IT常用英文缩写(Abbreviation of some common words)

IT常用英文缩写(Abbreviation of some common words)

W3C                  -----------------           World Wide Web Consortium 
SGML                -----------------            Standard Generic Makeup Language
OCG                  -----------------           Open GIS协会
LBS                   -----------------            移动位置业务(Location-Based Services)
OEM                  -----------------            Original Equipment Manufactory(原始设备制造商)
SVG                   -----------------            Scalable Vector Graphics     (可变动的向量绘图形文件)
                                       WebSite :          1 .
GML                  -----------------            Geography Markup Language     Web Site:
CGI                    ----------------              Computer Graphic Interface
SMIL                  ----------------              synchronized multimedia integration languag    同步多媒体集成语言
WMS                  ----------------               Web Map Server
WCS                  ----------------               World Coordinates System 地图坐标系统
ICP                     ---------------               Internet Content Provider,在互联网上提供内容服务与提供电子商务的厂商
B2B                     --------------                  Business to Business 企业到企业的电子商务模式
C2C                    ---------------              Customer to Customer 用户到用户的电子商务模式
B2C                     --------------                  Business to Customer 企业到用户的电子商务模式
IDG                     --------------                  International Data Group 国际数据集团

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