Yueliang + LuLu 完整的LuaInLua系统

Yueliang: http://yueliang.luaforge.net/


The goal of Yueliang is to implement Lua 5 in Lua 5. Such a codebase, if well documented, can be a useful prototyping and educational tool. Initially, the focus is on the front end of Lua, i.e. the lexical analyzer, the parser and the code generator, in order to generate binary chunks. A port of the back end (the VM) is being considered. Yueliang is moon in Mandarin.

LuLu: http://luaforge.net/projects/lulu/

LuLu is a Lua 5.1 VM implementation in Lua language itself. It aims to be a concise, easily readable, and customizable LuaVM implemantation.

2者都是用lua语言实现的 一个实现了前端lex parser code, 一个实现了vm, 结合起来就是一个完整的lua in lua.

