我们知道在mac或iphone上编程最终逃不开os x平台,你无法在windows或linux上开发纯正的apple程序.(so不要舍不得银子买mac啦)虽说linux和windows上有移植的obj-c编译器,但是平台开发框架还是在mac上啊.比如cocoa框架包括Foundation框架,Application Kit框架和Core Data的第三方框架;二cocoa Touch指的则是Foundation,Core Data以及UIKit框架.对于Foundation框架中各个类的使用,可以到apple开发者网站在线查询:https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/navigation/
#import<Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ @autoreleasepool { NSNumber *n; NSInteger integer; //not a class just a typedef n = [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 101]; integer = [n integerValue]; NSLog(@"%li",(long)integer); NSNumber *n1 = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithLong:0x12345678]; [n1 initWithLong :0xabcd]; //can't change org value 0x12345678! integer = [n1 longValue]; NSLog(@"%lx",(long)integer); NSString *str = @"hello apple"; NSLog(@"str is : %@",str); NSLog(@"num is : %@",n); NSLog(@"Hello World!"); } return 0; }
#import<Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface A:NSObject{ int i; } -(id)init:(int)i_v; @end @implementation A -(id)init:(int)i_v{ self = [super init]; if(self){ i = i_v; } return self; } -(NSString*)description{ return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#i is %d#",i]; } @end int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ @autoreleasepool { A *a = [[A alloc] init:99]; NSLog(@"a is %@",a); } return 0; }
wisy@wisy-ThinkPad-X61:~/src/objc_src$ clang -O3 -g0 $OBJ_C_OPT -lobjc -lgnustep-base -o f f.m wisy@wisy-ThinkPad-X61:~/src/objc_src$ ./f 2014-07-01 12:42:59.380 f[4179] a is #i is 99#
#import<Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ @autoreleasepool { NSString *str_no_m = @"hello world"; NSMutableString *str_m; NSRange substr; //just a struct str_m = [NSMutableString stringWithString: str_no_m]; NSLog(@"%@",str_m); [str_m insertString: @" xxx" atIndex: 5]; NSLog(@"%@",str_m); [str_m appendString: @" not_fix!"]; NSLog(@"%@",str_m); [str_m deleteCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange(6,4)]; //(index,len) NSLog(@"%@",str_m); substr = NSMakeRange(6,6); [str_m deleteCharactersInRange: substr]; NSLog(@"%@",str_m); substr = [str_m rangeOfString: @"_"]; if(substr.location != NSNotFound){ [str_m deleteCharactersInRange: substr]; } NSLog(@"%@",str_m); [str_m setString: @"new string!"]; NSLog(@"%@",str_m); substr = [str_m rangeOfString: @"new"]; if(substr.location != NSNotFound){ [str_m replaceCharactersInRange: substr withString: @"old"]; } NSLog(@"%@",str_m); [str_m setString: @"1122334411223344"]; [str_m replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"2" withString:@"X" \ options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0,[str_m length])]; NSLog(@"%@",str_m); } return 0; }
wisy@wisy-ThinkPad-X61:~/src/objc_src$ clang -O3 -g0 $OBJ_C_OPT -lobjc -lgnustep-base -o f f.m wisy@wisy-ThinkPad-X61:~/src/objc_src$ ./f 2014-07-01 14:36:49.380 f[5719] hello world 2014-07-01 14:36:49.382 f[5719] hello xxx world 2014-07-01 14:36:49.382 f[5719] hello xxx world not_fix! 2014-07-01 14:36:49.383 f[5719] hello world not_fix! 2014-07-01 14:36:49.383 f[5719] hello not_fix! 2014-07-01 14:36:49.383 f[5719] hello notfix! 2014-07-01 14:36:49.383 f[5719] new string! 2014-07-01 14:36:49.383 f[5719] old string! 2014-07-01 14:36:49.383 f[5719] 11XX334411XX3344
Several of the search and comparison methods take an “options” argument. This is a bit mask that adds further constraints to the operation. You create the mask by combining the following options (not all options are available for every method):
Search option |
Effect |
Ignores case distinctions among characters. |
Performs a byte-for-byte comparison. Differing literal sequences (such as composed character sequences) that would otherwise be considered equivalent are considered not to match. Using this option can speed some operations dramatically. |
Performs searching from the end of the range toward the beginning. |
Performs searching only on characters at the beginning or, if |
When used with the |
option were specified.