joj 2390深度搜索,单挑路径不允许重复
using namespace std;
int path[ 6 ][ 6 ];
int row,col,v,h;
bool OK( int i, int j)
if (i >= 0 && i < row && j >= 0 && j < col)
return true ;
return false ;
void DFS( int i, int j, int & counts)
if (path[i][j] == 1 )
if (i == v && j == h)
counts ++ ;
return ;
path[i][j] = 1 ;
if (OK(i - 2 ,j - 1 ))
DFS(i - 2 ,j - 1 ,counts);
if (OK(i - 2 ,j + 1 ))
DFS(i - 2 ,j + 1 ,counts);
if (OK(i - 1 ,j - 2 ))
DFS(i - 1 ,j - 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 1 ,j - 2 ))
DFS(i + 1 ,j - 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i - 1 ,j + 2 ))
DFS(i - 1 ,j + 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 1 ,j + 2 ))
DFS(i + 1 ,j + 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 2 ,j - 1 ))
DFS(i + 2 ,j - 1 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 2 ,j + 1 ))
DFS(i + 2 ,j + 1 ,counts);
path[i][j] = 0 ;
int main()
freopen( " s.txt " , " r " ,stdin);
freopen( " key.txt " , " w " ,stdout);
while (cin >> row >> col >> v >> h)
memset(path, 0 , sizeof (path));
int counts = 0 ;
cout << counts << endl;
return 0 ;
using namespace std;
int path[ 6 ][ 6 ];
int row,col,v,h;
bool OK( int i, int j)
if (i >= 0 && i < row && j >= 0 && j < col)
return true ;
return false ;
void DFS( int i, int j, int & counts)
if (path[i][j] == 1 )
if (i == v && j == h)
counts ++ ;
return ;
path[i][j] = 1 ;
if (OK(i - 2 ,j - 1 ))
DFS(i - 2 ,j - 1 ,counts);
if (OK(i - 2 ,j + 1 ))
DFS(i - 2 ,j + 1 ,counts);
if (OK(i - 1 ,j - 2 ))
DFS(i - 1 ,j - 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 1 ,j - 2 ))
DFS(i + 1 ,j - 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i - 1 ,j + 2 ))
DFS(i - 1 ,j + 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 1 ,j + 2 ))
DFS(i + 1 ,j + 2 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 2 ,j - 1 ))
DFS(i + 2 ,j - 1 ,counts);
if (OK(i + 2 ,j + 1 ))
DFS(i + 2 ,j + 1 ,counts);
path[i][j] = 0 ;
int main()
freopen( " s.txt " , " r " ,stdin);
freopen( " key.txt " , " w " ,stdout);
while (cin >> row >> col >> v >> h)
memset(path, 0 , sizeof (path));
int counts = 0 ;
cout << counts << endl;
return 0 ;
On a chess board sizes of m*n(1<=m<=5,1<=n<=5),given a start position,work out the amount of all the different paths through which the horse could return to the start position.(The position that the horse passed in one path must be different.The horse jumps in a way like "日")
The input consists of several test cases.The size of the chess board m,n(row,column),and the start position v,h(vertical , horizontal) ,separated by a space.The left-up point is (0,0)
the amount of the paths in a single line
Sample Input
5 4 3 1
Sample output
if(i==v && j==h)
return ;//无论怎样,只要重复就返回