GetAsyncKeyState()& 0x8000f

GetAsyncKeyState()& 0x8000f

GetAsyncKeyState函数功能:读取的是物理键状态,也是就是不管你怎么鼠标键盘映射,它只读取实际的按键状态。MSDN上给出了例子很恰当For example, the call GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) always returns the state of the left physical mouse button, regardless of whether it is mapped to the left or right logical mouse button.也就是说如果你重新设置了映射,GetAsyncKeyState还是只读取物理状态


bit的值,在windowsCE下要忽略(参考自MSDNIf the most significant bit is set, the key is down. The least significant

bit is not valid in Windows CE, and should be ignored.)

GetAsyncKeyState('M')& 0x8000f // 要大写M, f的意思是float的意思

你可能感兴趣的:(GetAsyncKeyState()& 0x8000f)