linux inotify 中的不尽人意的地方






  move 事件:



       Move events are complicated because inotify may be watching the directory that the file    is moved to or from, but


not the other. Because of this, it is not always possible to alert the  user of the source and destination of a file involved


in a move. inotify is able to alert the application to both only if the application is watching both directories.


      In that case, inotify emits an IN_MOVED_FROM from the watch descriptor of the source directory, and it emits an


IN_MOVED_TO from the watch descriptor of the destination directory. If watching only one or the other, only the one


event will be sent.   


      To tie together two disparate moved to/from events, inotify sets the cookie field in the inotify_event structure to a


unique nonzero value. Two events with matching cookies are thus related, one showing the source and one showing


the destination of the move.


     上面是说 如果目录发生rename,inotify将同时抛出IN_MOVED_FROM 和IN_MOVED_TO事件,前提是这两个目录必须同时在监控目录当中,也就是说用命令mv srcDirname descDirname, srcDirname 和descDirname 都已经在监控队列中注册了。这样的重命名事件是怎么对应的呢,那么就是通过cookie值,rename发生时,他们事件的cookie值是相同的,因此就同步了。


       struct inotify_event {
        __s32 wd;             /* watch descriptor */
        __u32 mask;           /* watch mask */
        __u32 cookie;         /* cookie to synchronize two events */
        __u32 len;            /* length (including nulls) of name */
        char name[0];        /* stub for possible name */






     这个问题在libinotifytools 库中也没有得到解决。










