两两反转单向链表 (reverse a singly linked list in pair ) [#22]


A -> B -> C ->D -> E -> F ->G -> H -> I  两两反转后变为 B -> A -> D ->C -> F -> E ->H -> G -> I


我们需要两个“指针”指着当前要反转的两个值。两两反转后,我们还需要记录下一个的值,换句话说,我们反转 A 和 B 后, 需要记录 C 值,我们才能够不断向下走,直到到达链表末端,所以,我们还需要另一个指向下一个值的“指针”。

反转以后,A的下一个是C, 但是,实际上,A的下一个应该是D,所以,每次反转时,我们需要更新前一个值的下一个值,也就是说把 A -> C 改成 A -> D。



class Node {
	char value;
	Node next;	

public static Node reverseInPair(Node current) {
	if (current == null || current.next == null) return current;
	Node head = current.next;//save the head of the list
	Node previousNode = null;
	while(current != null && current.next != null) {
		//get the current node's next and "nextnext" node
		Node nextNode = current.next;
		Node nextNextNode = nextNode.next;
		//exchange the "next" node
		nextNode.next = current;
		current.next = nextNextNode;
		//update the "next" value of the previous node 
		if (previousNode != null) {
			previousNode.next = nextNode;
		previousNode = current;
		current = nextNextNode;
	return head;

转载请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/beiyeqingteng/
