unlike postgres where tons of third party drivers are waiting for being chosen, for mysql, there are only a few choices and mysqldb is the best at the moment (yep, there are many pure python drivers for mysql, unfortunately, there are all in beta status).
mysql-python doesn't have an offical binary for python 2.6 & mysql 5.5 so i have to build one for myself.
1: get a copy of mysql-python and uncompress it.
2: open setup_windows.py and commet two sentences:
#serverKey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, options['registry_key'])
#mysql_root, dummy = _winreg.QueryValueEx(serverKey,'Location')
now assign a new value for mysql_root...
here my root is mysql_root = r"D:\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5"
3: find out library_dirs = [ os.path.join(mysql_root, r'lib\opt') ] and change it to
library_dirs = [ os.path.join(mysql_root, r'lib') ]
after step two and three, save setup_windows.py
4: open _mysql.c comment find the following part:
#if defined(MS_WINDOWS)
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <config-win.h>
#include "my_config.h"
wipe #include <config-win.h> and #else out. use #include "my_config.h" directly, like:
#if defined(MS_WINDOWS)
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "my_config.h"
save _mysql.c
5: python setup.py install... after that we may run some tests...all tests are passed on my machine...
tested envrionment:
windows 7 64 bit...
vs2008, python 2.6.6
Note: occasionally, when doing python setup.py install we may see generate _mysql.pyd.manifest error, use
python setup.py clean, python setup.py bdist instead.