








/** * <p>Return an <code>Action</code> instance that will be used to process * the current request, creating a new one if necessary.</p> * * @param request The servlet request we are processing * @param response The servlet response we are creating * @param mapping The mapping we are using * @return An <code>Action</code> instance that will be used to process * the current request. * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurs */ protected Action processActionCreate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionMapping mapping) throws IOException { // Acquire the Action instance we will be using (if there is one) String className = mapping.getType(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" Looking for Action instance for class " + className); } Action instance; // 这个同步快保证了Action的单例 synchronized (actions) { // Return any existing Action instance of this class instance = (Action) actions.get(className); if (instance != null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(" Returning existing Action instance"); } return (instance); } // Create and return a new Action instance if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(" Creating new Action instance"); } try { instance = (Action) RequestUtils.applicationInstance(className); // Maybe we should propagate this exception // instead of returning null. } catch (Exception e) { log.error(getInternal().getMessage("actionCreate", mapping.getPath()), e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, getInternal().getMessage("actionCreate", mapping.getPath())); return (null); } actions.put(className, instance); if (instance.getServlet() == null) { instance.setServlet(this.servlet); } } return (instance); }





下面是摘自   4.4.1 Action Class Design Guidelines 部分


Write code for a multi-threaded environment - Our controller servlet creates only one instance of your Action class , and uses this one instance to service all requests. Thus, you need to write thread-safe Action classes. Follow the same guidelines you would use to write thread-safe Servlets. Here are two general guidelines that will help you write scalable, thread-safe Action classes:
    // 这里说的很清楚,ActionServlet只创建一个Action实例,所有对这个Action的请求都是由这个实例来处理。与写Servlet类类似。


    * Only Use Local Variables - The most important principle that aids in thread-safe coding is to use only local variables , not instance variables , in your Action class. Local variables are created on a stack that is assigned (by your JVM) to each request thread, so there is no need to worry about sharing them. An Action can be factored into several local methods, so long as all variables needed are passed as method parameters. This assures thread safety, as the JVM handles such variables internally using the call stack which is associated with a single Thread.

      // 在Action类中只使用局部变量,不使用实例变量。因为局部变量是放在每个线程的独立栈中的,不是共享资源不存在线程安全问题;另外传入方法的参数变量也是不存在线程安全问题。

    * Conserve Resources - As a general rule, allocating scarce resources and keeping them across requests from the same user (in the user's session) can cause scalability problems. For example, if your application uses JDBC and you allocate a separate JDBC connection for every user, you are probably going to run in some scalability issues when your site suddenly shows up on Slashdot. You should strive to use pools and release resources (such as database connections) prior to forwarding control to the appropriate View component -- even if a bean method you have called throws an exception.
      // 这里说的是-优化资源,使用池技术。一时想明白这跟线程安全有什么关系。

2)对构造器的访问(new 操作)是线程安全的,因为每次都新建一个实例,不会访问共享的资源。




Struts2为每个请求都实例化一个Action实例(Struts2+Spring框架中,spring的bean scope="singleton"以后另看),因此不存在多线程安全问题。





Configuration config = configurationManager.getConfiguration(); // 这里一开始从Ioc容器Container中取到的Factory也是单例的 ActionProxy proxy = config.getContainer().getInstance(ActionProxyFactory.class).createActionProxy( namespace, name, method, extraContext, true, false); request.setAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY, proxy.getInvocation().getStack()); // if the ActionMapping says to go straight to a result, do it! if (mapping.getResult() != null) { Result result = mapping.getResult(); result.execute(proxy.getInvocation()); } else { proxy.execute(); }



ActionInvocation inv = new DefaultActionInvocation(extraContext, true); container.inject(inv); return createActionProxy(inv, namespace, actionName, methodName, executeResult, cleanupContext);



action = objectFactory.buildAction(proxy.getActionName(), proxy.getNamespace(), proxy.getConfig(), contextMap);

// 里边最终就是一个clazz.newInstance();





该类中用到了ThreadLocal类来维持只与本次请求相关的参数。(ThreadLocal见ThreadLocal类 )





public Result createResult() throws Exception { if (explicitResult != null) { Result ret = explicitResult; explicitResult = null; return ret; } ActionConfig config = proxy.getConfig(); Map<String, ResultConfig> results = config.getResults(); ResultConfig resultConfig = null; // 这里为什么需要同步? synchronized (config) { try { resultConfig = results.get(resultCode); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // swallow } if (resultConfig == null) { // If no result is found for the given resultCode, try to get a wildcard '*' match. resultConfig = results.get("*"); } } if (resultConfig != null) { try { return objectFactory.buildResult(resultConfig, invocationContext.getContextMap()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("There was an exception while instantiating the result of type " + resultConfig.getClassName(), e); throw new XWorkException(e, resultConfig); } } else if (resultCode != null && !Action.NONE.equals(resultCode) && unknownHandlerManager.hasUnknownHandlers()) { return unknownHandlerManager.handleUnknownResult(invocationContext, proxy.getActionName(), proxy.getConfig(), resultCode); } return null; }






