a 1
a 2
b 3
c 4
a 1 2
b 3
c 4
#!/bin/bash uniq=`cat a.txt| awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq` for item in $uniq do line=`cat a.txt | grep $item | awk -v item=$item 'BEGIN{count="";}{if($1==item){count=(count" "$2);}}END{print item, count}'` echo $line >> b.txt done
a 3
b 3
c 4
#!/bin/bash src=$1 dst=$2 uniq=`cat $src | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq` for host in $uniq do line=`cat $src | grep $host | awk -v host=$host 'BEGIN{count=0;}{if($1==host){count+=$2;}}END{if(count!=0) print host, count}'` echo $line >> $dst done
cat a.txt | awk '{a[$1]=(a[$1]" "$2)}END{for (i in a) print i,a[i];}'
while read i;do echo "$i $RANDOM";done<file.txt|sort -k2n| awk '{print $1}'
echo ${$file##*.}
find ./ -size +500M -type f | tee file_list | wc -l还可使用c,k.注意输出为./xxx.file,如果要使用文件名,去掉前两个字符。find ./ -size +100c -exec basename {} \;
find ./ -name *.c | xargs -i cp {} test
for filename in `find /tmp -type f -name "abc*"|head -n 100` do sed -n '1p' $filename>>new done
grep -xvf a b | tee c | wc -l grep –f a.txt b.txt自己试试grep -f 的用法吧 -v是取反
4.判断一文件是不是块或字符设备文件,如果是将其拷贝到 /dev 目录下
read -p "input a file:" filename if [ -b $filename -o -c $filename ] then cp $filename /dev/ fi
#!/bin/bash while true do sleep 600 n=$(du -s /usr | cut -f1) if [ $n -gt 5242880 ] then mail -s "greater" [email protected] < ~/filename #将文件filename的内容发送出去。 fi done最好判断root权限, 在脚本中加入
if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then printf "Error: You must be root to run this script!\n" exit 1 fi
grep -E 'WARNING|FATAL' a.log | grep -v 'IGNOR' | awk -F ":" '{print $5}'
#!/bin/bash read -p "input a number:" num1 read -p "input another number:" num2 let "num3=num1-num2" echo $num3
#!/bin/bash for file in $(ls $1) do new_file=${file%.*}.bat mv ./$1/$file ./$1/$new_file tmp=$(date +%y) tar cvf ./$tmp.tar ./$1 done
#!/bin/bash url=http://rs1.bn.163.com/ent/2009/05/20_canquedege.wma dir=~/下载 wget -P $dir $url
#!/bin/bash sub() { i=1; sum=0; while [ $i -le $num ] do let "m=num%i" if [ $m -eq 0 ] then let "sum=sum+i" fi let "i=i+1" done let "a=2*num" if [ $a -eq $sum ] then echo $num fi } num=1 while [ $num -le 1000 ] do sub let "num = num+1" done
并: sort -m <(sort A | uniq) <(sort B | uniq) | uniq 交: sort -m <(sort A | uniq) <(sort B | uniq) | uniq -d 差: sort -m <(sort A | uniq) <(sort B | uniq) <(sort B | uniq) | uniq -u
#!/bin/bash for file in $(ls $2) do bname=$(grep -l $1 $2/$file) basename $bname done 调用方法:./tst 000 bash#在文件夹bash中查找含有“000”的文件。
#!/bin/bash groupadd class1 for i in {9901..9930} do xx=$(echo $i | sed 's/99//'); useradd -g class1 std$xx -p "" done
#!/bin/bash i=0 while [ i -le 50 ] do let i++ userdel -r stud$i done
vim /etc/crontab 在里面增加下面内容: 1)50 16 * * * root rm -rf /abc/* 2>&1 & 2)00 8-18 * * * root cat /xyz/x1|awk '{print $1}' >> /backup/bak01.txt 2>&1 & 3)50 17 * * 1 root cd /data;tar -zcvf backup.tar.gz * 2>&1 & 4)55 17 * * * root umount /hdc 2>&1 & 5)在早晨8:00前开机后启动 --> 这个我不是很明白它的意思,不知道是不是8点前开机就启动上面的设定,8点后才开机就不用启动的意思。姑且用下面这个命令吧。 chkconfig --level 2345 crond on
vim /usr/bin/fileback.sh #!/bin/bash #fileback.sh #file executable: chmod 755 fileback.sh PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH filename=`date +%y%m%d`_etc.tar.gz cd /etc/ tar -zcvf $filename * mv $filename /root/bak/ ------------------------------------------------------ vim /etc/crontab 加入 * * 1 * * root ./fileback.sh &
一: [sword@localhost ~]$ vim cronfile [sword@localhost ~]$ crontab cronfile 二: [sword@localhost ~]$ crontab -e no crontab for sword - using an empty one crontab: installing new crontab 查看结果: [root@localhost cron]# crontab -u sword -l 显示内容是:/var/spool/cron/sword 文件的内容。 vim ~/shit.sh #!/bin/bash cp /user/backup/* /tmp/ -------------------------------------------- crontab -e 0 0 * * 0 ~/shit.sh &
#!/bin/bash for ((i=1;i<=50;i++)) do mkdir -p/usrdata/user$i cd /usrdata chmod 754 user$i done
awk -F "--" '{print $1}' shit.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | sed -n '1,10p'
#!/usr/bin/bash DEST_FILE_PART2="_`date '+%Y%m%d'`_" EXT_NAME=".dat" SRC_FILE_LIST=`find /tmp -name "*_*_*$EXT_NAME" -print` for each in $SRC_FILE_LIST; do DEST_FILE_PART1=`echo $each | awk -F"_" '{print $1}'` OLD_NUM=`echo $each | awk -F"_" '{print $3}' | awk -F"." '{print $1}'` DEST_FILE_PART3=`expr $OLD_NUM + 500` [ $DEST_FILE_PART3 -gt 999 ] && DEST_FILE_PART3=`expr $OLD_NUM - 499` && DEST_FILE_PART3=`printf %03d $DEST_FILE_PART3` DEST_FILE=$DEST_FILE_PART1$DEST_FILE_PART2$DEST_FILE_PART3$EXT_NAME echo "mv $each to $DEST_FILE" mv $each $DEST_FILE done
#!/bin/bash new_file=$(date +20%y%m%d); for file in $(ls ~/bash) do i=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/.*_[0-9]*_\([0-9]*\).dat/\1/') #取出序列号 i=$(echo $i | sed 's/^0*\([0-9]*\)/\1/') #去掉序列号前面可能的 ‘0’, let "ii=i+500" if [ $ii -gt 999 ] then let "ii=ii-999" fi ii=`printf %03d $ii` #添上可能需要的‘0’ update=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/\(.*\)_[0-9]*_[0-9]*.dat/\1_'$new_file'_'$ii'.dat/') mv ~/bash/$file ~/bash/$update done