add/remove operation is impossible, because the code element is readonly 解决办法

add/remove operation is impossible, because the code element is readonly 解决办法

add/remove operation is impossible, because the code element is readonly 解决办法
2009-09-10 22:42
Visual Studio弹出一个消息框提示:
MESSAGE: Resource Editor: Add/Remove operation is impossible, because the code element ''(null)'' is read only

如果在这个出问题的类的头文件里定义了任何函数,把函数代码从头文件剪切到cpp文件里。关闭 Visual Studio,删除ncb文件和suo文件(隐藏)。
打开工程,待Intellisesnce update完毕后,添加消息响应代码。屡试不爽啊!

你可能感兴趣的:(add/remove operation is impossible, because the code element is readonly 解决办法)