AMD发布GPUPerfAPI 2.8 用于GPU性能检测

AMD近日发布GPUPerfAPI 2.8版本。AMD GPU Performance API(GPUPerfAPI或GPA)是一个库,用来分析使用GPU的应用的性能和执行特点。GPU支持OpenGL,OpenCL和Direct3D 10/11,可用于Windows和Linux系统。GPUPerfAPI可用于查看Radeon GPU系列显卡的性能,包括Radeon HD 2000到最新的HD 6000系列。使用GPUPerfAPI要求Catalyst 10.1及以上版本。


GPUPerfAPI为GPUPerfStudio(查看2.51版本)和AMD APP分析器(OpenCL)所使用。


// glrc is the OpenGL rendering context.

gpa_uint32 count = 0;

gpa_uint32 index = 0;
char name[128] = {0};
GPA_GetCounterName(0, name);

//... Read counters



GPU PerfStudio is a real-time performance analysis tool which has been designed to help tune the graphics performance of your DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL applications. GPU PerfStudio displays real-time API, driver and hardware data which can be visualized using extremely flexible plotting and bar chart mechanisms. The application being profiled maybe executed locally or remotely over the network. GPU PerfStudio allows the developer to override key rendering states in real-time for rapid bottleneck detection. An auto-analysis window can be used for identifying performance issues at various stages of the graphics pipeline. No special drivers or code modifications are needed to use GPU PerfStudio.

1.2 is no longer being actively supported by AMD, however GPU PerfStudio 2 has been released. You are welcome to continue to download version 1.2, but without AMD support.

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File Name Launch Date OS Bitness Description
GPU PerfStudio 1.2 installer (10MB) 04/04/2008 Windows® Both An unsupported version of GPU PerfStudio 1.2. (18.44MB) 01/15/2010 The server requires Win7 or Vista the client will run on Win7, Vista, and XP 32-bit/64-bit GPU PerfStudio 2.1 is a fully featured Performance Tool with Integrated Frame Debugger, Frame Profiler and Shader Debugger. (18.9MB) 03/24/2010 The server requires Win7 or Vista the client will run on Win7, Vista, and XP 32-bit/64-bit GPU PerfStudio 2.2 is a fully featured Performance Tool with Integrated Frame Debugger, Frame Profiler and Shader Debugger. (40 MB) 03/30/2012 The server requires Windows® 7 or Vista the client will run on Win7, Vista, and XP 32-bit/64-bit GPU PerfStudio 2.9 is a fully featured Performance Tool with Integrated Frame Debugger, Frame Profiler and Shader Debugger.

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