Windows API 函数GetVersionEx 获取系统版本出错

Windows API 函数GetVersionEx 获取系统版本出错

win7下得到操作系统版本错误( GetVersionEx)

有一段得到操作系统版本的代码,用的是 GetVersionEx 方法,在当前机器的硬盘上运行,得到的操作系统版本是win7。奇怪的是,在U盘上运行,得到的操作系统版本是XP。

  不知道什么时候,系统在注册表中设置了U盘exe的XP兼容项(在兼容性助手弹出时,选择重新启动或者重新安装时,系统会在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers下记录该程序的路径。同时写上特定的字符串值,比如WINXPSP2、VISTASETUP RUNASADMIN)。之后在该程序的运行之前,系统会读取该记录值以决定是否要弹兼容性助手。


偶认为它不应该影响到API的正确执行才对,事实证明它的确影响到了GetVersionEx 的执行结果了。

我遇到的情况是,我在win7 64位上编译出来的32位程序调用了GetVersionEx,程序在f:\bin目录下执行返回的操作系统是5.1(xp sp3),放到别的盘,或者还在f盘别的目录执行可以得到正确的操作系统版本6.1(win7)。根据上边的解释,删除了注册表,正常了。



我遇到的情况和上面相同,在win7系统中D盘的某一目录通过GetVersionEx获取的系统版本是VISTA,其他任何磁盘和文件获取的系统版本都是正确的,搜索注册表后, 删除 注册表中的选项后,再次获取就正确了。

通过 GetVersio nEx获取系统版 本,MSDN中解释:                                                                     

GetVersionEx Function

Retrieves information about the current operating system.

1  BOOL WINAPI GetVersionEx(
2    __in_out      LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo
3  );

An OSVERSIONINFO or OSVERSIONINFOEX structure that receives the operating system information.

Before calling the GetVersionEx function, set the dwOSVersionInfoSize member of this structure as appropriate.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError . The function fails if you specify an invalid value for the dwOSVersionInfoSize member of the OSVERSIONINFO or OSVERSIONINFOEX structure.


Identifying the current operating system is usually not the best way to determine whether a particular operating system feature is present. This is because the operating system may have had new features added in a redistributable DLL. Rather than using GetVersionEx to determine the operating system platform or version number, test for the presence of the feature itself. For more information, see Operating System Version.

The GetSystemMetrics function provides additional information about the current operating system.

Product Setting
Windows XP Media Center Edition SM_MEDIACENTER
Windows XP Starter Edition SM_STARTER
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition SM_TABLETPC
Windows Server 2003 R2 SM_SERVERR2

To check for specific operating systems or operating system features, use the IsOS function. The GetProductInfo function retrieves the product type.

To retrieve information for the operating system on a remote computer, use the NetWkstaGetInfo function, the Win32_OperatingSystem WMI class, or the OperatingSystem property of the IADsComputer interface.

To compare the current system version to a required version, use the VerifyVersionInfo function instead of using GetVersionEx to perform the comparison yourself.

Example Code [C++]

When using the GetVersionEx function to determine whether your application is running on a particular version of the operating system, check for version numbers that are greater than or equal to the desired version numbers. This ensures that the test succeeds for later versions of the operating system. For example, if your application requires Windows XP or later, use the following test.

 1  #include  < windows.h >
 2  #include  < stdio.h >
 4  void  main()
 5  {
 6      OSVERSIONINFO osvi;
 7      BOOL bIsWindowsXPorLater;
 9      ZeroMemory( & osvi,  sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO));
10      osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize  =   sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO);
12      GetVersionEx( & osvi);
14      bIsWindowsXPorLater  =  
15         ( (osvi.dwMajorVersion  >   5 ||
16         ( (osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   5 &&  (osvi.dwMinorVersion  >=   1 ) ));
18       if (bIsWindowsXPorLater)
19          printf( " The system meets the requirements.\n " );
20       else  printf( " The system does not meet the requirements.\n " );
21  }

Example Code

For an example that identifies the current operating system, see Getting the System Version.

The following example uses the GetVersionEx, GetSystemMetrics, and GetNativeSystemInfo functions to determine the version information of the currently running operating system. The code outputs the information to the console.

Relying on version information is not the best way to test for a feature. Instead, refer to the documentation for the feature of interest. For more information on common techniques for feature detection, see Operating System Version.

If you must require a particular operating system, be sure to use it as a minimum supported version, rather than design the test for the one operating system. This way, your detection code will continue to work on future versions of Windows.

  1  #include  < windows.h >
  2  #include  < tchar.h >
  3  #include  < stdio.h >
  5  #define  BUFSIZE 80
  7  typedef  void  (WINAPI  * PGNSI)(LPSYSTEM_INFO);
  9  int  __cdecl _tmain()
 10  {
 12     SYSTEM_INFO si;
 13     PGNSI pGNSI;
 14     BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx;
 16     ZeroMemory( & si,  sizeof (SYSTEM_INFO));
 17     ZeroMemory( & osvi,  sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX));
 19      //  Try calling GetVersionEx using the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure.
 20      //  If that fails, try using the OSVERSIONINFO structure.
 22     osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize  =   sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX);
 24      if ! (bOsVersionInfoEx  =  GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO  * & osvi)) )
 25     {
 26        osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize  =   sizeof  (OSVERSIONINFO);
 27         if  ( !  GetVersionEx ( (OSVERSIONINFO  * & osvi) ) 
 28            return  FALSE;
 29     }
 31      //  Call GetNativeSystemInfo if supported
 32      //  or GetSystemInfo otherwise.
 34     pGNSI  =  (PGNSI) GetProcAddress(
 35        GetModuleHandle(TEXT( " kernel32.dll " )), 
 36         " GetNativeSystemInfo " );
 37      if (NULL  !=  pGNSI)
 38        pGNSI( & si);
 39      else  GetSystemInfo( & si);
 41      switch  (osvi.dwPlatformId)
 42     {
 43         //  Test for the Windows NT product family.
 45         case  VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT:
 47         //  Test for the specific product.
 49         if  ( osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   6   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion  ==   0  )
 50        {
 51            if ( osvi.wProductType  ==  VER_NT_WORKSTATION )
 52               printf ( " Windows Vista  " );
 53            else  printf ( " Windows Server \ " Longhorn\ "   "  );
 54        }
 56         if  ( osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   5   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion  ==   2  )
 57        {
 58            if ( GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2) )
 59              printf(  " Microsoft Windows Server 2003 \ " R2\ "   " );
 60            else   if ( osvi.wProductType  ==  VER_NT_WORKSTATION  &&
 61              si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64)
 62           {
 63              printf(  " Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition  " );
 64           }
 65            else  printf ( " Microsoft Windows Server 2003,  " );
 66        }
 68         if  ( osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   5   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion  ==   1  )
 69           printf ( " Microsoft Windows XP  " );
 71         if  ( osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   5   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion  ==   0  )
 72           printf ( " Microsoft Windows 2000  " );
 74         if  ( osvi.dwMajorVersion  <=   4  )
 75           printf ( " Microsoft Windows NT  " );
 77         //  Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP6 and later.
 78         if ( bOsVersionInfoEx )
 79        {
 80            //  Test for the workstation type.
 81            if  ( osvi.wProductType  ==  VER_NT_WORKSTATION  &&
 82                si.wProcessorArchitecture != PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64)
 83           {
 84               if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   4  )
 85                 printf (  " Workstation 4.0  "  );
 86               else   if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_PERSONAL )
 87                 printf (  " Home Edition  "  );
 88               else  printf (  " Professional  "  );
 89           }
 91            //  Test for the server type.
 92            else   if  ( osvi.wProductType  ==  VER_NT_SERVER  ||  
 93                     osvi.wProductType  ==  VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER )
 94           {
 95               if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion == 2 )
 96              {
 97                  if  ( si.wProcessorArchitecture  ==
 98                      PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 )
 99                 {
100                      if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_DATACENTER )
101                        printf (  " Datacenter Edition  "
102                                  " for Itanium-based Systems "  );
103                      else   if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE )
104                        printf (  " Enterprise Edition  "
105                                  " for Itanium-based Systems "  );
106                 }
108                  else   if  ( si.wProcessorArchitecture  ==
109                           PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 )
110                 {
111                      if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_DATACENTER )
112                        printf (  " Datacenter x64 Edition  "  );
113                      else   if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE )
114                        printf (  " Enterprise x64 Edition  "  );
115                      else  printf(  " Standard x64 Edition  "  );
116                 }
118                  else
119                 {
120                      if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_DATACENTER )
121                        printf (  " Datacenter Edition  "  );
122                      else   if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE )
123                        printf (  " Enterprise Edition  "  );
124                      else   if  ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_BLADE )
125                        printf (  " Web Edition  "  );
126                      else  printf (  " Standard Edition  "  );
127                 }
128              }
129               else   if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0 )
130              {
131                  if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_DATACENTER )
132                    printf (  " Datacenter Server  "  );
133                  else   if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE )
134                    printf (  " Advanced Server  "  );
135                  else  printf (  " Server  "  );
136              }
137               else    //  Windows NT 4.0 
138              {
139                  if ( osvi.wSuiteMask  &  VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE )
140                    printf ( " Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition  "  );
141                  else  printf (  " Server 4.0  "  );
142              }
143           }
144        }
145         //  Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP5 and earlier
146         else   
147        {
148           HKEY hKey;
149           TCHAR szProductType[BUFSIZE];
150           DWORD dwBufLen = BUFSIZE * sizeof (TCHAR);
151           LONG lRet;
153           lRet  =  RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
154              TEXT( " SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ "
155                    " ProductOptions " ),  0 , KEY_QUERY_VALUE,  & hKey );
156            if ( lRet  !=  ERROR_SUCCESS )
157               return  FALSE;
159           lRet  =  RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT( " ProductType " ),
160              NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szProductType,  & dwBufLen);
161           RegCloseKey( hKey );
163            if ( (lRet  !=  ERROR_SUCCESS)  ||
164               (dwBufLen  >  BUFSIZE * sizeof (TCHAR)) )
165               return  FALSE;
167            if  ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( " WINNT " ), szProductType)  ==   0  )
168              printf(  " Workstation  "  );
169            if  ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( " LANMANNT " ), szProductType)  ==   0  )
170              printf(  " Server  "  );
171            if  ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( " SERVERNT " ), szProductType)  ==   0  )
172              printf(  " Advanced Server  "  );
173           printf(  " %d.%d  " , osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion );
174        }
176         //  Display service pack (if any) and build number.
178         if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   4   &&  
179            lstrcmpi( osvi.szCSDVersion, TEXT( " Service Pack 6 " ) )  ==   0  )
180        { 
181           HKEY hKey;
182           LONG lRet;
184            //  Test for SP6 versus SP6a.
185           lRet  =  RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
186              TEXT( " SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ "
187                    " Hotfix\\Q246009 " ),  0 , KEY_QUERY_VALUE,  & hKey );
188            if ( lRet  ==  ERROR_SUCCESS )
189              printf(  " Service Pack 6a (Build %d)\n "
190              osvi.dwBuildNumber  &   0xFFFF  );         
191            else   //  Windows NT 4.0 prior to SP6a
192           {
193              _tprintf( TEXT( " %s (Build %d)\n " ),
194                 osvi.szCSDVersion,
195                 osvi.dwBuildNumber  &   0xFFFF );
196           }
198           RegCloseKey( hKey );
199        }
200         else   //  not Windows NT 4.0 
201        {
202           _tprintf( TEXT( " %s (Build %d)\n " ),
203              osvi.szCSDVersion,
204              osvi.dwBuildNumber  &   0xFFFF );
205        }
207         break ;
209         //  Test for the Windows Me/98/95.
210         case  VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS:
212         if  (osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   4   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion  ==   0 )
213        {
214            printf ( " Microsoft Windows 95  " );
215             if  (osvi.szCSDVersion[ 1 ] == ' C '   ||  osvi.szCSDVersion[ 1 ] == ' B ' )
216               printf( " OSR2  "  );
217        } 
219         if  (osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   4   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion  ==   10 )
220        {
221            printf ( " Microsoft Windows 98  " );
222             if  ( osvi.szCSDVersion[ 1 ] == ' A '   ||  osvi.szCSDVersion[ 1 ] == ' B ' )
223               printf( " SE  "  );
224        } 
226         if  (osvi.dwMajorVersion  ==   4   &&  osvi.dwMinorVersion  ==   90 )
227        {
228            printf ( " Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition\n " );
229        } 
230         break ;
232         case  VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s:
234        printf ( " Microsoft Win32s\n " );
235         break ;
236     }
237      return  TRUE; 
238  }



Requires Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation 3.5 and later, Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95.


Requires Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 3.5 and later.


Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.


Use Kernel32.lib.


Requires Kernel32.dll.


Implemented as GetVersionExW (Unicode) and GetVersionExA (ANSI).

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