UVA 12304 2D Geometry 110 in 1! 【几何基础知识题】【敲个两三百行也没啥是吧?咱们都是纯爷们儿】
上海比赛的时候模板确实用上了- -不过还是没出题。太悲剧了。自己还是太弱了啊- -。
point class && line class && circle class
Many things about circle and so on
#include < iostream >
#include < cstdio >
#include < algorithm >
#include < cstring >
#include < cmath >
using namespace std;
#define maxn 1005
#define sqr(x) ((x) * (x))
int n;
const double eps = 1e - 8 ;
const double pi = acos( - 1.0 );
int sgn( double x)
return fabs(x) < eps ? 0 : x < - eps ? - 1 : 1 ;
struct point
double x,y;
point( double a, double b):x(a),y(b){}
point operator - (point p){ return point(x - p.x,y - p.y);}
point operator + (point p){ return point(x + p.x,y + p.y);}
double norm(){ return sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(y));}
double norm2(){ return sqr(x) + sqr(y);}
double operator * (point p){ return x * p.x + y * p.y;}
point operator * ( double a){ return point(x * a,y * a);}
double operator ^ (point p){ return x * p.y - y * p.x;}
bool operator == (point p){ return sgn(x - p.x) == 0 && sgn(y - p.y) == 0 ;}
bool operator < ( const point & p){ return sgn(x - p.x) < 0 || (sgn(x - p.x) == 0 && sgn(y - p.y) < 0 );}
point rev(){ return point( - x, - y);}
point ver(){ return point(y, - x);}
point unit(){ return point(x / norm(),y / norm());}
point rotate( double theta) // the rotate function for vector to rotate
{ // in counter-clockwise direction
return point(x * cos(theta) - y * sin(theta),x * sin(theta) + y * cos(theta));
struct line
point p,k;
// MIND THIS!!!!!
line(point a,point b):p(a),k(b){} // a is the fixed point,k is the directed vector
line rotate( double theta){line l;l.p = p;l.k = k.rotate(theta); return l;}
bool on(point q){ return sgn((q - p) ^ k) == 0 ;}
// move the line acording to the parpendicular-direction with offset distance
line move( double offset) // to which direction??
{ // every time we use this,we can try the bi-direction
point vec = k.ver();
vec = vec.unit() * offset;
point q = p + vec;
return line(q,k);
// distance from a point to a line
double dis(point q)
point a = p,b = a + k;
return fabs((a - q) ^ (b - q)) / k.norm();
// cast the point to the line and find the pedal
by construct the line through the 'q' parallel to the origin line
calc the lq.p 's vector to 'q'
add it onto the origin line's p
point cast(point q) // something wrong
double d = line(p,k).dis(q);
line lq = line(p,k).move(d);
point vec;
if ( ! lq.on(q))
lq = line(p,k).move( - d);
vec = q - lq.p;
return p + vec;
// calc the symmetrical point of the given one againt the given line
point sym(point q)
point c = line(p,k).cast(q);
point vec = c - q;
return c + vec;
// copied from some big cow
// by vector product and "division point"
int cross(line q,point & ans)
point a = p,b = p + k,c = q.p,d = q.p + q.k;
ans = d;
double rate = ((b - a) ^ (a - d)) / ((b - a) ^ (c - d));
ans = ans + ((c - d) * rate);
struct circle
point o;
double r;
circle(point _o, double _r):o(_o),r(_r){}
// by two points to calc the minimum circle
circle(point a,point b)
o = (a + b) * 0.5 ;
r = (a - o).norm();
// give three points (not on the same line)to calc the decided circle
circle(point a,point b,point c)
point m1 = (a + b) * 0.5 ,m2 = (b + c) * 0.5 ;
line l1 = line(m1,(b - a).ver()),l2 = line(m2,(c - b).ver());
r = (a - o).norm();
// judge a point in or on the circle or not
bool in (point x)
return sgn((x - o).norm() - r) <= 0 ;
// judge a point on the circular of the circle or not
bool inandon(point x)
return sgn((x - o).norm() - r) == 0 ;
// give a point and a cirlce,calc the two tangent line (just angles)
// by rotation ::mode 1
// if the point p is on the circular of the circle
// just output one tangentline ::mode 2
void tangentline(point p, double & th1, double & th2, int mode)
double alpha = atan2(o.y - p.y,o.x - p.x);
if (mode == 1 )
th1 = alpha + pi * 0.5 ;
if (sgn(th1 - pi) >= 0 )
th1 -= pi;
else if (sgn(th1) < 0 )
th1 += pi;
th1 = th1 / pi * 180.0 ;
// circle center and point p 's connected line 's angle
double theta = asin(r / (p - o).norm());
th1 = alpha + theta;
while (sgn(th1 - pi) >= 0 )
th1 -= pi;
while (sgn(th1) < 0 )
th1 += pi;
th2 = alpha - theta;
while (sgn(th2 - pi) >= 0 )
th2 -= pi;
while (sgn(th2) < 0 )
th2 += pi;
th1 = th1 / pi * 180.0 ;
th2 = th2 / pi * 180.0 ;
// copied from some big cow
// to calculate the insribed circle of a triangle
circle inscribed(point a,point b,point c)
point a1 = a + (b - a).unit() + (c - a).unit(),b1 = b + (a - b).unit() + (c - b).unit();
point ans;
line(a,a1 - a).cross(line(b,b1 - b),ans);
double r = line(a,b - a).dis(ans);
return circle(ans,r);
int onelineonepoint(point p,line l, double r,circle & a,circle & b)
double d = l.dis(p);
if (sgn(d - 2.0 * r) > 0 )
return 0 ;
else if (sgn(d - 2.0 * r) == 0 )
point c = l.cast(p);
a = circle((c + p) * 0.5 ,r);
return 1 ;
else if (sgn(d - 2.0 * r) < 0 && sgn(d) > 0 )
double det,theta;
det = d - r;
theta = acos(det / r);
point c = l.cast(p);
point to = c - p;
to = to.unit() * r;
point vec1 = to.rotate(theta),vec2 = to.rotate( - theta);
a = circle(p + vec1,r);
b = circle(p + vec2,r);
return 2 ;
else if (sgn(d) == 0 ) // the point is on the line
point per = l.k.ver();
per = per.unit() * r;
a = circle(p + per,r);
b = circle(p + per.rev(),r);
return 2 ;
// use two cross lines and one radius to calc four circles
// circle - answer array
circle four[ 10 ];
// use the center of circle to compare circles
bool cmpcircle(circle a,circle b)
return a.o < b.o;
void twolineoneradius(line a,line b, double r)
line A[ 2 ],B[ 2 ];
A[ 0 ] = a.move(r),A[ 1 ] = a.move( - r);
B[ 0 ] = b.move(r),B[ 1 ] = b.move( - r);
int cnt = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 2 ;i ++ )
for ( int j = 0 ;j < 2 ;j ++ )
point temp;
four[cnt ++ ] = circle(temp,r);
// use two disjoint circle to calc one or two new circles tangent to them with given 'r'
// not in the middle line !!!!
int twocircle(circle a,circle b, double r,circle & c,circle & d)
point dir = (b.o - a.o);
double dis = dir.norm();
double len = dis - a.r - b.r;
double ra = r + a.r,rb = r + b.r;
if (sgn(len - 2.0 * r) > 0 )
return 0 ;
else if (sgn(len - 2.0 * r) == 0 )
point to = dir * (ra / (ra + rb));
c = circle(a.o + to,r);
return 1 ;
// r1^2 - l1^2 = r2^2 - l2^2
// l1 + l2 = l
// wtf
double tempto = (sqr(ra) - sqr(rb) + sqr(dis)) / ( 2.0 * dis);
point to = dir * (tempto / dis);
point temp = (a.o + to);
point per = to.ver();
double rate = sqrt(sqr(ra) - to.norm2()) / per.norm();
per = per * rate;
point per2 = per.rev();
c = circle(temp + per,r);
d = circle(temp + per2,r);
return 2 ;
// we judge three points on the same line or not
bool oneline(point a,point b,point c){ return sgn((a - b) ^ (a - c)) == 0 ;}
char opt[ 1000 ];
char type[][ 1000 ] = { " CircumscribedCircle " , " InscribedCircle " , " TangentLineThroughPoint " , " CircleThroughAPointAndTangentToALineWithRadius " , " CircleTangentToTwoLinesWithRadius " , " CircleTangentToTwoDisjointCirclesWithRadius " };
int main()
while (scanf( " %s " ,opt) == 1 )
int mark = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 6 ;i ++ )
if (strcmp(opt,type[i]) == 0 )
mark = i;
break ;
if (mark == 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
double x,y;
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
circle ans = circle(p[ 0 ],p[ 1 ],p[ 2 ]);
printf( " (%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf)\n " ,ans.o.x + 1e - 10 ,ans.o.y + 1e - 10 ,ans.r + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 1 )
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
double x,y;
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
circle ans = inscribed(p[ 0 ],p[ 1 ],p[ 2 ]);
printf( " (%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf)\n " ,ans.o.x + 1e - 10 ,ans.o.y + 1e - 10 ,ans.r + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 2 )
double x,y,r;
scanf( " %lf %lf %lf " , & x, & y, & r);
circle o = circle(point(x,y),r);
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
double t1,t2;
point p = point(x,y);
if (o. in (p))
if (o.inandon(p))
o.tangentline(p,t1,t2, 1 );
printf( " [%.6lf]\n " ,t1 + 1e - 10 );
puts( " [] " );
o.tangentline(p,t1,t2, 2 );
if (sgn(t1 - t2) > 0 )
printf( " [%.6lf,%.6lf]\n " ,t1 + 1e - 10 ,t2 + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 3 )
double x,y;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
double r;
scanf( " %lf " , & r);
circle a,b;
int mod = onelineonepoint(p[ 0 ],line(p[ 1 ],p[ 2 ] - p[ 1 ]),r,a,b);
if (mod == 0 )
puts( " [] " );
else if (mod == 1 )
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,a.o.x + 1e - 10 ,a.o.y + 1e - 10 );
if (b.o < a.o)
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf),(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,a.o.x + 1e - 10 ,a.o.y + 1e - 10 ,b.o.x + 1e - 10 ,b.o.y + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 4 )
double x,y,r;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 4 ;i ++ )
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
scanf( " %lf " , & r);
twolineoneradius(line(p[ 0 ],p[ 1 ] - p[ 0 ]),line(p[ 2 ],p[ 3 ] - p[ 2 ]),r);
sort(four + 1 ,four + 5 ,cmpcircle);
putchar( ' [ ' );
for ( int i = 1 ;i <= 4 ;i ++ )
printf( " (%.6lf,%.6lf)%c " ,four[i].o.x + 1e - 10 ,four[i].o.y + 1e - 10 ,i == 4 ? ' ] ' : ' , ' );
puts( "" );
else if (mark == 5 )
double x,y,r;
scanf( " %lf %lf %lf " , & x, & y, & r);
circle a(point(x,y),r);
scanf( " %lf %lf %lf " , & x, & y, & r);
circle b(point(x,y),r);
scanf( " %lf " , & r);
circle c,d;
int mod = twocircle(a,b,r,c,d);
if (mod == 0 )
puts( " [] " );
else if (mod == 1 )
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,c.o.x + 1e - 10 ,c.o.y + 1e - 10 );
if (d.o < c.o)
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf),(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,c.o.x + 1e - 10 ,c.o.y + 1e - 10 ,d.o.x + 1e - 10 ,d.o.y + 1e - 10 );
point class && line class && circle class
Many things about circle and so on
#include < iostream >
#include < cstdio >
#include < algorithm >
#include < cstring >
#include < cmath >
using namespace std;
#define maxn 1005
#define sqr(x) ((x) * (x))
int n;
const double eps = 1e - 8 ;
const double pi = acos( - 1.0 );
int sgn( double x)
return fabs(x) < eps ? 0 : x < - eps ? - 1 : 1 ;
struct point
double x,y;
point( double a, double b):x(a),y(b){}
point operator - (point p){ return point(x - p.x,y - p.y);}
point operator + (point p){ return point(x + p.x,y + p.y);}
double norm(){ return sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(y));}
double norm2(){ return sqr(x) + sqr(y);}
double operator * (point p){ return x * p.x + y * p.y;}
point operator * ( double a){ return point(x * a,y * a);}
double operator ^ (point p){ return x * p.y - y * p.x;}
bool operator == (point p){ return sgn(x - p.x) == 0 && sgn(y - p.y) == 0 ;}
bool operator < ( const point & p){ return sgn(x - p.x) < 0 || (sgn(x - p.x) == 0 && sgn(y - p.y) < 0 );}
point rev(){ return point( - x, - y);}
point ver(){ return point(y, - x);}
point unit(){ return point(x / norm(),y / norm());}
point rotate( double theta) // the rotate function for vector to rotate
{ // in counter-clockwise direction
return point(x * cos(theta) - y * sin(theta),x * sin(theta) + y * cos(theta));
struct line
point p,k;
// MIND THIS!!!!!
line(point a,point b):p(a),k(b){} // a is the fixed point,k is the directed vector
line rotate( double theta){line l;l.p = p;l.k = k.rotate(theta); return l;}
bool on(point q){ return sgn((q - p) ^ k) == 0 ;}
// move the line acording to the parpendicular-direction with offset distance
line move( double offset) // to which direction??
{ // every time we use this,we can try the bi-direction
point vec = k.ver();
vec = vec.unit() * offset;
point q = p + vec;
return line(q,k);
// distance from a point to a line
double dis(point q)
point a = p,b = a + k;
return fabs((a - q) ^ (b - q)) / k.norm();
// cast the point to the line and find the pedal
by construct the line through the 'q' parallel to the origin line
calc the lq.p 's vector to 'q'
add it onto the origin line's p
point cast(point q) // something wrong
double d = line(p,k).dis(q);
line lq = line(p,k).move(d);
point vec;
if ( ! lq.on(q))
lq = line(p,k).move( - d);
vec = q - lq.p;
return p + vec;
// calc the symmetrical point of the given one againt the given line
point sym(point q)
point c = line(p,k).cast(q);
point vec = c - q;
return c + vec;
// copied from some big cow
// by vector product and "division point"
int cross(line q,point & ans)
point a = p,b = p + k,c = q.p,d = q.p + q.k;
ans = d;
double rate = ((b - a) ^ (a - d)) / ((b - a) ^ (c - d));
ans = ans + ((c - d) * rate);
struct circle
point o;
double r;
circle(point _o, double _r):o(_o),r(_r){}
// by two points to calc the minimum circle
circle(point a,point b)
o = (a + b) * 0.5 ;
r = (a - o).norm();
// give three points (not on the same line)to calc the decided circle
circle(point a,point b,point c)
point m1 = (a + b) * 0.5 ,m2 = (b + c) * 0.5 ;
line l1 = line(m1,(b - a).ver()),l2 = line(m2,(c - b).ver());
r = (a - o).norm();
// judge a point in or on the circle or not
bool in (point x)
return sgn((x - o).norm() - r) <= 0 ;
// judge a point on the circular of the circle or not
bool inandon(point x)
return sgn((x - o).norm() - r) == 0 ;
// give a point and a cirlce,calc the two tangent line (just angles)
// by rotation ::mode 1
// if the point p is on the circular of the circle
// just output one tangentline ::mode 2
void tangentline(point p, double & th1, double & th2, int mode)
double alpha = atan2(o.y - p.y,o.x - p.x);
if (mode == 1 )
th1 = alpha + pi * 0.5 ;
if (sgn(th1 - pi) >= 0 )
th1 -= pi;
else if (sgn(th1) < 0 )
th1 += pi;
th1 = th1 / pi * 180.0 ;
// circle center and point p 's connected line 's angle
double theta = asin(r / (p - o).norm());
th1 = alpha + theta;
while (sgn(th1 - pi) >= 0 )
th1 -= pi;
while (sgn(th1) < 0 )
th1 += pi;
th2 = alpha - theta;
while (sgn(th2 - pi) >= 0 )
th2 -= pi;
while (sgn(th2) < 0 )
th2 += pi;
th1 = th1 / pi * 180.0 ;
th2 = th2 / pi * 180.0 ;
// copied from some big cow
// to calculate the insribed circle of a triangle
circle inscribed(point a,point b,point c)
point a1 = a + (b - a).unit() + (c - a).unit(),b1 = b + (a - b).unit() + (c - b).unit();
point ans;
line(a,a1 - a).cross(line(b,b1 - b),ans);
double r = line(a,b - a).dis(ans);
return circle(ans,r);
int onelineonepoint(point p,line l, double r,circle & a,circle & b)
double d = l.dis(p);
if (sgn(d - 2.0 * r) > 0 )
return 0 ;
else if (sgn(d - 2.0 * r) == 0 )
point c = l.cast(p);
a = circle((c + p) * 0.5 ,r);
return 1 ;
else if (sgn(d - 2.0 * r) < 0 && sgn(d) > 0 )
double det,theta;
det = d - r;
theta = acos(det / r);
point c = l.cast(p);
point to = c - p;
to = to.unit() * r;
point vec1 = to.rotate(theta),vec2 = to.rotate( - theta);
a = circle(p + vec1,r);
b = circle(p + vec2,r);
return 2 ;
else if (sgn(d) == 0 ) // the point is on the line
point per = l.k.ver();
per = per.unit() * r;
a = circle(p + per,r);
b = circle(p + per.rev(),r);
return 2 ;
// use two cross lines and one radius to calc four circles
// circle - answer array
circle four[ 10 ];
// use the center of circle to compare circles
bool cmpcircle(circle a,circle b)
return a.o < b.o;
void twolineoneradius(line a,line b, double r)
line A[ 2 ],B[ 2 ];
A[ 0 ] = a.move(r),A[ 1 ] = a.move( - r);
B[ 0 ] = b.move(r),B[ 1 ] = b.move( - r);
int cnt = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 2 ;i ++ )
for ( int j = 0 ;j < 2 ;j ++ )
point temp;
four[cnt ++ ] = circle(temp,r);
// use two disjoint circle to calc one or two new circles tangent to them with given 'r'
// not in the middle line !!!!
int twocircle(circle a,circle b, double r,circle & c,circle & d)
point dir = (b.o - a.o);
double dis = dir.norm();
double len = dis - a.r - b.r;
double ra = r + a.r,rb = r + b.r;
if (sgn(len - 2.0 * r) > 0 )
return 0 ;
else if (sgn(len - 2.0 * r) == 0 )
point to = dir * (ra / (ra + rb));
c = circle(a.o + to,r);
return 1 ;
// r1^2 - l1^2 = r2^2 - l2^2
// l1 + l2 = l
// wtf
double tempto = (sqr(ra) - sqr(rb) + sqr(dis)) / ( 2.0 * dis);
point to = dir * (tempto / dis);
point temp = (a.o + to);
point per = to.ver();
double rate = sqrt(sqr(ra) - to.norm2()) / per.norm();
per = per * rate;
point per2 = per.rev();
c = circle(temp + per,r);
d = circle(temp + per2,r);
return 2 ;
// we judge three points on the same line or not
bool oneline(point a,point b,point c){ return sgn((a - b) ^ (a - c)) == 0 ;}
char opt[ 1000 ];
char type[][ 1000 ] = { " CircumscribedCircle " , " InscribedCircle " , " TangentLineThroughPoint " , " CircleThroughAPointAndTangentToALineWithRadius " , " CircleTangentToTwoLinesWithRadius " , " CircleTangentToTwoDisjointCirclesWithRadius " };
int main()
while (scanf( " %s " ,opt) == 1 )
int mark = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 6 ;i ++ )
if (strcmp(opt,type[i]) == 0 )
mark = i;
break ;
if (mark == 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
double x,y;
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
circle ans = circle(p[ 0 ],p[ 1 ],p[ 2 ]);
printf( " (%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf)\n " ,ans.o.x + 1e - 10 ,ans.o.y + 1e - 10 ,ans.r + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 1 )
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
double x,y;
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
circle ans = inscribed(p[ 0 ],p[ 1 ],p[ 2 ]);
printf( " (%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf)\n " ,ans.o.x + 1e - 10 ,ans.o.y + 1e - 10 ,ans.r + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 2 )
double x,y,r;
scanf( " %lf %lf %lf " , & x, & y, & r);
circle o = circle(point(x,y),r);
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
double t1,t2;
point p = point(x,y);
if (o. in (p))
if (o.inandon(p))
o.tangentline(p,t1,t2, 1 );
printf( " [%.6lf]\n " ,t1 + 1e - 10 );
puts( " [] " );
o.tangentline(p,t1,t2, 2 );
if (sgn(t1 - t2) > 0 )
printf( " [%.6lf,%.6lf]\n " ,t1 + 1e - 10 ,t2 + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 3 )
double x,y;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
double r;
scanf( " %lf " , & r);
circle a,b;
int mod = onelineonepoint(p[ 0 ],line(p[ 1 ],p[ 2 ] - p[ 1 ]),r,a,b);
if (mod == 0 )
puts( " [] " );
else if (mod == 1 )
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,a.o.x + 1e - 10 ,a.o.y + 1e - 10 );
if (b.o < a.o)
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf),(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,a.o.x + 1e - 10 ,a.o.y + 1e - 10 ,b.o.x + 1e - 10 ,b.o.y + 1e - 10 );
else if (mark == 4 )
double x,y,r;
for ( int i = 0 ;i < 4 ;i ++ )
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
scanf( " %lf " , & r);
twolineoneradius(line(p[ 0 ],p[ 1 ] - p[ 0 ]),line(p[ 2 ],p[ 3 ] - p[ 2 ]),r);
sort(four + 1 ,four + 5 ,cmpcircle);
putchar( ' [ ' );
for ( int i = 1 ;i <= 4 ;i ++ )
printf( " (%.6lf,%.6lf)%c " ,four[i].o.x + 1e - 10 ,four[i].o.y + 1e - 10 ,i == 4 ? ' ] ' : ' , ' );
puts( "" );
else if (mark == 5 )
double x,y,r;
scanf( " %lf %lf %lf " , & x, & y, & r);
circle a(point(x,y),r);
scanf( " %lf %lf %lf " , & x, & y, & r);
circle b(point(x,y),r);
scanf( " %lf " , & r);
circle c,d;
int mod = twocircle(a,b,r,c,d);
if (mod == 0 )
puts( " [] " );
else if (mod == 1 )
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,c.o.x + 1e - 10 ,c.o.y + 1e - 10 );
if (d.o < c.o)
printf( " [(%.6lf,%.6lf),(%.6lf,%.6lf)]\n " ,c.o.x + 1e - 10 ,c.o.y + 1e - 10 ,d.o.x + 1e - 10 ,d.o.y + 1e - 10 );