避免读管道时的无限阻塞 (.Net 的Processl类的StandardOutput流的可读状态监测)

避免读管道时的无限阻塞 (.Net 的Processl类的StandardOutput流的可读状态监测)

因为QTP的需要,同事写了通过进程来调用Plink进行Telnet连接的接口。我测试的时候发现,他那个调用.Net 里面的Process进程的方法,通过重定向获取标准输出流的办法有点不好,就是调用了流动Read()函数之后,就会一直阻塞在那里,知道流中有数据才能正确返回,而peek函数又不能正确的监测到流中是否有数据可以读。我先去翻翻了MSDN中那个StreamReader类的办法,好像确实没有办法,反倒是在Process的StandardOutput属性的说明那里,明显写着,如果标准输出里面没有数据的话,read函数就会无限时的阻塞在那里知道有数据可以读才行,然后他还提到了一些导致死锁的问题。

我去写了个简单的.Net程序来测试了一下,可以知道那个StreamReader是一个FileStream来的,而且那个CanTimeout等属性都表明不是一个可以异步读取的流。难道真没有办法监测到这个流中是否有数据可读的状态吗? 根据常识知道,这个流应该是“匿名管道”来的,去找了一下MSDN中关于管道的api函数,还真让我找到了一个,那就是PeekNamedPipe http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365779(VS.85).aspx。


The PeekNamedPipe function is similar to the ReadFile function with the following exceptions:

  • The data is read in the mode specified with CreateNamedPipe. For example, create a pipe with PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE. If you change the mode to PIPE_READMODE_BYTE with SetNamedPipeHandleStateReadFile will read in byte mode, but PeekNamedPipe will continue to read in message mode.
  • The data read from the pipe is not removed from the pipe's buffer.
  • The function can return additional information about the contents of the pipe.
  • The function always returns immediately in a single-threaded application, even if there is no data in the pipe. The wait mode of a named pipe handle (blocking or nonblocking) has no effect on the function.

Note   The PeekNamedPipe function can block thread execution the same way any I/O function can when called on a synchronous handle in a multi-threaded application. To avoid this condition, use a pipe handle created for asynchronous I/O.

If the specified handle is a named pipe handle in byte-read mode, the function reads all available bytes up to the size specified in nBufferSize. For a named pipe handle in message-read mode, the function reads the next message in the pipe. If the message is larger than nBufferSize, the function returns TRUE after reading the specified number of bytes. In this situation, lpBytesLeftThisMessage will receive the number of bytes remaining in the message.


Imports  System.Diagnostics.Process
Public   Class  Form1
Declare   Function  SetNamedPipeHandleState  Lib   " kernel32 "  ( ByVal  hNamedPipe  As   Integer ByRef  lpMode  As   Integer ByRef  lpMaxCollectionCount  As   Integer ByRef  lpCollectDataTimeout  As   Integer As   Integer
Declare   Function  PeekNamedPipe  Lib   " kernel32 "  ( ByVal  hNamedPipe  As   Integer ByRef  lpBuffer  As   Integer ByVal  nBufferSize  As   Integer ByRef  lpBytesRead  As   Integer ByRef  lpTotalBytesAvail  As   Integer ByRef  lpBytesLeftThisMessage  As   Integer As   Integer
Private   Sub  Button1_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  Button1.Click
Dim  p  As  Process  =   New  Process
=   " c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe "
=   True
=   True
=   False
" hostname " )
Dim  f  As  System.IO.FileStream  =  p.StandardOutput.BaseStream

Dim  mode  As   Integer
=   1   '  no-wait
         Dim  count  As   Integer
' 修改这个命名管道为 异步的,是不能成功的
         ' 'mode = SetNamedPipeHandleState(f.Handle, mode, System.IntPtr.Zero, System.IntPtr.Zero)
         ' 不过这个PeekNamePipe 函数是可以得到 管道里面有多少字节可以读到,执行完之后count里面是对的,可以读取的数据
        mode  =  PeekNamedPipe(f.Handle, System.IntPtr.Zero,  0 , System.IntPtr.Zero, count, System.IntPtr.Zero)
While  p.StandardOutput.Peek  >   0
End   While
' 在这个地方的时候就不能再read了,read就无限阻塞直到有数据来才能返回了。
        mode  =  p.StandardOutput.Peek()  ' 这个时候的peek返回 -1是对的
        mode  =  PeekNamedPipe(f.Handle, System.IntPtr.Zero,  0 , System.IntPtr.Zero, count, System.IntPtr.Zero)  ' 这个count得到0 是对的,管道里面没有消息的了
        p.StandardInput.WriteLine( " hostname " )
=  p.StandardOutput.Peek()  ' 这个还是返回 -1是不对的,
        mode  =  PeekNamedPipe(f.Handle, System.IntPtr.Zero,  0 , System.IntPtr.Zero, count, System.IntPtr.Zero)  ' 这个返回正确的count,表明管道里面有数据是对的
' peek函数一定要在read成功调用过一次之后才能正确的得到管道的状态。但Read一次又可能引起无限时间的阻塞!!!!所以只有PeekNamedPipe才能正确的无阻塞的检测到管道的数据
     End Sub
End Class

总结一下 :感觉。Net对这个“命名管道“”匿名管道“的支持明显不够,API中都有监测到管道是否有数据可以读到函数。.Net里面却连管道对应的类都没有实现,所以相应的这种阻塞情况就也没法处理了。可能这部分的封装有待完善吧。


public   bool  Start()
this .Close();
    ProcessStartInfo startInfo 
=   this .StartInfo;
if  (startInfo.FileName.Length  ==   0 )
throw   new  InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString( " FileNameMissing " ));
if  (startInfo.UseShellExecute)
return   this .StartWithShellExecuteEx(startInfo);
return   this .StartWithCreateProcess(startInfo);

private   bool  StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
if  ((startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding  !=   null &&   ! startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput)
throw   new  InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString( " StandardOutputEncodingNotAllowed " ));
if  ((startInfo.StandardErrorEncoding  !=   null &&   ! startInfo.RedirectStandardError)
throw   new  InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString( " StandardErrorEncodingNotAllowed " ));
if  ( this .disposed)
throw   new  ObjectDisposedException( base .GetType().Name);
    StringBuilder cmdLine 
=  BuildCommandLine(startInfo.FileName, startInfo.Arguments);
    NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo 
=   new  NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO();
    SafeNativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation 
=   new  SafeNativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION();
    SafeProcessHandle processHandle 
=   new  SafeProcessHandle();
    SafeThreadHandle handle2 
=   new  SafeThreadHandle();
int  error  =   0 ;
    SafeFileHandle parentHandle 
=   null ;
    SafeFileHandle handle4 
=   null ;
    SafeFileHandle handle5 
=   null ;
    GCHandle handle6 
=   new  GCHandle();
bool  flag;
if  ((startInfo.RedirectStandardInput  ||  startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput)  ||  startInfo.RedirectStandardError)
if  (startInfo.RedirectStandardInput)
this .CreatePipe( out  parentHandle,  out  lpStartupInfo.hStdInput,  true );
=   new  SafeFileHandle(NativeMethods.GetStdHandle( - 10 ),  false );
if  (startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput)
this .CreatePipe( out  handle4,  out  lpStartupInfo.hStdOutput,  false );
=   new  SafeFileHandle(NativeMethods.GetStdHandle( - 11 ),  false );


   if (startInfo.RedirectStandardInput)

         this.standardInput =  new StreamWriter( new FileStream(parentHandle, FileAccess.Write, 0x1000,  false), Encoding.GetEncoding(NativeMethods.GetConsoleCP()), 0x1000);
         this.standardInput.AutoFlush =  true;
     if (startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput)
        Encoding encoding = (startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding !=  null) ? startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding : Encoding.GetEncoding(NativeMethods.GetConsoleOutputCP());
         this.standardOutput =  new StreamReader( new FileStream(handle4, FileAccess.Read, 0x1000,  false), encoding,  true, 0x1000);
     if (startInfo.RedirectStandardError)
        Encoding encoding2 = (startInfo.StandardErrorEncoding !=  null) ? startInfo.StandardErrorEncoding : Encoding.GetEncoding(NativeMethods.GetConsoleOutputCP());
         this.standardError =  new StreamReader( new FileStream(handle5, FileAccess.Read, 0x1000,  false), encoding2,  true, 0x1000);
     bool flag3 =  false;
     if (!processHandle.IsInvalid)
        flag3 =  true;
     return flag3;

private  void CreatePipe( out SafeFileHandle parentHandle,  out SafeFileHandle childHandle,  bool parentInputs)
    NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes =  new NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    lpPipeAttributes.bInheritHandle =  true;
    SafeFileHandle hWritePipe =  null;
         if (parentInputs)
            CreatePipeWithSecurityAttributes( out childHandle,  out hWritePipe, lpPipeAttributes, 0);
            CreatePipeWithSecurityAttributes( out hWritePipe,  out childHandle, lpPipeAttributes, 0);
         if (!NativeMethods.DuplicateHandle( new HandleRef( this, NativeMethods.GetCurrentProcess()), hWritePipe,  new HandleRef( this, NativeMethods.GetCurrentProcess()),  out parentHandle, 0,  false, 2))
             throw  new Win32Exception();
         if ((hWritePipe !=  null) && !hWritePipe.IsInvalid)

private  static  void CreatePipeWithSecurityAttributes( out SafeFileHandle hReadPipe,  out SafeFileHandle hWritePipe, NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes,  int nSize)
     if ((!NativeMethods.CreatePipe( out hReadPipe,  out hWritePipe, lpPipeAttributes, nSize) || hReadPipe.IsInvalid) || hWritePipe.IsInvalid)
         throw  new Win32Exception();

public  override  int Peek()
     if ( this.stream ==  null)
     if (( this.charPos !=  this.charLen) || (! this._isBlocked && ( this.ReadBuffer() != 0)))
         return  this.charBuffer[ this.charPos];
     return -1;
转自: http://hi.baidu.com/widebright/item/f58e2516a6bb41dcbf9042a4

你可能感兴趣的:(避免读管道时的无限阻塞 (.Net 的Processl类的StandardOutput流的可读状态监测))