KeyguardUpdateMonitor类为解锁屏模块的监听者,它负责监听时间、sim卡、运营商信息、电池信息、电话信息等状态的变化,并通知keyguard View模块更新显示。
LockPatternKeyguardView类为解锁屏模块的View界面,为所有解锁屏界面的host view。根据设置的安全策略,显示不同的解锁屏界面。Google原生代码中实现了6种解锁屏界面:
1) LockScreen:用于显示屏幕加锁状态
2) PatternUnlockScreen:实现图案解锁模式
3) SimPukUnlockScreen:屏幕实现SIM PUK码解锁模式
4) SimUnlockScreen:实现Sim PIN码解锁模式
5) AccountUnlockScreen:实现 GOOGLE 帐户解锁
6) PasswordUnlockScreen:实现自定义密码解锁模式
public void run() { Looper.prepare(); WindowManagerPolicyThread.set(this, Looper.myLooper()); ...... mPolicy.init(mContext, mService, mService, mPM); ...... Looper.loop(); }从代码中可以看到PhoneWindowManager在独立的线程和Looper消息队列中处理Message事件,该Looper对象也为解锁屏模块使用以处理所有handler消息。
public KeyguardViewMediator(Context context, PhoneWindowManager callback, LocalPowerManager powerManager) { …… mUpdateMonitor = new KeyguardUpdateMonitor(context); mUpdateMonitor.registerInfoCallback(this); mUpdateMonitor.registerSimStateCallback(this); mLockPatternUtils = new LockPatternUtils(mContext); mKeyguardViewProperties = new LockPatternKeyguardViewProperties(mLockPatternUtils, mUpdateMonitor); mKeyguardViewManager = new KeyguardViewManager( context, WindowManagerImpl.getDefault(), this, mKeyguardViewProperties, mUpdateMonitor); …… }KeyguardViewMediator中记录了PhoneWindowManager、PowerManager等对象,同时也保存了LockPatternKeyguardViewProperties、KeyguardUpdateMonitor、KeyguardViewManager等模块内的重要对象,这样该类以中介者身份在Keyguard模块对外交互以及内部各对象间的交互中发挥了重要作用。
public void systemReady() { mPolicy.systemReady(); }
public void onSystemReady() { synchronized (this) { mSystemReady = true; doKeyguardLocked(); } } private void doKeyguardLocked() { ...... // if the keyguard is already showing, don't bother if (mKeyguardViewManager.isShowing()) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: not showing because it is already showing"); return; } ..... if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: showing the lock screen"); showLocked(); }showLocked函数中发送SHOW消息异步处理解锁屏界面显示的请求。
public synchronized void show() { ...... if (mKeyguardHost == null) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "keyguard host is null, creating it..."); mKeyguardHost = new KeyguardViewHost(mContext, mCallback); ...... mViewManager.addView(mKeyguardHost, lp); } ...... mViewManager.updateViewLayout(mKeyguardHost, mWindowLayoutParams); if (mKeyguardView == null) { mKeyguardView = mKeyguardViewProperties.createKeyguardView(mContext, mUpdateMonitor, this); ...... mKeyguardHost.addView(mKeyguardView, lp); ...... } ...... }该函数中主要创建了Keyguard显示View中的两个重要的对象:mKeyguardHost和mKeyguardView,它们都是继承于FrameLayout,为解锁屏视图的根view。
protected void updateScreen(Mode mode, boolean force) { ...... // Re-create the lock screen if necessary if (mode == Mode.LockScreen || mShowLockBeforeUnlock) { if (force || mLockScreen == null) { recreateLockScreen(); } } // Re-create the unlock screen if necessary. This is primarily required to properly handle // SIM state changes. This typically happens when this method is called by reset() if (mode == Mode.UnlockScreen) { final UnlockMode unlockMode = getUnlockMode(); if (force || mUnlockScreen == null || unlockMode != mUnlockScreenMode) { recreateUnlockScreen(unlockMode); } } ...... }10)在函数createLockScreen或者createUnlockScreenFor中创建具体的Lock或者Unlock View界面,并调用show函数进行显示
private void setPowerState(int newState, boolean noChangeLights, int reason) { synchronized (mLocks) { …… if (oldScreenOn != newScreenOn) { if (newScreenOn) { // When the user presses the power button, we need to always send out the // notification that it's going to sleep so the keyguard goes on. But // we can't do that until the screen fades out, so we don't show the keyguard // too early. if (mStillNeedSleepNotification) { sendNotificationLocked(false, WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER); } …… if (err == 0) { sendNotificationLocked(true, -1); // Update the lights *after* taking care of turning the // screen on, so we do this after our notifications are // enqueued and thus will delay turning on the screen light // until the windows are correctly displayed. if (stateChanged) { updateLightsLocked(newState, 0); } mPowerState |= SCREEN_ON_BIT; } } else { …… if (!mScreenBrightness.animating) { err = screenOffFinishedAnimatingLocked(reason); } …… } } …… } }根据上面的代码逻辑,屏幕即将变暗时调用函数screenOffFinishedAnimatingLocked,屏幕即将变亮时调用函数sendNotificationLocked 。
private Runnable mNotificationTask = new Runnable() { public void run() { while (true) { ...... if (value == 1) { policy.screenTurningOn(mScreenOnListener); ...... } else if (value == 0) { policy.screenTurnedOff(why); ...... } else { // If we're in this case, then this handler is running for a previous // paired transaction. mBroadcastWakeLock will already have been released. break; } } } };上面的线程函数run中分别处理了屏幕变暗和变亮的情形。按下Power按钮屏幕变暗时调用了函数screenTurnedOff,why为变暗的原因,此处值为OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER。
/** * Called to let us know the screen was turned off. * @param why either {@link WindowManagerPolicy#OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER}, * {@link WindowManagerPolicy#OFF_BECAUSE_OF_TIMEOUT} or * {@link WindowManagerPolicy#OFF_BECAUSE_OF_PROX_SENSOR}. */ public void onScreenTurnedOff(int why) { synchronized (this) { …… else if (mShowing) { //若是(mShowing)则重置显示界面,否则重新显示锁屏界面 notifyScreenOffLocked(); resetStateLocked(); } else if (why == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_TIMEOUT) { // if the screen turned off because of timeout, set an alarm // to enable it a little bit later (i.e, give the user a chance // to turn the screen back on within a certain window without // having to unlock the screen) …… if (timeout <= 0) { // Lock now mSuppressNextLockSound = true; doKeyguardLocked(); } else { // Lock in the future long when = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + timeout; Intent intent = new Intent(DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION); intent.putExtra("seq", mDelayedShowingSequence); PendingIntent sender = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); mAlarmManager.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, when, sender); } } else if (why == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_PROX_SENSOR) { // Do not enable the keyguard if the prox sensor forced the screen off. } else { //显示锁屏屏幕 doKeyguardLocked(); } } }4)调用doKeyguardLocked重新显示锁屏界面,随后的锁屏界面显示逻辑与Keyguard模块启动显示中的8~10步相同,不再赘述。
public void show() { if (mMode == Mode.LockScreen) { ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).onResume(); } else { ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).onResume(); } ...... }至此,逻辑处理完成。
public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { // Check if this was the result of hitting the enter key if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_NULL || actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE || actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT) { verifyPasswordAndUnlock(); return true; } return false; }2)在函数verifyPasswordAndUnlock中对输入的密码进行判断,如果输入正确,测调用keyguardDone响应解锁完成的操作。mCallback.keyguardDone(true)调用是所有解锁屏mode情形在解锁成功后必须调用的函数,随后的处理逻辑对于不同的解锁屏界面也是相同的。
public void keyguardDone(boolean authenticated, boolean wakeup) { synchronized (this) { …… Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(KEYGUARD_DONE); msg.arg1 = wakeup ? 1 : 0; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); …… } }4)函数KeyguardViewMediator:handleKeyguardDone异步处理keyguardDone事件,调用handleHide隐藏锁屏界面。
public void cleanUp() { if (mLockScreen != null) { ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).onPause(); ((KeyguardScreen) mLockScreen).cleanUp(); this.removeView(mLockScreen); mLockScreen = null; } if (mUnlockScreen != null) { ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).onPause(); ((KeyguardScreen) mUnlockScreen).cleanUp(); this.removeView(mUnlockScreen); mUnlockScreen = null; } ...... }至此,解锁完成。