
一. 概念:

函数对象function objects,又名仿函数,是一个定义了operator()操作对象

class FunctionObjectType {
       void operator() {

二. 仿函数当做排序准则:

程序员经常需要将某些class object以已序的形式放到容器中,然而有时你无法使用一般的operator<来对这些对象排序,这时可以仿函数。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

class Person {
       string firstname() const;
       string lastname() const;

/*  仿函数,按名字排序
* - operator() returns whether a person is less than another person
class PersonSortCriterion {
       bool operator() (const Person& p1, const Person& p2) const {
           /* a person is less than another person
            * - if the last name is less
            * - if the last name is equal and the first name is less
           return p1.lastname()<p2.1astname() ||
                  (! (p2.1astname()<p1.lastname()) &&

int main()
       //声名 set ,用这个仿函数
       typedef set<Person,PersonSortCriterion> PersonSet;

       //create such a collection
       PersonSet coll;

       //do something with the elements
       PersonSet::iterator pos;
       for (pos = coll.begin(); pos != coll.end();++pos) {

三. 拥有内部状态的仿函数:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include "print.hpp"
using namespace std;

class IntSequence {
        int value;
         IntSequence (int initialValue)
          : value(initialValue) {

        //''function call''
         int operator() () {
             return value++;

int main()
        list<int> coll;

        //insert values from 1 to 9
        generate_n (back_inserter(coll),                  //start
                           9,                             //number of elements
                           IntSequence (1));              //generates values

          PRINT_ELEMENTS(coll); //1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

          //replace second to last element but one with values starting at 42
          generate (++coll.begin(),                       //start
                    --coll.end(),                         //end
                    IntSequence (42));                    //generates values

          PRINT_ELEMENTS(coll); //1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 9

注:generate/generate_n 通过一个数值产生器类生成的数值来初始化一个容器, 通过将产生器函数gen返回的值赋给由迭代器指定的[first, last) or [first, first + n)范围内的所有元素, generate和generate_n算法初始化或重新初始化了一个序列。


generate_n<back_insert_iterator<list<int> >, int, IntSequence&>  
           (back_inserter(coll),   //start  
           4,      //number of elements  
           seq);   //generates values  

三. for_each()的返回值


for_each (InputIterator beg, InputIterator end, UnaryProc op ), 对区间[beg, end),中的每个elem调用op(elem)。

MeanValue mv = for_each (coll.begin(), coll.end(), //range  
                         MeanValue());             //operation  
cout << "mean value: " << mv.value() << endl; 

四. 预定义的仿函数

#include <functional>

negate<type>() - param
plus<type>() param1 + param2
minus<type>() param 1 - param2
multiplies<type>() param1 * param2
divides<type>() param1 / param2
modulus <type>() param1 % param2
equal_to<type>() param1 == param2
not_equal_to<type>() param1 ! = param2
less<type>() param1 < param2
greater<type>() param1 > param2
less_equal<type>() param1 <= param2
greater_equal<type>() param1 >= param2
logical_not<type>() ! param
logical_and<type>() param1 && param2
logical_or<type> () param1 | | param2

typedef set<int, greater<int> > IntSet;  
typedef set<int, less<int> > IntSet;  
