Bus incident

A woman got on a bus holding a baby. The bus driver looked at the child and blurted out, "that's the ugliest baby I 've ever seen!"

Infuriated , the woman slammed her fare into the fare box and took an aisle seat near the rear of the bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked her what was wrong.

"The bus driver insulted me,"she fumed.

The man sympathized and said, "Why, he shouldn't say things to insult passengers. He could be fired for that."

"You're right ," she said. "I think I'll go back up there and give him a piece of my mind!"

"That's a good idea," the man said. "Here, let me hold your monkey."

Words and phrases:

1.  blurt out: 未加思索地冲口说出,突然说出
如果想表示某人“脱口而出,不慎冲口说出” ,也可以用这一表达法,很地道哦! 例如,In his anger, he blurted out the secret.

2.  infuriated :full of fury(激怒的,十分生气的)
例如: He looked really infuriated when he saw how much the work cost. 当他看到这项工作开销多大时他真的发火了。

3.  agitated : 焦躁不安的,狂躁激动的 (该词主要侧重在表示“激动和焦躁方面”, 近义词是disturbed 和 nervous) ,例如: She got very agitated.

4.  fumed :怒气冲冲,烦躁恼怒的 (at ,about over),例如:fume at a delay(因延误而盛怒);She always fumes when the mail is late. 每当邮件迟些她总要大发脾气。

5.  slam :猛力投掷,猛力放置(为了弄出很大的声音而放、扔或做其它有力的运动),例如:slammed the book on the desk(呼的一下把书扔到了桌子上)

6.  slam a car door:把车门砰地关上
She slammed the receiver down in fury. 她愤怒地扔下电话听筒。

7. fare 车费,交通费用,如乘公共汽车
fare box 投币箱(怎么样,现在坐公共汽车时,就可以找到地道的表达方式了吧!)

8. aisle 在这指公车上座席间的“过道”
此外,告诉大家一个关于aisle 的口语表达方式,“down the aisle”(结婚),因为aisle 亦为 “教堂的侧廊”。 例如,The parents hoped that the oldest of their daughters would be the first down the aisle. 父母希望其长女第一个成婚。

9. give him a piece of my mind 在这指的是 “狠狠教训他一顿”




