int main(int argc, char** argv) { …… sp<ProcessState> proc(ProcessState::self()); // 获得ServiceManager的实例 sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); // Mediaserver进程承载了好几个服务 AudioFlinger::instantiate(); MediaPlayerService::instantiate(); CameraService::instantiate(); AudioPolicyService::instantiate(); registerExtensions(); // 开始循环接收消息 ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); }
void MediaPlayerService::instantiate() { defaultServiceManager()->addService( String16("media.player"), new MediaPlayerService()); }
virtual status_t addService(const String16& name, const sp<IBinder>& service, bool allowIsolated) { // Parcel可以把它当成是一个数据包类 Parcel data, reply; data.writeInterfaceToken(IServiceManager::getInterfaceDescriptor()); data.writeString16(name); data.writeStrongBinder(service); data.writeInt32(allowIsolated ? 1 : 0); // remote()返回的是mRemote,也就是BpBinder对象 status_t err = remote()->transact(ADD_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); return err == NO_ERROR ? reply.readExceptionCode() : err; }
status_t BpBinder::transact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { // Once a binder has died, it will never come back to life. if (mAlive) { status_t status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact( mHandle, code, data, reply, flags); if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) mAlive = 0; return status; } return DEAD_OBJECT; }
接着来看IPCThreadState self函数的实现:
IPCThreadState* IPCThreadState::self() { // 第一次进来为false if (gHaveTLS) { restart: const pthread_key_t k = gTLS; /* TLS是Thread Local Storage即线程本地存储空间的简称。 这种空间每个线程都有,且线程之间不共享这些空间。 通过pthread_getspecific/ pthread_setspecific函数可以获取/设置这些空间中的 内容。 显然,这里的TLS中保存了IPCThreadState的对象。 */ IPCThreadState* st = (IPCThreadState*)pthread_getspecific(k); if (st) return st; return new IPCThreadState; } if (gShutdown) return NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gTLSMutex); if (!gHaveTLS) { if (pthread_key_create(&gTLS, threadDestructor) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&gTLSMutex); return NULL; } gHaveTLS = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gTLSMutex); goto restart; }
IPCThreadState::IPCThreadState() : mProcess(ProcessState::self()), mMyThreadId(androidGetTid()), mStrictModePolicy(0), mLastTransactionBinderFlags(0) { // 在构造函数中,把自己设置到了TLS中。 pthread_setspecific(gTLS, this); clearCaller(); // mIn和mOut两个都是Parcel,可以把它看成发送和接受数据的缓冲区。 mIn.setDataCapacity(256); mOut.setDataCapacity(256); }
status_t IPCThreadState::transact(int32_t handle, uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { status_t err = data.errorCheck(); flags |= TF_ACCEPT_FDS; ……. if (err == NO_ERROR) { // BC_TRANSACTION是应用程序向底层binder设备发送消息的消息码, // 底层binder设备向应用程序回复消息则以BR_开头。 err = writeTransactionData(BC_TRANSACTION, flags, handle, code, data, NULL); } if ((flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) { if (reply) { err = waitForResponse(reply); } else { Parcel fakeReply; err = waitForResponse(&fakeReply); } } else { err = waitForResponse(NULL, NULL); } return err; }
status_t IPCThreadState::writeTransactionData(int32_t cmd, uint32_t binderFlags, int32_t handle, uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, status_t* statusBuffer) { binder_transaction_data tr; // 此处的handle标识了要发送数据的目标端,0即代表ServiceManager tr.target.handle = handle; tr.code = code; tr.flags = binderFlags; tr.cookie = 0; tr.sender_pid = 0; tr.sender_euid = 0; const status_t err = data.errorCheck(); if (err == NO_ERROR) { tr.data_size = data.ipcDataSize(); tr.data.ptr.buffer = data.ipcData(); tr.offsets_size = data.ipcObjectsCount()*sizeof(size_t); tr.data.ptr.offsets = data.ipcObjects(); } else if (statusBuffer) { tr.flags |= TF_STATUS_CODE; *statusBuffer = err; tr.data_size = sizeof(status_t); tr.data.ptr.buffer = statusBuffer; tr.offsets_size = 0; tr.data.ptr.offsets = NULL; } else { return (mLastError = err); } // 把要发送的数据写到mOut中去,而不是真正的发送 mOut.writeInt32(cmd); mOut.write(&tr, sizeof(tr)); return NO_ERROR; }这个函数并不是真正的发送数据,而是将要发送的数据写到了mOut中去,等待后面的发送操作。
status_t IPCThreadState::waitForResponse(Parcel *reply, status_t *acquireResult) { int32_t cmd; int32_t err; while (1) { /* 原来最终还是在IPCThreadState类中通过talkWithDriver与底层Binder设备建立数据通信,包括发送数据和接收数据。 */ if ((err=talkWithDriver()) < NO_ERROR) break; err = mIn.errorCheck(); if (err < NO_ERROR) break; if (mIn.dataAvail() == 0) continue; cmd = mIn.readInt32(); IF_LOG_COMMANDS() { alog << "Processing waitForResponse Command: " << getReturnString(cmd) << endl; } switch (cmd) { case BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE: if (!reply && !acquireResult) goto finish; break; …… default: err = executeCommand(cmd); if (err != NO_ERROR) goto finish; break; } } finish: if (err != NO_ERROR) { if (acquireResult) *acquireResult = err; if (reply) reply->setError(err); mLastError = err; } return err; }
status_t IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int32_t cmd) { BBinder* obj; RefBase::weakref_type* refs; status_t result = NO_ERROR; switch (cmd) { case BR_ERROR: result = mIn.readInt32(); break; …... case BR_TRANSACTION: { binder_transaction_data tr; result = mIn.read(&tr, sizeof(tr)); ALOG_ASSERT(result == NO_ERROR, "Not enough command data for brTRANSACTION"); if (result != NO_ERROR) break; Parcel buffer; buffer.ipcSetDataReference( reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(tr.data.ptr.buffer), tr.data_size, reinterpret_cast<const size_t*>(tr.data.ptr.offsets), tr.offsets_size/sizeof(size_t), freeBuffer, this); const pid_t origPid = mCallingPid; const uid_t origUid = mCallingUid; mCallingPid = tr.sender_pid; mCallingUid = tr.sender_euid; int curPrio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId); if (gDisableBackgroundScheduling) { if (curPrio > ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL) { // We have inherited a reduced priority from the caller, but do not // want to run in that state in this process. The driver set our // priority already (though not our scheduling class), so bounce // it back to the default before invoking the transaction. setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId, ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL); } } else { if (curPrio >= ANDROID_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) { // We want to use the inherited priority from the caller. // Ensure this thread is in the background scheduling class, // since the driver won't modify scheduling classes for us. // The scheduling group is reset to default by the caller // once this method returns after the transaction is complete. set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_BACKGROUND); } } //ALOGI(">>>> TRANSACT from pid %d uid %d\n", mCallingPid, mCallingUid); Parcel reply; if (tr.target.ptr) { sp<BBinder> b((BBinder*)tr.cookie); const status_t error = b->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, tr.flags); if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error); } else { const status_t error = the_context_object->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, tr.flags); if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error); } //ALOGI("<<<< TRANSACT from pid %d restore pid %d uid %d\n", // mCallingPid, origPid, origUid); if ((tr.flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) { LOG_ONEWAY("Sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid); sendReply(reply, 0); } else { LOG_ONEWAY("NOT sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid); } mCallingPid = origPid; mCallingUid = origUid; IF_LOG_TRANSACTIONS() { TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog); alog << "BC_REPLY thr " << (void*)pthread_self() << " / obj " << tr.target.ptr << ": " << indent << reply << dedent << endl; } } break; case BR_DEAD_BINDER: { BpBinder *proxy = (BpBinder*)mIn.readInt32(); proxy->sendObituary(); mOut.writeInt32(BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE); mOut.writeInt32((int32_t)proxy); } break; case BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE: { BpBinder *proxy = (BpBinder*)mIn.readInt32(); proxy->getWeakRefs()->decWeak(proxy); } break; …… case BR_SPAWN_LOOPER: mProcess->spawnPooledThread(false); break; default: printf("*** BAD COMMAND %d received from Binder driver\n", cmd); result = UNKNOWN_ERROR; break; } if (result != NO_ERROR) { mLastError = result; } return result; }
status_t IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool doReceive) { if (mProcess->mDriverFD <= 0) { return -EBADF; } binder_write_read bwr; // Is the read buffer empty? const bool needRead = mIn.dataPosition() >= mIn.dataSize(); // We don't want to write anything if we are still reading // from data left in the input buffer and the caller // has requested to read the next data. const size_t outAvail = (!doReceive || needRead) ? mOut.dataSize() : 0; bwr.write_size = outAvail; bwr.write_buffer = (long unsigned int)mOut.data(); // This is what we'll read. if (doReceive && needRead) { bwr.read_size = mIn.dataCapacity(); bwr.read_buffer = (long unsigned int)mIn.data(); } else { bwr.read_size = 0; bwr.read_buffer = 0; } // Return immediately if there is nothing to do. if ((bwr.write_size == 0) && (bwr.read_size == 0)) return NO_ERROR; bwr.write_consumed = 0; bwr.read_consumed = 0; status_t err; do { #if defined(HAVE_ANDROID_OS) if (ioctl(mProcess->mDriverFD, BINDER_WRITE_READ, &bwr) >= 0) err = NO_ERROR; else err = -errno; #else err = INVALID_OPERATION; #endif if (mProcess->mDriverFD <= 0) { err = -EBADF; } } while (err == -EINTR); if (err >= NO_ERROR) { if (bwr.write_consumed > 0) { if (bwr.write_consumed < (ssize_t)mOut.dataSize()) mOut.remove(0, bwr.write_consumed); else mOut.setDataSize(0); } if (bwr.read_consumed > 0) { mIn.setDataSize(bwr.read_consumed); mIn.setDataPosition(0); } return NO_ERROR; } return err; }
再来看Mediaserver min函数的最后两句代码:
// 开始循环接收消息 ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool();
void ProcessState::startThreadPool() { AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (!mThreadPoolStarted) { mThreadPoolStarted = true; // 注意此处参数为true spawnPooledThread(true); } }
void ProcessState::spawnPooledThread(bool isMain) { if (mThreadPoolStarted) { String8 name = makeBinderThreadName(); ALOGV("Spawning new pooled thread, name=%s\n", name.string()); sp<Thread> t = new PoolThread(isMain); t->run(name.string()); } }
调用new PoolThread(isMain)创建了一个新线程。PoolThread是继承自Thread的线程类。
class PoolThread : public Thread { public: PoolThread(bool isMain) : mIsMain(isMain) { } protected: virtual bool threadLoop() { // 线程主循环函数也很简单,就是调用了IPCThreadState类的joinThreadPool IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(mIsMain); return false; } const bool mIsMain; };
void IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool isMain) { mOut.writeInt32(isMain ? BC_ENTER_LOOPER : BC_REGISTER_LOOPER); // This thread may have been spawned by a thread that was in the background // scheduling group, so first we will make sure it is in the foreground // one to avoid performing an initial transaction in the background. set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_FOREGROUND); status_t result; do { processPendingDerefs(); // now get the next command to be processed, waiting if necessary result = getAndExecuteCommand(); if (result < NO_ERROR && result != TIMED_OUT && result != -ECONNREFUSED && result != -EBADF) { ALOGE("getAndExecuteCommand(fd=%d) returned unexpected error %d, aborting", mProcess->mDriverFD, result); abort(); } // Let this thread exit the thread pool if it is no longer // needed and it is not the main process thread. if(result == TIMED_OUT && !isMain) { break; } } while (result != -ECONNREFUSED && result != -EBADF); LOG_THREADPOOL("**** THREAD %p (PID %d) IS LEAVING THE THREAD POOL err=%p\n", (void*)pthread_self(), getpid(), (void*)result); mOut.writeInt32(BC_EXIT_LOOPER); talkWithDriver(false); }
status_t IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand() { status_t result; int32_t cmd; result = talkWithDriver(); if (result >= NO_ERROR) { size_t IN = mIn.dataAvail(); if (IN < sizeof(int32_t)) return result; cmd = mIn.readInt32(); IF_LOG_COMMANDS() { alog << "Processing top-level Command: " << getReturnString(cmd) << endl; } result = executeCommand(cmd); // After executing the command, ensure that the thread is returned to the // foreground cgroup before rejoining the pool. The driver takes care of // restoring the priority, but doesn't do anything with cgroups so we // need to take care of that here in userspace. Note that we do make // sure to go in the foreground after executing a transaction, but // there are other callbacks into user code that could have changed // our group so we want to make absolutely sure it is put back. set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_FOREGROUND); } return result; }