
1)pacman -Sy


2)pacman -Syu


3)pacman -S packagename



pacman -Ss name



pacman -Ssg name


如pacman -Ssg xfce4

pacman -S xfce4-goodies


4)pacman -Qs name


# pacman -Qs glib
local/dbus-glib 0.100-1
    GLib bindings for DBUS
local/glib-networking 2.32.3-1
    Network-related giomodules for glib
local/glib2 2.32.4-1
    Common C routines used by GTK+ and other libs
local/glibc 2.16.0-4 (base)
    GNU C Library
local/glibmm 2.32.1-1
    Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib
local/json-glib 0.14.2-1
    JSON library built on GLib
local/lib32-glibc 2.16.0-4
    GNU C Library for multilib
local/libgusb 0.1.3-1
    GLib wrapper around libusb1

5)pacman -Ql packagename


# pacman -Ql blender | grep /usr/bin
blender /usr/bin/
blender /usr/bin/blender
blender /usr/bin/
blender /usr/bin/blenderplayer

6)pacman -Qo blender


[cly@topgun ~]
$ pacman -Qo blender
/usr/bin/blender 属于 blender 4:2.64-3

7)pacman -Rc packagename


8)pacman -Rs packagename







Server =$arch
然后pcman  -Sy



pacman -S yaourt pacman-color



yaourt 你想安装的包名


例如我想安装一个icon theme,就可以敲下面这个命令,结果会彩色显示,因为安装了pacman-color这个包

[cly@topgun ~]
$ yaourt icon-theme
1 extra/gnome-icon-theme 3.4.0-1 (gnome)
    GNOME icon theme
2 extra/gnome-icon-theme-extras 3.4.0-1 (gnome)
    GNOME icon theme, extra icons
3 extra/gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.4.0-1 (gnome)
    GNOME icon theme, symbolic icons
4 extra/hicolor-icon-theme 0.12-2 [installed] Hicolor icon theme
5 community/human-icon-theme 0.36-2
    Ubuntu's Human icon theme
6 community/lxde-icon-theme 0.5.0-1 (lxde)
    LXDE default default icon theme based on nuoveXT2
7 community/tangerine-icon-theme 0.27-1
    Ubuntu's twist on the Tango icon theme
8 archlinuxfr/azenis-icon-theme 0.2-4
    Azenis icon theme modified by CTK
9 aur/anycoloryoulike-icon-theme 0.9.4-2 (21)
    An icon theme by pobtott, featuring a GUI interface to edit the icons' colors. Run the script as
    root to make sure you have the permission to edit the image files.
10 aur/areao43-icon-theme 1-1 (3)
    An icon set meant to be used with dark themes
11 aur/azenis-icon-theme 0.1.1-3 (38)
    Azenis icon theme
12 aur/black-white-icon-theme 0.4-1 (62)
    A nice theme icon
13 aur/blackwhite2-style-icon-theme 20080414-1 (Out of Date) (24)
    Black-white 2 Style icon theme.
14 aur/bluecurve-icon-theme 8.0.2_5.fc12-3 (Out of Date) (21)
    Red Hat Icons from Fedora 10
15 aur/breathe-icon-theme 0.51-2 (21)
    A set of icons mixing KDEs "Oxygen" with Ubuntus "Human" set
16 aur/buuf-deuce-icon-theme 1.0-1 (12)
    Icon theme for KDE4.
17 aur/cheser-icon-theme 3.4.1-1 (7)
    A near complete set of a mix of different Tango/Gnome-style icons.
18 aur/chromo-erectus-icon-themes 1.2-1 (Out of Date) (63)
    Inspired by Ubuntu Human icons, complete icon set for Gnome (extra colors)
19 aur/clarity-icon-theme 0.3.2-3 (39)
    Vector icons in 7 colourthemes for GTK.
20 aur/clearlooksosx-icon-theme 3.7.5-1 (Out of Date) (24)
    OSX icon theme for GNOME.
21 aur/echo-icon-theme-git 20100908-1 (24)
    a new generation of icons theme aimed to replace Bluecurve.
22 aur/erectus-icon-theme 1.2-2 (Out of Date) (37)
    Inspired by Ubuntu Human icons, complete icon set for Gnome
23 aur/f-dark-icon-theme 0.9-2 (69)
    Faenza Dark icon theme designed for Equinox GTK theme
24 aur/faelementary-icon-theme 0.10-1 (39)
    Faelementary Icon theme (Elementary feel, Faenza apps)
25 aur/faenza-cupertino-icon-theme 11-1 (70)
    Icon theme designed for Equinox GTK theme, recolored
26 aur/faenza-fresh-icon-theme 0.2-2 (12)
    FaenzaFresh icon theme
27 aur/faenza-fusion-icon-theme 0.8-1 (1)
    fusion icon theme of the famous Icon theme Faenza designed for Equinox GTK theme
28 aur/faenza-icon-theme 1.2-2 (823)
    Icon theme designed for Equinox GTK theme
29 aur/faience-icon-theme 0.3-2 (152)
    An icon theme based on Faenza
30 aur/fedora-icon-theme 1.0.0-7 (Out of Date) (72)
    Fedora icon theme
31 aur/frugal-icon-theme 3.10-1 (12)
    Icon theme for KDE4 from Frugalware.
32 aur/gant-icon-theme 0.3-2 (2)
    Icon theme for KDE4.
33 aur/gartoon-redux-icon-theme 1.10-1 (57)
    Massively improved variant of the much-beloved Gartoon theme
34 aur/ghnomix-icon-theme 1.3-1 (1)
    An icon theme inspired by elementary and MeliaeSVG
35 aur/gnome-carbonate-icon-theme 1.1-1 (28)
    Carbonate is dark grey and blue hack of various Gnome Colors themes.
36 aur/gnome-colors-icon-theme 5.5.1-1 (525)
    GNOME Colors icon theme
37 aur/gnome-colors-icon-theme-extras 5.5.1-1 (184)
    Extra icons for the GNOME-Colors icon theme
38 aur/gnome-dark-icon-theme 5.5.1-3 (0)
    Black and very dark grey version of GNOME-Colors's
39 aur/gtk-icon-theme-changer-svn 3-1 (13)
    This program was designed to assist users in changing gtk icon themes.
40 aur/haiku-icon-theme 0.1-1 (10)
    The Haiku icon theme from ZevenOS
41 aur/human-o2-icon-theme (13)
    Icon theme for GTK2
42 aur/humanities-icon-theme 0.2-2 (11)
    A modified version of the Ubuntu Humanity Icon theme that allows you to easily change the icon
43 aur/humanity-icon-theme 0.6.1-1 (211)
    Latest Humanity icons from Ubuntu without modification
44 aur/humanitycolors-icon-theme 12.04-1 (8)
    The Humanity Colors Icon Theme brings you the Humanity Icon Theme (Default Ubuntu Icon Theme) in
    all the colors of the rainbow and then some! Goes great with Ambiance and Radiance Colors GTK
    Theme (By US as well)
45 aur/hycons-icon-theme 14.07.11-2 (32)
    Icon theme created especially for KDE 4
46 aur/icon-themes 2.6-1 (124)
    Nice icon themes for gnome
47 aur/idea-icon-theme 1.0-1 (4)
    Idea icon theme
48 aur/industrial-icon-theme (59)
    Ximian Industrial icon theme for GNOME
49 aur/kfaenza-icon-theme 0.8.9-1 (105)
    Faenza icon theme for KDE4
50 aur/lambda-icon-theme 20120704-2 (7)
    This is the Lambda icon theme, a mash of Faenza and Faiance with some tweaks and made with
    Cinnamon in mind.
51 aur/mate-icon-theme 20120308-1 (12)
    MATE icon theme
52 aur/mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.4.0-1 (0)
    Faenza icon theme for MATE
53 aur/meego-icon-theme-git 20110219-1 (4)
    Base icon theme for MeeGo UX
54 aur/meliae-icon-theme 0.7-2 (36)
    Meliae icon theme
55 aur/meliae-svg-icon-theme 1.2-2 (53)
    A modern, professional icon theme for the GNOME Desktop Environment
56 aur/mist-icon-theme 1.0.0-2 (12)
    Fedora's icon theme which is a customized version of Mist
57 aur/misteek-icon-theme 3-2 (14)
    An icon theme for the gnome desktop that aspires to be crisp, colorful and easy on the eyes ....
58 aur/nitrux-icon-theme 1.9c-1 (Out of Date) (15)
    new squared icon set for Linux that sports clean lines, smooth gradients, and simple icon logos
59 aur/nostromo-icon-theme 1.03-1 (15)
    Nostromo Pack Icon Theme used for ArchBang.
60 aur/nuovext2-icon-theme 2.2-2 (131)
    A revamp of the original nuoveXT icon set.
61 aur/osx-icon-theme 20120127-1 (1)
    A Linux port of the Mac OS X icons
62 aur/oxygenrefit2-icon-theme 2.5.0-2 (259)
    Oxygen-Refit 2 icon theme for GNOME
63 aur/oxygenrefit2-icon-theme-black-version 2.0-1 (Out of Date) (22)
    Black version of Oxygen-Refit 2 icon theme for GNOME
64 aur/oxygenrefit2-icon-theme-green-version 2.0-1 (Out of Date) (11)
    Green version of Oxygen-Refit 2 icon theme for GNOME
65 aur/oxygenrefit2-icon-theme-orange-version 2.0-1 (Out of Date) (8)
    Orange version of Oxygen-Refit 2 icon theme for GNOME
66 aur/oxygenrefit2-icon-theme-white-version 2.0-1 (Out of Date) (11)
    White version of Oxygen-Refit 2 icon theme for GNOME
67 aur/satanic-icon-themes 666.7-1 (2)
    Icons from Ubuntu Satanic Edition.
68 aur/simple-icon-theme 2.7-1 (81)
    Icon theme for GTK2
69 aur/simplistica-icon-theme 1.0-1 (11)
    Icon theme for GTK
70 aur/simplygrey-icon-theme 0.51-5 (22)
    Color-free icon theme (just three shades of grey)
71 aur/smokikon-icon-theme 0.9-1 (37)
    A dark icon theme in grayscale.
72 aur/smooth-icon-theme 0.1-1 (33)
    Smooth icon theme
73 aur/somatic-icon-theme 0.2-3 (38)
    The Somatic icons have been used with permission from David Lanham -
74 aur/sonar-icon-theme 11.3.1_35.1-1 (Out of Date) (12)
    Icon theme from Suse 11.3, based on the upcoming default gnome icon theme.
75 aur/sud-icon-theme 1.3-1 (9)
    SudUbuntu Icon Theme
76 aur/tango-icon-theme 0.8.90-7 (192)
    An icon theme that follows the Tango visual guidelines
77 aur/tango-icon-theme-cvs 20111211-1 (27)
    The Tango Desktop Project exists to create a consistent user experience
78 aur/tango-icon-theme-extras 0.1.0-5 (15)
    Extra icons for Tango
79 aur/ubo-icon-theme 0.1alpha-1 (8)
    Ubo Icons Theme by UBO. Not glamorous, not glossy, drawn with ballpoint pen, scanned and colored
    in GIMP
80 aur/ultimate-gnome-icon-theme 0.5.1-1 (121)
    An original theme created entirely by the author in Inkscape
81 aur/xfce4-finalorder-icon-theme 0.6.1-1 (104)
    Final Order icon theme for XFCE
82 aur/xfce4-gant-icon-theme 3.9_6-2 (49)
    Gant icon theme for XFCE
83 aur/xfce4-icomity-icon-theme beta3-1 (33)
    iComity icon theme for XFCE
84 aur/xfce4-quickening-icon-theme R4-1 (13)
    Dark icons for whom like dark desktop themes
85 aur/xfce4-rodentia-icon-theme 1-1 (23)
    Rodentia icon theme for XFCE
86 aur/xfce4-shining-reprise-icon-theme 1-1 (Out of Date) (7)
    Shining Reprise icon theme for XFCE
87 aur/xfce4-xquisite-icon-theme 0.4.1-1 (80)
    Xquisite icon theme for XFCE
88 aur/xfce4-xubuntustudio-icon-theme 0-3 (81)
    XubuntuStudio icon theme for XFCE
==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
==> -------------------------------------------------------
==> 1 2 3


目标 (6): icon-naming-utils-0.8.90-2  perl-xml-parser-2.41-3  perl-xml-simple-2.20-1
           gnome-icon-theme-3.4.0-1  gnome-icon-theme-extras-3.4.0-1

全部下载大小:9.71 MiB
全部安装大小:32.81 MiB

进行安装吗? [Y/n] y
:: 正在从 extra 软件库获取软件包...
 perl-xml-parser-2.41-3-x86_64       142.7 KiB   209K/s 00:01 [##################################] 100%
 perl-xml-simple-2.20-1-any           54.6 KiB   259K/s 00:00 [##################################] 100%
 icon-naming-utils-0.8.90-2-any        6.8 KiB   318K/s 00:00 [##################################] 100%
 gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.4....    87.7 KiB   253K/s 00:00 [##################################] 100%
 gnome-icon-theme-3.4.0-1-any          8.7 MiB   252K/s 00:35 [##################################] 100%
 gnome-icon-theme-extras-3.4.0-...   762.0 KiB   253K/s 00:03 [##################################] 100%
(6/6) 正在检查软件包完整性                                    [##################################] 100%
(6/6) 正在加载软件包文件                                      [##################################] 100%
(6/6) 正在检查文件冲突                                        [##################################] 100%
(6/6) 正在检查可用硬盘空间                                    [##################################] 100%
(1/6) 正在安装 perl-xml-parser                                [##################################] 100%
(2/6) 正在安装 perl-xml-simple                                [##################################] 100%
(3/6) 正在安装 icon-naming-utils                              [##################################] 100%
(4/6) 正在安装 gnome-icon-theme-symbolic                      [##################################] 100%
(5/6) 正在安装 gnome-icon-theme                               [##################################] 100%
(6/6) 正在安装 gnome-icon-theme-extras                        [##################################] 100%
[cly@topgun ~]
