Android 获取存储卡路径和空间使用情况

/** 获取存储卡路径 */  
  File sdcardDir=Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();   
  /** StatFs 看文件系统空间使用情况 */  
  StatFs statFs=new StatFs(sdcardDir.getPath());   
  /** Block 的 size*/  
  Long blockSize=statFs.getBlockSize();   
  /** 总 Block 数量 */  
  Long totalBlocks=statFs.getBlockCount();   
  /** 已使用的 Block 数量 */  
  Long availableBlocks=statFs.getAvailableBlocks();


public class

Environment 英音:[in'vaiərənmənt]美音:[ɪn'vaɪrənmənt]

extends Object

<!-- end header -->

   ↳ android.os.Environment

Class Overview(类概述)

Provides access to environment variables. 提供访问环境变量。




String MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL if the media was removed before it was unmounted.
String MEDIA_CHECKING getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_CHECKING if the media is present and being disk-checked
String MEDIA_MOUNTED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_MOUNTED if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read/write access.
String MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read only access.
String MEDIA_NOFS getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_NOFS if the media is present but is blank or is using an unsupported filesystem
String MEDIA_REMOVED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_REMOVED if the media is not present.
String MEDIA_SHARED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_SHARED if the media is present not mounted, and shared via USB mass storage.
String MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE if the media is present but cannot be mounted.
String MEDIA_UNMOUNTED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_UNMOUNTED if the media is present but not mounted.





Public Constructors(构造函数)

<!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->

Public Methods
static File getDataDirectory() :    Gets the Android data directory.获取Android的数据目录
static File getDownloadCacheDirectory()  : Gets the Android Download/Cache content directory.获取的Andr​​oid下载/缓存内容的目录。
static File getExternalStorageDirectory()  :Gets the Android external storage directory.获取Android的外部存储目录。
static File getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(String type) :Get a top-level public external storage directory for placing files of a particular type.获取为特定类型的文件放在顶层的公共外部存储目录。
static String getExternalStorageState() :Gets the current state of the primary "external" storage device.获取的主要“外部”存储设备的当前状态。
static File getRootDirectory() :Gets the Android root directory.获取Android的根目录
static boolean isExternalStorageEmulated() :Returns whether the device has an external storage device which is emulated.返回设备是否有外部存储设备的仿真
static boolean isExternalStorageRemovable() :Returns whether the primary "external" storage device is removable.返回主“外部存储设备是否是可拆卸的。



public static File getExternalStorageDirectory ()

获取Android的外部存储目录。这个目录可能目前无法访问,如果它已被安装在其计算机上的用户,已被删除从设备,或发生其他一些问题。你可以确定其当前状态 getExternalStorageState() 






BroadcastReceiver mExternalStorageReceiver;
boolean mExternalStorageAvailable = false;
boolean mExternalStorageWriteable = false;

void updateExternalStorageState() {
    String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
    if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(state)) {
        mExternalStorageAvailable = mExternalStorageWriteable = true;
    } else if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY.equals(state)) {
        mExternalStorageAvailable = true;
        mExternalStorageWriteable = false;
    } else {
        mExternalStorageAvailable = mExternalStorageWriteable = false;

void startWatchingExternalStorage() {
    mExternalStorageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            Log.i("test", "Storage: " + intent.getData());
    IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
    registerReceiver(mExternalStorageReceiver, filter);

void stopWatchingExternalStorage() {

