Getting Online with Multiplayer Gaming(3)

Getting Online with Multiplayer Gaming(3)

The Network Demo

The Network Game demonstration program is basic in design. The game has a single large
level that players are allowed to join and in which they can begin moving and attacking
each other as they like (although no damage is done and nobody can die).

The game level is a large mesh (as illustrated in Figure 19.1) and utilizes the
NodeTree class object for rendering.

Getting Online with Multiplayer Gaming(3)_第1张图片

A single mesh defines the players (and a mesh defines their weapons). Take a look
at Figure 19.2, which shows the character and weapon meshes in use.

Getting Online with Multiplayer Gaming(3)_第2张图片

As far as the demonstration game’s mechanics go, players are allowed to join
the game in play and begin moving throughout the level. Locally, players use
meshes to render a 3-D view of the game world. Each player’s view is oriented
slightly above and away from his character, as you can see in Following snap.

Getting Online with Multiplayer Gaming(3)_第3张图片

To move their character, players use the arrow keys; pressing in a specific direction
moves the character relative to the camera. Moving the mouse left and right
changes the camera-viewing angle to give players a full 360-degree view. Players are
allowed to attack each other by pressing the spacebar, which, in turn, makes their
characters swing their swords in hopes of knocking another character off of his feet.

Although the demo game is very basic, it does give you the foundation you need to
begin creating your own game. Remember though that all roads will eventually
lead down one road—getting your multiplayer game ready, and to do that, you
must first create an underlying game architecture.

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