
    最后没辙了,只能新建一个COM工程试试,结果也是一样的(在同一个工程中测试).后来又新建了一个测试工程,也重新编译COM工程,结果却返回E_NOINTERFACE,晕啊.创建的对象明明支持这个接口的啊.我追踪到ATL的代码里,发现我查询的接口确实找到了,但最后还是返回E_NOINTERFACE. 经过几次调试,发现老是查询IMarshaling等几个与列集有关的接口,f却总找不到....后来在网上找到了一篇文章,找明白了一些.

Why do I get E_NOINTERFACE when creating an object that supports that interface?

I've seen a few questions from people who call the CoCreateInstance function, asking for an interface that they know the object supports, yet receiving error E_NOINTERFACE. What's going on?

You're seeing the same problem as the missing IMarshal, just from the other side.

If your threading model is incompatible with the threading model of the object you're creating, then COM marshalling kicks in. And if the marshalling stuff isn't there, the error that comes out is E_NOINTERFACE, because the marshalling interface is missing.

A common source of this is attempting to use COM objects provided by the shell from a multi-threaded apartment. Remember that shell COM objects are, for the most part, apartment-threaded, not free-threaded. If you want to use shell objects, you should do so from single-threaded apartments.

Published Monday, December 13, 2004 8:51 AM by oldnewthing Filed under: Code




