
4.2.2 显式指针转换

  将一个指针转换为另一个指针类型,必须使用一个显示转换,一些情景下,编译器会提供隐式的转换,这些描述在本章后面的部分,指针也可以显式地转换为整型,反之亦然。 对象指针


    float  f_var = 1.5F;
    long *l_ptr = (long *)&f_var;     // Initialize a pointer to long with
                                      // the address of f_var.
    double *d_ptr = (double *)l_ptr;  // Initialize a pointer to double with
                                      // the same address.
    // On a system where sizeof(float) equals sizeof(long):
    printf( "The %d bytes that represent %f, in hexadecimal: 0x%lX/n",
            sizeof(f_var), f_var, *l_ptr );
    // Using a converted pointer in an assignment can cause trouble:
    /*  *d_ptr = 2.5;  */   // Don't try this! f_var's location doesn't
                            // have space for a double value!
    *(float *)d_ptr = 2.5;  // OK: stores a float value in that location.


  如果将对象指针转换为字符类型(char, signed char unsigned char), 结果将为此对象首字节的指针,首字节被认为是二进制的低地址,不管系统的字节顺序,下例使用此特性打印一个结构体变量的十六进制值。

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct Data {
                  short id;
                  double val;
    struct Data myData = { 0x123, 77.7 };          // Initialize a structure.
    unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *)&myData;  // Pointer to the first
                                                   // byte of the structure.
    printf( "%p: ", cp );                          // Print the starting
                                                   // address.
    for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(myData); ++i )     // Print each byte of the
      printf( "%02X ", *(cp + i) );                // structure, in hexadecimal.
    putchar( '/n' );


  0xbffffd70: 23 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CC CC CC CC 6C 53 40

结果的前两个字节为23 01,表示此代码是在一个小端的系统上执行的,在myData结构中字节最低位地址为shoart类型的变量id 函数指针


    #include <math.h>                   // Declares sqrt( ) and pow( ).
    typedef double (func_t)(double);    // Define a type named func_t.
    func_t *pFunc = sqrt;               // A pointer to func_t, initialized with
                                        // the address of sqrt( ).
    double y = pFunc( 2.0 );            // A correct function call by pointer.
    printf( "The square root of 2 is %f./n", y );
    pFunc = (func_t *)pow;              // Change the pointer's value to the
                                        // address of pow( ).
    /*  y = pFunc( 2.0 );  */           // Don't try this: pow( ) takes two
                                        // arguments.

