The book I should read during my graduated time!
1. pattern recognition and machine learning ---Bishop
2. pattern classification --Duda
3. machine learning --Michael
4. All of Statistics --Larry Wasserman
5. sparse and redundant representation:from thoery to applications in signal and image processing --Michael Elad
6. Digital Image Processing -- Gonzales
7. Digital Image Processing Using Matlab -- Gonzales
8. feature extraction and image processing --Nikson
9. Bayesian method
10. Computer Vision:Algorithms and Applications --Richard Szeliski
11. Element of Information Theory --THOMAS M. COVER
12. Java
13. the C++ Programming Language --Stroustrup
14. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques --J. Han and M. Kamber
conclusion : pattern recognition : 2
machine learning : 2
conputer vision : 1
Image Processing : 3
math : 2
data Mining : 1
Information Theroy :1
language : 2
C++ and Java is an essential ability in the IT industry.
math is of vital importance of my major
the other books are for my major.
I have read only two books, and it's a long way!