1、Modeling is an abstracting activity motivated by a particular need or goal. We model in order to bring specific facets of an unruly domain into a space where they can be structured and manipulated.
2、Graph representations are no different in this respect. What perhaps differentiates them from many other data modeling techniques, however, is the close affinity between the logical and physical graph models.
3、 In other words, to make relational stores perform well enough for regular application needs, we have to abandon any vestiges of true domain affinity and accept that we have to change the user’s data model to suit the database engine not the user. This technique is given the name denormalization.
4、The technical mechanism through which we evolve a database is known as migration.
5、The problem with the denormalized model is its resistance to the kind of rapid evolution the business demands of its systems.
6、Relational databases—with their rigid schemas and complex modeling characteristics—are not an especially good tool for supporting rapid change.
7、The Property Graph Model(图模型的定义),图示例如下图1:
The main abstractions in a property graph are nodes, relationships and properties.
(i) Nodes are placeholders for properties.
(ii) Relationships connect nodes.
图1:property graph 示例
8、In Neo4j the humane and expressive query language Cypher is the primary means of accessing the database.
9、Like most query languages, Cypher is composed of clauses. A reasonably simple query is made up of START, MATCH and RETURN clauses
像其他查询语言一样,Cypher由语句构成。一个合理的查询是由三个语句构成, 开始、匹配以及返回。其中“开始”定义查询开始的图节点,“匹配”定义了如何进行查询,“返回”定义了返回哪些信息。典型示例如下图2所示:
10、The other clauses we can use in a Cypher query include:
• WHERE: Provides criteria for filtering portions of a pattern.
• CREATE and CREATE UNIQUE: Creates nodes and relationships.
• DELETE: Removes nodes, relationships and properties.
• SET: Set property values.
• FOREACH: Performs an updating action for each element in a list.
• WITH: Divides a query into multiple, distinct parts.
在Cypher语言中还包含一些其他的语句,WHERE是过滤条件,作用于MATCH返回的结果上。CREATE是创建图数据库,CREATE UNIQUE是创建图数据库,如果存在重复的节点等,创建失败。DELETE是删除图中的节点、关系或者性质。SET是更新性质的值。FOREACH是对于列表中每一元素都进行更新操作。WITH是连接若干个查询语句,像linux中的管道一样。
12、By ensuring the correctness of the domain model we’re implicitly improving the graph model, since in a graph database what you sketch on the whiteboard is typically what you store in the database.
13、Modeling guidelines
• Use nodes to represent things in the domain; use relationships to represent the structural relationships between those things.
• Every entity—that is, everything with an identity—should be a separate node.
• Complex, multi-part property values—addresses, for example—should usually be pulled out into separate nodes, even though they typically don’t have their own global identity.
• Actions should be modeled in terms of their products, which should be represented as nodes. Prefer (alice)-[:WROTE]->(review)-[:OF]->(film) to (alice)-[:REVIEWED]->(film).
14、Testing the model测试图模型的两个方法:
(i)The first, and simplest, is just to check that the graph reads well.
最简单的方法就是检查这个图是否读起来比较合理或者通顺,你可以从图中的某一个结点开始进行读这个图 。
(ii)we also need to consider the queries we’ll run on the graph.
15、In the general case, don’t encode entities (nouns) into relationships. Use relationships to convey semantics about how entities are related, and the quality of those relationships, not to directly encode verbs. And remember that domain entities aren’t always clear in the way humans communicate, so think carefully about the nouns that you’re actually dealing with.
16、model naturally and in high-fidelity and trust in the graph database to do the right thing.