tex = Texture2D.makePNG(id); render.bindTexture(bc2, tex); tex.autoRelease(); bc1.getBody().setTransform(0, y1, 0); bc2.getBody().setTransform(0, y1 + s.height / s.width * 20f - 0.26f, 0);// 35 grass1 = true; grass2 = true; grass3 = true; } } public int id(int a) { int id = 0; switch (a) { case 1: id = R.drawable.background_1_1; break; case 2: id = R.drawable.background_2_2; break; case 3: id = R.drawable.background_3_3; break; case 4: id = R.drawable.background_4_4; break; case 5: id = R.drawable.background_5_5; break; case 6: id = R.drawable.background_6_6; break; case 7: id = R.drawable.background_7_7; break; case 8: id = R.drawable.background_8_8; break; case 9: id = R.drawable.background_9_9; break; case 10: id = R.drawable.background_10_10; break; case 11: id = R.drawable.background_11_11; break; case 12: id = R.drawable.background_12_12; break; case 13: id = R.drawable.background_13_13; break; case 14: id = R.drawable.background_14_14; break; case 15: id = R.drawable.background_15_15; break; case 16: id = R.drawable.background_16_16; break; case 17: id = R.drawable.background_17_17; break; case 18: id = R.drawable.background_18_18; break; case 19: id = R.drawable.background_19_19; break; case 20: id = R.drawable.background_20_20; break; case 21: id = R.drawable.background_21_21; break; case 22: id = R.drawable.background_22_22; break; case 23: id = R.drawable.background_23_23; break; case 24: id = R.drawable.background_24_24; break; case 25: id = R.drawable.background_25_25; break; case 26: id = R.drawable.background_26_26; break; case 27: id = R.drawable.background_27_27; break; case 28: id = R.drawable.background_28_28; break; case 29: id = R.drawable.background_29_29; break; case 30: id = R.drawable.background_30_30; break; } return id; } @Override public void beginContact(int contactPointer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } @Override public void endContact(int contactPointer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } @Override public void postSolve(int contactPointer, int arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } @Override public void preSolve(int contactPointer, int arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } }
import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.Box2D; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.Box2DRender; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.FixtureAnimation; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.collision.PolygonShape; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.Body; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.BodyDef; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.Fixture; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.World; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.World.IContactListener; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.contacts.Contact; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Director; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Layer; import com.wiyun.engine.opengl.Texture2D; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYPoint; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYSize; import com.wiyun.engine.utils.TargetSelector; public class grass extends Layer implements IContactListener { static World mWorld; Fixture grass1, grass2, grass3; // 漂浮物1,2,3(因为一开始只设计了了草,现在更改了) float grassx1, grassx2, grassx3;// 漂浮物1,2,3的横向移动速度,因为有云和草什么的,要具有不同的速度撒(因为一开始只设计了了草,现在更改了) float grassy1, grassy2, grassy3;// 漂浮物1,2,3的纵向移动速度 Fixture bc1, bc2; WYSize s; Box2DRender render; float y1 = +17.8f, y2 = 0; protected Box2D mBox2D; grass() { mBox2D = Box2D.make(); mBox2D.setDebugDraw(false); render = Box2DRender.make(); mBox2D.setBox2DRender(render); mWorld = mBox2D.getWorld(); s = Director.getInstance().getWindowSize(); addChild(mBox2D); // set gravity mWorld.setGravity(0, 30);// 47 first(); // place box2d to center of bottom edge mBox2D.setPosition(s.width / 2, 0); mWorld.setContactListener(this); // add contact listener schedule(new TargetSelector(this, "update(float)", new Object[] { 0f })); } public void first() { { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition(-5, 5); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(5f, 10f); grass1 = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.branch_upper_flip); tex.autoRelease(); render.bindTexture(grass1, tex); } { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition(0, 65); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(12f, 12f); grass2 = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.branch_lower); tex.autoRelease(); render.bindTexture(grass2, tex); } { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition(0, 120); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(13f, 13f); grass3 = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.vines); render.bindTexture(grass3, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } } public void update(float delta) { mWorld.step(1.f / 60.f, 10, 10); mWorld.clearForces(); if (Box2.collision2 == true) { grass1.getBody().setLinearVelocity( WYPoint.make(grassx1, Box2.jump1 * (-19.14f + grassy1))); grass2.getBody().setLinearVelocity( WYPoint.make(grassx2, Box2.jump1 * (-19.14f + grassy2))); grass3.getBody().setLinearVelocity( WYPoint.make(grassx3, Box2.jump1 * (-19.14f + grassy3))); Box2.collision2 = false; } if (grass1.getBody().getPosition().y < -80) { float a = grass1.getBody().getPosition().x; grass1.getBody().setTransform(a, 80, 0); if (BC.grass1 == true) { BC.grass1 = false; if (BC.chushi < 29 && BC.chushi > 27) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.noimage); render.bindTexture(grass1, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } else if (BC.chushi == 25) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.building); render.bindTexture(grass1, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } else if (BC.chushi == 23) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.rock1); render.bindTexture(grass1, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } else { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.noimage); render.bindTexture(grass1, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } } } if (grass2.getBody().getPosition().y < -80) { float a = grass2.getBody().getPosition().x; grass2.getBody().setTransform(a, 80, 0); if (BC.grass2 == true) { BC.grass2 = false; if (BC.chushi == 28) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.branch_blue); render.bindTexture(grass2, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } else if (BC.chushi == 26 && BC.chushi == 27) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.cloud_white_2); render.bindTexture(grass2, tex); grassx2 = -3f; tex.autoRelease(); } else { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.noimage); render.bindTexture(grass2, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } } } if (grass3.getBody().getPosition().y < -80) { float a = grass3.getBody().getPosition().x; if (BC.chushi != 23) { grass3.getBody().setTransform(a, 80, 0); } else { grass3.getBody().setTransform(a, 280, 0); } if (BC.grass3 == true) { BC.grass3 = false; if (BC.chushi == 28) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.bridge); render.bindTexture(grass3, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } else if (BC.chushi == 25 || BC.chushi == 24 || BC.chushi == 26 || BC.chushi == 27) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.cloud_city); render.bindTexture(grass3, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } else if (BC.chushi == 23) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D .makePNG(R.drawable.asteroids_deep); render.bindTexture(grass3, tex); grassy3 = -40f; tex.autoRelease(); } else if (BC.chushi == 22) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.yellow_clouds); render.bindTexture(grass3, tex); grassy3 = -5f; tex.autoRelease(); } else if (BC.chushi == 19) { Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.cloud_white_1); render.bindTexture(grass3, tex); grassx3 = 4f; grassy3 = 0f; tex.autoRelease(); } } } if (grass3.getBody().getPosition().x < -24) { float a = grass3.getBody().getPosition().y; grass3.getBody().setTransform(24, a, 0); } if (grass3.getBody().getPosition().x > 24) { float a = grass3.getBody().getPosition().y; grass3.getBody().setTransform(-24, a, 0); } if (grass2.getBody().getPosition().x < -24) { float a = grass2.getBody().getPosition().y; grass2.getBody().setTransform(24, a, 0); } if (grass2.getBody().getPosition().x > 24) { float a = grass2.getBody().getPosition().y; grass2.getBody().setTransform(-24, a, 0); } if (grass1.getBody().getPosition().x < -24) { float a = grass1.getBody().getPosition().y; grass1.getBody().setTransform(24, a, 0); } if (grass1.getBody().getPosition().x > 24) { float a = grass1.getBody().getPosition().y; grass1.getBody().setTransform(-24, a, 0); } } @Override public void beginContact(int contactPointer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } @Override public void endContact(int contactPointer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } @Override public void postSolve(int contactPointer, int arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } @Override public void preSolve(int contactPointer, int arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); contact.setEnabled(false); } }最上面一层的设计
import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.util.Random; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.Box2D; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.Box2DRender; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.FixtureAnimation; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.collision.PolygonShape; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.Body; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.BodyDef; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.Fixture; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.World; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.World.IContactListener; import com.wiyun.engine.box2d.dynamics.contacts.Contact; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Director; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Layer; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Scheduler; import com.wiyun.engine.nodes.Timer; import com.wiyun.engine.opengl.Texture2D; import com.wiyun.engine.particle.ParticleSystem; import com.wiyun.engine.particle.QuadParticleSystem; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYPoint; import com.wiyun.engine.types.WYSize; import com.wiyun.engine.utils.TargetSelector; public class Box2 extends Layer implements IContactListener { World mWorld; Body m_character; float x; float y; float taijiex=1; static float change1 = 1, jump1 = 1,boost1=0; boolean hide=false; int donghua = 0; // 娃娃上升的判断条件(在碰撞时被赋值为true) int donghua2 = 1; // 娃娃下落的判断条件(在娃娃速度为0时被赋值为true) WYSize s;// 屏幕大小 Character character;// 角色类的声明 Taijie[] taijie;// 台阶类的声明 WYPoint sp;// 整个场景的移动速度(碰撞后台阶都赋予这个速度) ps:grass1,2,3要自己重新赋速度了 int mum = 0; int move=-1; Timer t ; static Box2DRender render;// 向一个关联里面加入图片或者动画信息 static boolean collision = false, collision2 = false; boolean taijiemove=false; protected Box2D mBox2D; ParticleSystem emitter; Fixture jump, boost, change; Box2() { mBox2D = Box2D.make(); mBox2D.setDebugDraw(false); render = Box2DRender.make(); mBox2D.setBox2DRender(render); mWorld = mBox2D.getWorld(); sp = WYPoint.make(0f, 0f); character = new Character(mWorld, 15f); taijie = new Taijie[10]; { for (int i = 0; i < taijie.length; i++) { taijie[i] = new Taijie(mWorld); taijie[i].m_platform.getBody().setTransform(0, taijie[i].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().y + 4.6f, 0); } } Random a = new Random(); { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition((float) a.nextInt(13) - 5.5f, 2.1f * 80f); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(1.3f, 1.3f); jump = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.jump); render.bindTexture(jump, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition((float) a.nextInt(13) - 5.5f, 2.1f * 180f); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(1.3f, 1.3f); boost = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.boost); render.bindTexture(boost, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } { BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); bd.setPosition((float) a.nextInt(13) - 5.5f, 2.1f * 150f); Body body = mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); shape.setAsBox(1.3f, 1.3f); change = body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.changge); render.bindTexture(change, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } s = Director.getInstance().getWindowSize(); emitter = new ParticleSnow(); emitter.setPosition(-1000, -1000); main.mScene.addChild(emitter); addChild(mBox2D); // set gravity mWorld.setGravity(0, 47);// 47 // place box2d to center of bottom edge mBox2D.setPosition(s.width / 2, 0); // add contact listener mWorld.setContactListener(this); setAccelerometerEnabled(true); schedule(new TargetSelector(this, "update(float)", new Object[] { 0f })); } public void update(float delta) { mWorld.step(1.f / 60.f, 10, 10); mWorld.clearForces(); float top = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < taijie.length; i2++) { if (taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().y > top) { top = taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().y; } } for (int i2 = 0; i2 < taijie.length; i2++) { if (taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().y < -2) { Random a= new Random(); Random b = new Random(); Random c = new Random(); b.nextInt(30); if(i2==move) { Scheduler.getInstance().unschedule(t); move=-1; taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setLinearVelocity(WYPoint.make(0, taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y)); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.bar1); render.bindTexture(taijie[i2].m_platform, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } if(hide==true&&b.nextInt(30)>BC.chushi) { taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setTransform(-100f, top + 4.6f, 0); hide=false; }else { taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setTransform((float) a.nextInt(16) - 7.5f, top + 4.6f, 0); hide=true; if(c.nextInt(30)+1>BC.chushi&&move==-1) { Random e = new Random(); taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setTransform(-3f, taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().y, 0); taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setLinearVelocity(WYPoint.make(+e.nextInt(2)+4, taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y)); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.bar3); render.bindTexture(taijie[i2].m_platform, tex); tex.autoRelease(); TargetSelector mSelector1 = new TargetSelector(this, "updatechange(float,int,int)", new Object[] { 0f, 1 ,i2}); t = new Timer(mSelector1, 2f); Scheduler.getInstance().schedule(t); move=i2; System.out.println("时间已经设置了"); } } GameView.fenshu++; } } /* for (int i2 = 0; i2 < taijie.length; i2++) { if (taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().x < -2) { taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setLinearVelocity(WYPoint.make(taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().x*-1f, 0)); }else if(taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().x >20) { taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setLinearVelocity(WYPoint.make(taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().x*-1f, 0)); } }*/ if (GameView.score < GameView.fenshu * 100) { GameView.score += 9; } if (jump.getBody().getPosition().y < -11.1) { Random a = new Random(); jump.getBody().setTransform((float) a.nextInt(13) - 5.5f, 650, 0); } if (change.getBody().getPosition().y < -11.1) { Random a = new Random(); change.getBody().setTransform((float) a.nextInt(13) - 5.5f, 650, 0); } if (boost.getBody().getPosition().y < -11.1) { Random a = new Random(); boost.getBody().setTransform((float) a.nextInt(13) - 5.5f, 650, 0); } if (character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().x < -11.1) { float a = character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().y; character.m_character.getBody().setTransform(11, a, 0); } else if (character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().x > 11.1) { float a = character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().y; character.m_character.getBody().setTransform(-11, a, 0); } if(boost1==0) { if (taijie[0].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y >= 0 && donghua2 == 1) { FixtureAnimation anim = FixtureAnimation.make(0.2f, R.drawable.down, R.drawable.down2, R.drawable.down3); anim.setLoop(true); anim.start(character.m_character); donghua2 = 0; } else if (donghua == 1) { FixtureAnimation anim = FixtureAnimation.make(0.15f, R.drawable.up1, R.drawable.up2, R.drawable.up3, R.drawable.up4, R.drawable.up5, R.drawable.up6); anim.setLoop(false); anim.start(character.m_character); donghua = 0; } }else { FixtureAnimation anim = FixtureAnimation.make(0.15f, R.drawable.up1, R.drawable.up2, R.drawable.up3, R.drawable.up4, R.drawable.up5, R.drawable.up6); anim.setLoop(false); anim.start(character.m_character); } } public void updatechange(float a,int c,int n) { taijie[n].m_platform.getBody().setLinearVelocity(WYPoint.make(taijie[move].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().x*-1f, taijie[move].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y)); } public void updategravityOnce(float a) { BC.mWorld.setGravity(0, 4); grass.mWorld.setGravity(0, 30); mWorld.setGravity(0, 47); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.boost); render.bindTexture(boost, tex); tex.autoRelease(); boost1=0; emitter.setPosition(-1000, -1000); } public void updatejumpOnce(float a) { jump1 = 1; Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.jump); render.bindTexture(jump, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } public void updatechangeOnce(float a) { change1 = 1; Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.changge); render.bindTexture(change, tex); tex.autoRelease(); } @Override public void wyAccelerometerChanged(float accelX, float accelY, float accelZ) { x = accelX; character.m_character.getBody().setLinearVelocity( WYPoint.make(change1 * (5f * x + character.m_character.getBody() .getLinearVelocity().x * 0.8f), -y)); if(boost1==1) { emitter.setPosition(character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().x*24+s.width/2, character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().y*24-50); } // update(1f); /* * if(character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().x<-15f) { * character=null; character=new Character(mWorld,30f); } * if(character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().x>30f) { * character=null; character=new Character(mWorld,-14.5f); } */ } @Override public void beginContact(int contactPointer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub /**/ } @Override public void endContact(int arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub y = 0; } @Override public void postSolve(int arg0, int arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void preSolve(int contactPointer, int oldManifoldPointer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Contact contact = Contact.from(contactPointer); Fixture fixtureA = contact.getFixtureA(); Fixture fixtureB = contact.getFixtureB(); boolean pengzhuang = false; int i = 0; if (fixtureA.equals(character.m_character)) { pengzhuang = true; if (fixtureB.equals(boost)) { BC.mWorld.setGravity(0, -3); grass.mWorld.setGravity(0, -22); mWorld.setGravity(0, -35); Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.noimage); render.bindTexture(boost, tex); tex.autoRelease(); boost1=1; emitter.setPosition(character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().x*24+s.width/2, character.m_character.getBody().getPosition().y*24-50); scheduleOnce(new TargetSelector(this, "updategravityOnce(float)", new Object[] { 0f }), 4f); pengzhuang = false; GameView.gameview.play2(); } else if (fixtureB.equals(jump)) { jump1 = 2f; Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.noimage); render.bindTexture(jump, tex); tex.autoRelease(); scheduleOnce(new TargetSelector(this, "updatejumpOnce(float)",new Object[] { 0f }), 5f); pengzhuang = false; } else if (fixtureB.equals(change)) { change1 = -1; Texture2D tex = Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.noimage); render.bindTexture(change, tex); tex.autoRelease(); scheduleOnce(new TargetSelector(this, "updatechangeOnce(float)", new Object[] { 0f }), 3f); pengzhuang = false; } while (!fixtureB.equals(taijie[i].m_platform) && i < taijie.length - 1) { i++; } } else if (fixtureB.equals(character.m_character)) { pengzhuang = true; while (!fixtureA.equals(taijie[i].m_platform) && i < taijie.length - 1) { i++; } } if (pengzhuang == true) { if (taijie[i].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y > 0 && taijie[i].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().y + 1.2f < character.m_character .getBody().getPosition().y) { contact.setEnabled(true); sp = WYPoint.make(0f, -30f * jump1); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < taijie.length; i2++) { if(i2==move) { taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setLinearVelocity(WYPoint.make(taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getLinearVelocity().x, -30f * jump1)); } else { taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().setLinearVelocity(WYPoint.make(0, -30f * jump1)); } } donghua = 1; donghua2 = 1; change.getBody().setLinearVelocity(sp); jump.getBody().setLinearVelocity(sp); boost.getBody().setLinearVelocity(sp); if(jump1==1) { GameView.gameview.play1(); }else if(jump1==2) { GameView.gameview.play3(); } System.out.println("碰撞了"); collision = true; collision2 = true; /* * for(int i2=mum;i2<taijie.length;i2++) { * if(taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody().getPosition().y<-5) { * mWorld.destroyBody(taijie[i2].m_platform.getBody()); * main.jishu++; float y=main.jishu*5f; Random aa=new Random(); * BodyDef bd = BodyDef.make(); bd.setType(Body.TYPE_DYNAMIC); * bd.setPosition((float)aa.nextInt(20)-10, y); Body body = * mWorld.createBody(bd); bd.destroy(); * * * PolygonShape shape = PolygonShape.make(); * shape.setAsBox(2.0f, 0.4f); body.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); * } } */ } else { contact.setEnabled(false); } } else { contact.setEnabled(false); } } public class ParticleSnow extends QuadParticleSystem { protected ParticleSnow() { this(700); } protected ParticleSnow(int p) { super(p); // duration setDuration(PARTICLE_DURATION_INFINITY); // Gravity mode: speed of particles setSpeedVariance(160, 20); // Gravity mode: radial setRadialAccelerationVariance(-90, 0); // Gravity mode: tagential setTangentialAccelerationVariance(0, 0); // gravity setParticleGravity(0, -1200); // angle setDirectionAngleVariance(90, 360); // life of particles setLifeVariance(3, 1); // spin of particles setEndSpinVariance(0, 2000); // color of particles setStartColorVariance(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1f, 0f, 0f, 0.1f, 0f); setEndColorVariance(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); // size, in pixels setStartSizeVariance(20, 0); setEndSizeVariance(PARTICLE_START_SIZE_EQUAL_TO_END_SIZE, 0); // emits per second setEmissionRate(50); setTexture(Texture2D.makePNG(R.drawable.xingxing)); // additive setBlendAdditive(false); } } }