Changing the emulator locale from the adb shell

Changing the emulator locale from the adb shell

To change the locale in the emulator by using the adb shell.

  1. Pick the locale you want to test and determine its language and region codes, for example fr for French and CA for Canada.
  2. Launch an emulator.
  3. From a command-line shell on the host computer, run the following command:
    adb shell
    or if you have a device attached, specify that you want the emulator by adding the -e option:
    adb -e shell
  4. At the adb shell prompt (# ), run this command:
    setprop persist.sys.language [language code ];setprop [country code ];stop;sleep 5;start
    Replace bracketed sections with the appropriate codes from Step 1.

For instance, to test in Canadian French:

setprop persist.sys.language fr;setprop CA;stop;sleep 5;start

This will cause the emulator to restart. (It will look like a full reboot, but it is not.) Once the Home screen appears again, re-launch your application (for example, click the Run icon in Eclipse), and the application will launch with the new locale.
