高通camera架构 (二)


static void android_hardware_Camera_getCameraInfo(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
    jint cameraId, jobject info_obj)
    CameraInfo cameraInfo;
    status_t rc = Camera::getCameraInfo(cameraId, &cameraInfo);

    if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException",
                          "Fail to get camera info");
    env->SetIntField(info_obj, fields.facing, cameraInfo.facing);
    env->SetIntField(info_obj, fields.mode, cameraInfo.mode);
    env->SetIntField(info_obj, fields.orientation, cameraInfo.orientation);

此处getCameraInfo调到/framework/base/libs/camera/camera.cpp 中接口。

status_t Camera::getCameraInfo(int cameraId,
                               struct CameraInfo* cameraInfo) {
    const sp<ICameraService>& cs = getCameraService();
    if (cs == 0) return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    return cs->getCameraInfo(cameraId, cameraInfo);


status_t CameraService::getCameraInfo(int cameraId,
                                      struct CameraInfo* cameraInfo) {
    if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= mNumberOfCameras) {
        return BAD_VALUE;

    HAL_getCameraInfo(cameraId, cameraInfo);
    return OK;



extern "C" void HAL_getCameraInfo(int cameraId, struct CameraInfo* cameraInfo)
    int i;
    char mDeviceName[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    if(cameraInfo == NULL) {
        LOGE("cameraInfo is NULL");

    property_get("ro.product.device",mDeviceName," "); //获取系统属性

    for(i = 0; i < HAL_numOfCameras; i++) {
        if(i == cameraId) {
            LOGI("Found a matching camera info for ID %d", cameraId);
            cameraInfo->facing = (HAL_cameraInfo[i].position == BACK_CAMERA)?
                                   CAMERA_FACING_BACK : CAMERA_FACING_FRONT;
            // App Orientation not needed for 7x27 , sensor mount angle 0 is
            // enough.
            if(cameraInfo->facing == CAMERA_FACING_FRONT)
                cameraInfo->orientation = HAL_cameraInfo[i].sensor_mount_angle;
            else if( !strncmp(mDeviceName, "msm7625a", 8))
                cameraInfo->orientation = HAL_cameraInfo[i].sensor_mount_angle;
            else if( !strncmp(mDeviceName, "msm7627a", 8))
                cameraInfo->orientation = HAL_cameraInfo[i].sensor_mount_angle;
            else if( !strncmp(mDeviceName, "msm7627", 7))
                cameraInfo->orientation = HAL_cameraInfo[i].sensor_mount_angle;
            else if( !strncmp(mDeviceName, "msm8660", 7))
                cameraInfo->orientation = HAL_cameraInfo[i].sensor_mount_angle;
                cameraInfo->orientation = ((APP_ORIENTATION - HAL_cameraInfo[i].sensor_mount_angle) + 360)%360;

            LOGI("%s: orientation = %d", __FUNCTION__, cameraInfo->orientation);
            cameraInfo->mode = 0;
            if(HAL_cameraInfo[i].modes_supported & CAMERA_MODE_2D)
                cameraInfo->mode |= CAMERA_SUPPORT_MODE_2D;
            if(HAL_cameraInfo[i].modes_supported & CAMERA_MODE_3D)
                cameraInfo->mode |= CAMERA_SUPPORT_MODE_3D;
            if((HAL_cameraInfo[i].position == BACK_CAMERA )&&
                !strncmp(mDeviceName, "msm8660", 7)){
                cameraInfo->mode |= CAMERA_ZSL_MODE;
            } else{
                cameraInfo->mode |= CAMERA_NONZSL_MODE;

            LOGI("%s: modes supported = %d", __FUNCTION__, cameraInfo->mode);

    LOGE("Unable to find matching camera info for ID %d", cameraId);

}; // namespace android

在这里,应为前面在获取camera number时已经获得了HAL_cameraInfo相关信息,所以这里只是做了一些相关的配置。


三 android_hardware_Camera_native_setup(JNI)

static void android_hardware_Camera_native_setup(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
    jobject weak_this, jint cameraId, jint mode)
    sp<Camera> camera = Camera::connect(cameraId, mode);

    if (camera == NULL) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException",
                          "Fail to connect to camera service");

    // make sure camera hardware is alive
    if (camera->getStatus() != NO_ERROR) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException", "Camera initialization failed");

    jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(thiz);
    if (clazz == NULL) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException", "Can't find android/hardware/Camera");

    // We use a weak reference so the Camera object can be garbage collected.
    // The reference is only used as a proxy for callbacks.
    sp<JNICameraContext> context = new JNICameraContext(env, weak_this, clazz, camera);

    // save context in opaque field
    env->SetIntField(thiz, fields.context, (int)context.get());

接下来我们看看connect 和 getstatus做了些什么。代码路径同上 

sp<Camera> Camera::connect(int cameraId, int mode)
    sp<Camera> c = new Camera();
    const sp<ICameraService>& cs = getCameraService();
    if (cs != 0) {
        c->mCamera = cs->connect(c, cameraId, mode);
    if (c->mCamera != 0) {
        c->mStatus = NO_ERROR;
    } else {
    return c;

sp<ICamera> CameraService::connect(
        const sp<ICameraClient>& cameraClient, int cameraId, int mode) {
    int callingPid = getCallingPid();
    LOG1("CameraService::connect E (pid %d, id %d mode %d)", callingPid, cameraId, mode);

    sp<Client> client;
    if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= mNumberOfCameras) {
        LOGE("CameraService::connect X (pid %d) rejected (invalid cameraId %d).",
            callingPid, cameraId);
        return NULL;

    Mutex::Autolock lock(mServiceLock);
    if (mClient[cameraId] != 0) {
        client = mClient[cameraId].promote();
        if (client != 0) {
            if (cameraClient->asBinder() == client->getCameraClient()->asBinder()) {
                LOG1("CameraService::connect X (pid %d) (the same client)",
                return client;
            } else {
                LOGW("CameraService::connect X (pid %d) rejected (existing client).",
                return NULL;

    if (mBusy[cameraId]) {
        LOGW("CameraService::connect X (pid %d) rejected"
             " (camera %d is still busy).", callingPid, cameraId);
        return NULL;

    sp<CameraHardwareInterface> hardware = HAL_openCameraHardware(cameraId, mode);
    if (hardware == NULL) {
        LOGE("Fail to open camera hardware (id=%d)", cameraId);
        return NULL;
    CameraInfo info;
    HAL_getCameraInfo(cameraId, &info);
    client = new Client(this, cameraClient, hardware, cameraId, info.facing,
    mClient[cameraId] = client;
    LOG1("CameraService::connect X");
    return client;


extern "C" sp<CameraHardwareInterface> HAL_openCameraHardware(int cameraId, int mode)
    int i;
    LOGI("openCameraHardware: call createInstance");
    for(i = 0; i < HAL_numOfCameras; i++) {
        if(HAL_cameraInfo[i].camera_id == cameraId) {
            LOGI("openCameraHardware:Valid camera ID %d", cameraId);
            LOGI("openCameraHardware:camera mode %d", mode);
            parameter_string_initialized = false;
            HAL_currentCameraId = cameraId;
            HAL_currentCameraMode = CAMERA_MODE_2D;
            /* The least significant two bits of mode parameter indicates the sensor mode
               of 2D or 3D. The next two bits indicates the snapshot mode of
               ZSL or NONZSL
            int sensorModeMask = 0x03 & mode;
            if(sensorModeMask & HAL_cameraInfo[i].modes_supported){
                HAL_currentCameraMode = sensorModeMask;
                LOGE("openCameraHardware:Invalid camera mode (%d) requested", mode);
                return NULL;
            HAL_currentSnapshotMode = CAMERA_SNAPSHOT_NONZSL;
            //Remove values set by app other than  supported values
            mode = mode & HAL_cameraInfo[cameraId].modes_supported;
                HAL_currentSnapshotMode = CAMERA_SNAPSHOT_ZSL;
            LOGI("%s: HAL_currentSnapshotMode = %d", __FUNCTION__, HAL_currentSnapshotMode);

            return QualcommCameraHardware::createInstance(); //重点在这句
    LOGE("openCameraHardware:Invalid camera ID %d", cameraId);
    return NULL;

sp<CameraHardwareInterface> QualcommCameraHardware::createInstance() // 创建一个实例对象,如果硬件已经存在,则还回当前对象的指针,如果没有,

    LOGI("createInstance: E");


    // Wait until the previous release is done.
    while (singleton_releasing) {
        if((singleton_releasing_start_time != 0) &&
                (systemTime() - singleton_releasing_start_time) > SINGLETON_RELEASING_WAIT_TIME){
            LOGV("in createinstance system time is %lld %lld %lld ",
                    systemTime(), singleton_releasing_start_time, SINGLETON_RELEASING_WAIT_TIME);
            LOGE("Previous singleton is busy and time out exceeded. Returning null");
            return NULL;
        LOGI("Wait for previous release.");
        singleton_wait.waitRelative(singleton_lock, SINGLETON_RELEASING_RECHECK_TIMEOUT);
        LOGI("out of Wait for previous release.");

    if (singleton != 0) {
        sp<CameraHardwareInterface> hardware = singleton.promote();
        if (hardware != 0) {
            LOGD("createInstance: X return existing hardware=%p", &(*hardware));
            return hardware;

        struct stat st;
        int rc = stat("/dev/oncrpc", &st);
        if (rc < 0) {
            LOGD("createInstance: X failed to create hardware: %s", strerror(errno));
            return NULL;

    QualcommCameraHardware *cam = new QualcommCameraHardware();
    sp<QualcommCameraHardware> hardware(cam);
    singleton = hardware;

    LOGI("createInstance: created hardware=%p", &(*hardware));
    if (!cam->startCamera()) {
        LOGE("%s: startCamera failed!", __FUNCTION__);
        return NULL;

    LOGI("createInstance: X");
    return hardware;
