struct transformValues_ 拥有如下几个参数
CCPoint pos; // position x and y 位置
CCPoint scale; // scale x and y 放大缩小
float rotation; 旋转
CCPoint skew; // skew x and y 倾斜
CCPoint ap; // anchor point in pixels 锚点
bool visible; 是否可见
Public Member Functions |
virtual GLubyte | getOpacity (void) |
getOpacity 获取透明度 | |
virtual void | setOpacity (GLubyte var) |
setOpacity 设置透明度 | |
virtual const ccColor3B & | getColor (void) |
getColor 获取颜色 | |
virtual void | setColor (const ccColor3B &var) |
setColor 设置颜色 | |
virtual void | draw (void) 绘制 可以覆盖转换为自己的绘制方式 |
Override this method to draw your own node. | |
bool | isDirty (void) 精灵是否需要更新在自己所在在的位图上 |
whether or not the Sprite needs to be updated in the Atlas | |
void | setDirty (bool bDirty) 设置是否需要更新 |
make the Sprite to be updated in the Atlas. | |
ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad | getQuad (void) 获取文本位置 顶点位置 和颜色 |
get the quad (tex coords, vertex coords and color) information | |
bool | isTextureRectRotated (void) 是否旋转 |
returns whether or not the texture rectangle is rotated | |
unsigned int | getAtlasIndex (void) 获取所在图片集ID |
Set the index used on the TextureAtlas. | |
void | setAtlasIndex (unsigned int uAtlasIndex) 设置说属图片集ID |
Set the index used on the TextureAtlas. | |
const CCRect & | getTextureRect (void) 返回精灵大小 |
returns the rect of the CCSprite in points | |
bool | isUsesBatchNode (void) 判断精灵是否在 CCSpriteBatchNode 渲染 |
whether or not the Sprite is rendered using a CCSpriteBatchNode | |
void | setUsesSpriteBatchNode (bool bUsesSpriteBatchNode) 设置该精灵对象在 CCSpriteBatchNode 中被渲染 |
make the Sprite been rendered using a CCSpriteBatchNode | |
CCTextureAtlas * | getTextureAtlas (void) 获取设置地图纹理 |
void | setTextureAtlas (CCTextureAtlas *pobTextureAtlas) |
CCSpriteBatchNode * | getSpriteBatchNode (void) 设置和获取一批精灵集 |
void | setSpriteBatchNode (CCSpriteBatchNode *pobSpriteBatchNode) |
ccHonorParentTransform | getHonorParentTransform (void) 是否根据其父的矩阵变化而改变 |
whether or not to transform according to its parent transformations. | |
void | setHonorParentTransform (ccHonorParentTransform eHonorParentTransform) |
whether or not to transform according to its parent transformations. | |
const CCPoint & | getOffsetPositionInPixels (void) 获取便宜位置(象素) |
Get offset position of the sprite. | |
ccBlendFunc | getBlendFunc (void) 设置获取混合方法 |
conforms to CCTextureProtocol protocol | |
void | setBlendFunc (ccBlendFunc blendFunc) |
conforms to CCTextureProtocol protocol | |
CCSprite (void) | |
virtual | ~CCSprite (void) |
virtual bool | init (void) |
virtual void | removeChild (CCNode *pChild, bool bCleanup) 移除孩子 是否清理action |
Removes a child from the container. | |
virtual void | removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (bool bCleanup) |
Removes all children from the container and do a cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. | |
virtual void | reorderChild (CCNode *pChild, int zOrder) 移除孩子由zOrder决定 |
Reorders a child according to a new z value. | |
virtual void | addChild (CCNode *pChild) |
Adds a child to the container with z-order as 0. | |
virtual void | addChild (CCNode *pChild, int zOrder) |
Adds a child to the container with a z-order If the child is added to a 'running' node, then 'onEnter' and 'onEnterTransitionDidFinish' will be called immediately. | |
virtual void | addChild (CCNode *pChild, int zOrder, int tag) |
Adds a child to the container with z order and tag If the child is added to a 'running' node, then 'onEnter' and 'onEnterTransitionDidFinish' will be called immediately. | |
virtual void | setDirtyRecursively (bool bValue) |
virtual void | setPosition (const CCPoint &pos) 设置位置 |
setPosition | |
virtual void | setPositionInPixels (const CCPoint &pos) 设置位置(象素) |
setPositionInPixels | |
virtual void | setRotation (float fRotation) 设置旋转 |
setRotation | |
virtual void | setSkewX (float sx) 设置倾斜XY |
setSkewX | |
virtual void | setSkewY (float sy) |
setSkewY | |
virtual void | setScaleX (float fScaleX) 设置放大缩小 |
setScaleX | |
virtual void | setScaleY (float fScaleY) |
setScaleY | |
virtual void | setScale (float fScale) |
The scale factor of the node. | |
virtual void | setVertexZ (float fVertexZ) 设置Z轴顶点坐标 |
setVertexZ | |
virtual void | setAnchorPoint (const CCPoint &anchor) 设置锚点坐标 |
setAnchorPoint | |
virtual void | setIsRelativeAnchorPoint (bool bRelative) 设置是否相对锚点坐标 |
setIsRelativeAnchorPoint | |
virtual void | setIsVisible (bool bVisible) 设置是否可见 |
setIsVisible | |
void | setFlipX (bool bFlipX) 设置X翻转Y翻转 |
void | setFlipY (bool bFlipY) |
bool | isFlipX (void) |
whether or not the sprite is flipped horizontally. | |
bool | isFlipY (void) |
whether or not the sprite is flipped vertically. | |
void | updateColor (void) |
virtual void | setIsOpacityModifyRGB (bool bValue) 设置是否RGB透明修饰 |
opacity: conforms to CCRGBAProtocol protocol | |
virtual bool | getIsOpacityModifyRGB (void) |
returns whether or not the opacity will be applied using glColor(R,G,B,opacity) or glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity); | |
virtual void | setTexture (CCTexture2D *texture) 设置纹理 |
virtual CCTexture2D * | getTexture (void) |
bool | initWithTexture (CCTexture2D *pTexture) 初始化精灵精灵通过纹理 |
Initializes an sprite with a texture. | |
bool | initWithTexture (CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect &rect) 初始化sprite通过纹理和矩形 |
Initializes an sprite with a texture and a rect. | |
bool | initWithSpriteFrame (CCSpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame)初始化精灵通过精灵帧 |
bool | initWithSpriteFrameName (const char *pszSpriteFrameName) |
Initializes an sprite with an sprite frame name. 初始化精灵通过一个精灵帧名称 | |
bool | initWithFile (const char *pszFilename)初始化精灵通过一个图片地址 |
Initializes an sprite with an image filename. | |
bool | initWithFile (const char *pszFilename, const CCRect &rect) |
Initializes an sprite with an image filename, and a rect. 初始化精灵通过一个图片地址和矩形 | |
bool | initWithBatchNode (CCSpriteBatchNode *batchNode, const CCRect &rect)初始化精灵通过精灵集合和一个矩形 |
Initializes an sprite with an CCSpriteBatchNode and a rect in points. | |
bool | initWithBatchNodeRectInPixels (CCSpriteBatchNode *batchNode, const CCRect &rect) |
Initializes an sprite with an CCSpriteBatchNode and a rect in pixels. | |
void | updateTransform (void) 更新矩阵 |
updates the quad according the the rotation, position, scale values. | |
void | useSelfRender (void)使用自身渲染 |
tell the sprite to use self-render. | |
void | setTextureRect (const CCRect &rect)更新精灵在纹理上的矩形 |
updates the texture rect of the CCSprite in points. | |
void | setTextureRectInPixels (const CCRect &rect, bool rotated, const CCSize &size) |
updates the texture rect, rectRotated and untrimmed size of the CCSprite in pixels | |
void | useBatchNode (CCSpriteBatchNode *batchNode)使用精灵集 |
tell the sprite to use batch node render. | |
void | setDisplayFrame (CCSpriteFrame *pNewFrame)设置显示帧 |
sets a new display frame to the CCSprite. | |
bool | isFrameDisplayed (CCSpriteFrame *pFrame)判断当前显示帧 |
returns whether or not a CCSpriteFrame is being displayed | |
CCSpriteFrame * | displayedFrame (void)返回当前显示帧 |
returns the current displayed frame. | |
void | setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName (const char *animationName, int frameIndex) 设置动画并设置显示索引 |
changes the display frame with animation name and index. | |
Static Public Member Functions |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithTexture (CCTexture2D *pTexture) |
Creates an sprite with a texture. 通过纹理创建一个精灵 | |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithTexture (CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect &rect) |
Creates an sprite with a texture and a rect. 通过纹理和矩形创建一个精灵 | |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithTexture (CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect &rect, const CCPoint &offset) |
Creates an sprite with a texture, a rect and offset. 通过纹理和偏移矩形创建一个精灵 | |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithSpriteFrame (CCSpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame) |
Creates an sprite with an sprite frame. 通过帧创建一个精灵 | |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithSpriteFrameName (const char *pszSpriteFrameName) |
Creates an sprite with an sprite frame name. 通过帧名称创建一个精灵 | |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithFile (const char *pszFileName) |
Creates an sprite with an image filename. 通过图片创建一个精灵 | |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithFile (const char *pszFileName, const CCRect &rect) |
Creates an sprite with an image filename and a rect. 通过图片和矩形创建一个精灵 | |
static CCSprite * | spriteWithBatchNode (CCSpriteBatchNode *batchNode, const CCRect &rect) |
Creates an sprite with an CCBatchNode and a rect. 通过精灵集和矩形创建一个精灵 | |
Protected Member Functions |
void | updateTextureCoords (const CCRect &rect) 更新纹理位置 矩形 |
void | updateBlendFunc (void) 更新混合方法 |
void | getTransformValues (struct transformValues_ *tv) 获取矩阵参数 |
Protected Attributes |
GLubyte | m_nOpacity 透明 |
Opacity: conforms to CCRGBAProtocol protocol. | |
ccColor3B | m_sColor 颜色 |
Color: conforms with CCRGBAProtocol protocol. | |
CCTextureAtlas * | m_pobTextureAtlas 地图集 |
unsigned int | m_uAtlasIndex 地图集索引 |
CCSpriteBatchNode * | m_pobBatchNode 精灵集 |
ccHonorParentTransform | m_eHonorParentTransform 是否随父矩阵变换 |
bool | m_bDirty 是否更新 |
bool | m_bRecursiveDirty ? |
bool | m_bHasChildren 是否有子对象 |
ccBlendFunc | m_sBlendFunc 是否混合方法 |
CCTexture2D * | m_pobTexture 纹理 |
bool | m_bUsesBatchNode 是否使用精灵集 |
CCRect | m_obRect 矩形 |
CCRect | m_obRectInPixels |
bool | m_bRectRotated 是否矩形旋转 |
CCPoint | m_obOffsetPositionInPixels 偏移 |
CCPoint | m_obUnflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter |
ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad | m_sQuad QUAD |
ccColor3B | m_sColorUnmodified 原始颜色 |
bool | m_bOpacityModifyRGB 是否透明修饰 |
bool | m_bFlipX 是否X翻转 |
bool | m_bFlipY 是否Y翻转 |