dxtrans.h missing in Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007)

解决办法(来自 http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/windowssdk/thread/ed097d2c-3d68-4f48-8448-277eaaf68252/

1.使用 August 2007 DirectX SDK.

2. 移除所有和dxtrans.h有关的

Remove anything to do with "dxtrans.h" and "IDXEffect" .

Say, for file "qedit.h"

//#include "dxtrans.h" -- Line 498 

// IDxtCompositor //: public IDXEffect -- Line 837
// IDxtAlphaSetter //: public IDXEffect -- Line 1151
// IDxtJpeg //: public IDXEffect -- Line 1345
// IDxtKey //: public IDXEffect -- Line 1735

你可能感兴趣的:(dxtrans.h missing in Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007))