How To Generate A Wallet Containing A Self Signed Certificate Using ORAPKI [ID 560982.1]

How To Generate A Wallet Containing A Self Signed Certificate Using ORAPKI [ID 560982.1]
  修改时间 30-JAN-2011     类型 HOWTO     状态 PUBLISHED  

In this Document

Applies to:

Oracle HTTP Server - Version: to - Release: AS10gR2 to AS10gR3
Web Cache - Version: to   [Release: AS10gR2 to AS10gR2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 13-Oct-2010***


This Note is part of a number of articles written for SSL Configuration in Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.2 - 10.1.3). Please read Note 1281035.1 Master Note for SSL Configuration in Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.2 - 10.1.3)

How To Generate A Wallet Containing A Self Signed Certificate Using ORAPKI


This self-signed certificate should be used for testing purposes only with Oracle Application Server

The steps below show how to create a Wallet, and a Self-Signed certificate using orapki:

1. Create the Wallet:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet create -wallet <path_to_where_wallet_will_be_created> -pwd <wallet_pwd> -auto_login

For example:
orapki wallet create -wallet /oracle/app/product/oracle/russ/orapki/ -pwd Welcome1 -auto_login

This generates an Auto-Login Wallet in the desired location. It currently contains no user certificate.

2. Create a Self Signed Certificate:
orapki wallet add -wallet <path_to_where_wallet_was_created_above> -dn '<certificate_DN_you_require> -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity <days> -pwd <wallet_pwd>

For example:

orapki wallet add -wallet /oracle/app/product/oracle/russ/orapki/ -dn ', OU=Support, O=Oracle, L=Reading, ST=Berkshire, C=GB' -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 365 -pwd Welcome1

Note: On Windows use double quotes for the -dn option i.e: -dn ",
OU=Support, O=Oracle, L=Reading, ST=Berkshire, C=GB"

If you open the Wallet in Wallet Manager, you will see it says Certificate: Ready, and also contains the Trusted Certificate.

This Wallet is ready to use with Application Server for testing purposes.


NOTE:1281035.1 - Master Note for SSL Configuration in Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.2 - 10.1.3)
NOTE:341904.1 - Configuring HTTP Server to use SSL in Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.2 - 10.1.3)
NOTE:342155.1 - Configuring Web Cache with SSL in Oracle Application Server 10G Release 2 (10.1.2.X.X)

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