
  义 Everyday Expressions

I eat two apples every day.

I eat to live, but you live to eat.

The acid ate holes in the material.

  生活用语Street Talks
What would you like to eat?
He is eating an ice cream sandwich.
Eat away, boys. There’s enough time yet.
How about we eat out tonight? I don’t feel like cooking.
Damn it! ATM ate my card.
My answering machine ate my message.
Eat well, drink well—and do your duty well.
Eat at pleasure, drink by measure.
A good eater is a happy man.

  义 Everyday Expressions

The play was over before we could fully enjoy it.

We heartily enjoy that game.

Did you enjoy the movie?

Dad enjoys good health.

  生活用语Street Talks
The new play was good—everybody enjoyed it.
I enjoyed myself very much.
Enjoy yourself.
If there were no clouds,we should not enjoy the sun. (
Enjoy good health. (
I enjoy speaking English.
He enjoys many advantages over the others.

  谚语 Proverbs
Prudent men enjoy more conquests than passionate ones.
Rise with the sun and enjoy the day.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I’m expecting a letter from Rocky.

I expect to take a vacation in June.

Mom expects me to obey.

We expect that it will be all right.
  生活用语Street Talks
I hadn’t expected such a big turnout.
When do you expect Andy?
Don’t expect too much of me, George.
My wife is expecting me home at eight.
You can’t expect that something may escape the teacher's attention.
A: Hey Jane, how was your trip?
B: It was great.
A: I expect you’ll want to freshen up after your trip, huh? (
B: I guess you’re right.
The class wasn’t what I had expected.
Are you expecting anybody?
A: My boyfriend just broke up with me. I can’t believe it.
B: Well, what do you expect? You were treating him like shit.

Expect to be treated as you have treated others.
If you sow the wind expect to reap the whirlwind.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Please explain the meaning of this poem.

John explained his delay.

  生活用语Street Talks
Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him?
I’m attempting to explain that the modern artist is trying to get across his personal feelings about the world around him.
You needn't explain. (
It’s really not easy to explain in words.
You’d better go and explain to the teacher.
Son, you’ve got some explanation to do.
Please let me explain.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Do stop fighting boys!

The old man is fighting against the disease.

We have been fighting for freedom.

Tracy has a lot of fight in her.

  生活用语Street Talks
We fought about it and made each other miserable.
What are the boys fighting about?
He gave up without even a fight. (
You have to fight back the urge to go to sleep.
Don’t pick a fight with me, man!
I’m a kongfu master. Today you leave or I leave!
But yourself together and fight back! (
You are supposed to fight your way out of trouble.

He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.
No man can fight his own doom.

  义 Everyday Expressions

How did you get this amount of money?!

Where did you get this sweater?

I went back school to get my book.

Did you get my letter?

I got my leg broken.

We couldn’t get the piano through the door.
Wallace got a cold.

Oliver got home at night.

I got tired.

He ran away before the police could get him.

I don’t get your meaning.

  生活用语Street Talks
Get me a hammer from the kitchen, will you?
Ah! Now I get what you mean.
Carl said he’d been getting a little on the side when his wife was out of town.
A: What a bad mood you’re in, Oliver.
B: Yeah, you said it. I’d say I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
A: Mom, I’d like...
B: I’ve had enough of you kids—now, get away! (
A: Jane, how do you get to the Great Wall?
B: Oh, you got me there. (
The person who wins gets a grant to study in Sao Paulo.
We got in the car.
Get down from that table, please!
She got on/ got off the train.
York got out of the taxi.
We had to get over many difficulties. (
I’ve got no money with me.
I’ve got to leave right away.
We got caught by the rain. (
I’m getting going. (
I just got off work. (

It’s easy to get, but hard to keep what you get.
The angry beggar gets a stone instead of a handout.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I’m going to the station.

go swimming
go hunting
go fishing

I think I must be going now.

I will go mad! (go blind/ go bad)

How are things going?

Has your headache gone yet?

There are only two days to go before the meeting.

  生活用语Street Talks
Should I go this way, or that way?
I’m going out.
Betty went after fame.
Many hours went by.
Let’s go for a walk./Let’s go for a drive. (
Let’s go in!
Let’s not go into this matter now.
The party went off well.
Let’s go on a little farther.
He went over the document carefully.
Grandpa went through two wars.
This tie goes with this suit.
Jerry went so far as to say that his girlfriend was stupid.
It goes without saying that health is above wealth.
A: I’m going to have to kill you, man!
B: I’m sure you’ve not do that, bastard.

By going gains the mill ,and not by standing still.
Go easy,go slow;if you go fast you may go to hell.
one may as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.


Everyday Expressions

How did it happen?

I happened to meet him.

  生活用语Street Talks
A strange thing happened to me this morning.
What’s happening, Tom?
It so happened that I was in HongKong then.
I happened to overhear their conversation.
Something terrible has happened.
Don’t touch her, she happens to be my girlfriend.

  谚语 Proverbs
Everything happens for the best.
What must happen will happen regardless.
Worse things happen at sea.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Father often hit me on the head.

I hit up my head against the wall.

The typhoon will hit Taipei.

The car terriblly hit against the wall.

Rural areas have been hit by the strike.

The Yen hit a record high in trading today.

It was just a chance hit.

The play(this song) was quite a hit.

  生活用语 Street Talks
I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car.
Fortunately, I jumped back in time to avoid being hit.
I hit on a good idea/A good idea occurs to me.
The hit on Harry’s head knocked him out.
My answer was a clever hit.
John has been hitting on Jackie all night.
This book will be a big hit. (
A great idea hit me all of a sudden. (

A base on balls is as good as a hit.
Never hit a man below the belt.

  义 Everyday Expressions

The mother is holding her baby in her arms.

I held my eyes steadily on Jim.

Peter held the office of president util 2001.

This bottle holds two pints.

I held my breath.

They will hold a meeting tomorrow.

The regulation still holds good.

    Is that chair strong enough to hold you?

How long will this fine weather hold?

He was held prisoner during the war.

I hold that he is a fool.

  生活用语Street Talks
Would you please hold the door open for me?
The cops showed up and told us to hold it down.
Ok, here we go. Hold on to your hat!
I couldn’t hold him back.
Please hold on a minute.
Our oil supplies will not hold out a year.
Hold up your hands!
What’s the holdup? It’ taking too long!
The operator put me on hold.
She put her career on hold, and married John.
I don’t like calling customer service. They always put me on hold. And force me to listen some stupid music.

Prove all things;hold fast that which is good.
Teach your child to hold his tongue;he’ll learn fast enough to speak.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I hurt my foot by jumping over a fence.

The wet weather will hurt the fruits.

Her words hurt me.

My foot still hurts.

My hurt was slight/serious.

It’s a hurt to my pride.

  生活用语Street Talks
Which foot hurts? Is it the left one?
George was seriously hurt in the accident.
I won't hurt you.
What hurt have you done to them?
I was trying to get over my hurt.
I hurt myself playing football.
Quit flicking me! It hurts!
A: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, VV.
B: But I was very much hurt at your words.


  义 Everyday Expressions

You can keep the book.

Where do you keep your jewels?

Mother keeps a dog.

Father keeps a bookstore.

Keep your word.

Teacher suggests us to keep a diary in English.

The meat won’t keep long.

I kept standing in the train all the way.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Do you wanna know some real juicy gossip about Robert?
B: For sure. But don’t you need to get to keep it under your hat?
I couldn’t keep the appointment because I was sick.
We keep the supplies—pens, paper, etc, in this cabinet.
Keep to the left. (
Keep the aspirin away from the children.
The police had difficulty in keeping back the crowd.
Keep off the grass.
We must study to keep up with the times.
Keep in touch. (
He says that this marriage’ll be for keeps. (

Trust in God,and keep your powder dry.
A shut mouth keeps one from strife.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I don’t know what to do next.

How did you know him to be the headmaster?

How should I know?

I know of it, but I don’t know it well.

Do you know him?

  生活用语Street Talks
I didn’t know whether to send the letter airmail or not.
I don’t know if I can stay late.
He is known to everybody.
God knows where he has gone.
I have to wear more. It’s very cold, you know. (
Do you know where David is going to?
How should I know? (
I don't know that I can get up by five o'clock.
You know Beijing Hotel? Well,the bus stop is a few yards farther down the road.
Do you know, I think I'll accept your invitation,in spite of what I said just now.

  谚语 Proverbs
We don’t know when we are well off.
All that we know is that we know nothing.
No one knows what will happen to him the next moment.


  义 Everyday Expressions

The lion killed a zebra.

A long drought killed all the crops.

How can we kill these three hours?

My feet are killing me. (

Illness killed her appetite.

The play was killed by bad revieas.

Kill a light /radio

  生活用语Street Talks
This funny joke almost killed me.
You have to kill a dragon to be famous.
Robert was killed in the car accident.
Wallace killed himself in despair.
It killed me to pay that much, but I had no choice.
It killed me how David completely ignores his wife.
A: I haven’t drunk anything all day long.
B: Me too. I’d kill for a Coke now.
Don’t do that. You’re gonna get yourself killed.

You kill a man if you don’t save your life when you can.
Kill two birds with one stone.
Curiosity killed the cat.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I’ve lost my wallet.

Father constantly lost his temper.

We lost our way.

There is no time to lose.

It’s stupid of you to lose this good opportunity.

My watch loses five minutes a day.

The candidate lost by 200 votes.

  生活用语Street Talks
I cannot find my watch; I must have lost it.
We shouldn't lose heart. We may get another chance.
I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.
English lost to Chinese. (
The doctor lost no time in getting the sick woman to hospital.
A man tried following me, but I lost him. (
A: Tom’s out of it! Out of it! Oh, Gee!
B: He can’t be serious! Has he lost all his marbles?
He lost it when he heard the bad news. (

We don’t know a good thing till we’ve lost it.
Lose a leg rather than your life.
The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep.





  义 Everyday Expressions
The repair job will cost $300.
I got a job with Siemens.
You’ve done a good job.
It’s not my job to do this !

  义 Everyday Expressions
It’s a matter of life and death.
Many lives were lost in the accident.
Is there life on Mars? (
“Enjoy life” is my view of life.
We lead a happy life.
The young people were full of life.
I read a life of Martin Luther King.
  生活用语Street Talks
Victoria’s my life saver. Without her I don’t know what to do with my visa.
This is a poem about frontier life in the United States. (
Don’t you think farming is a wonderful life?
Get a life Jane! You’ve been studying all the time.
Don’t be so serious. Go out or have fun or drink a beer!
     Just get a life!
Bill’s the life of the party at college. He’s always making us laugh.
A: I was short-changed ten dollars. Do you think I should go back to the store and ask for it?
B: Not on your life. You’ll pay more than that for the taxi. (
A: I’ve been working hard, but they don’t give me a promotion.
B: That’s life. Anyway you work for yourself. (
A: I feel very happy when I’m with you.
B: Me too. Where have you been all my life? (

Life is not all beer and skittles.
Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.
Life is subject to ups and downs.
Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels.
man (men)

  义 Everyday Expressions
Man is stronger than woman.
Man is mortal.
Growing old is something a man has to accept.
Hey man, how’s it going?
The officer ordered his men to fire.
Oh man, it’s unbelievable.

  生活用语Street Talks
A: That man is a teacher, isn’t he?
B: Yes. He works for New Oriental.
A: I married an older man at eighteen.
B: Do you love him?
A: What are you doing here? Who’s manning the machine? (
B: Charelie is.
Mr.John is a man of his word. (
Ok,ok, you’re Mr. Know it all. You’re the man! (

A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.
Man proposes, God disposes.

  义 Everyday Expressions
Money doesn’t always bring happiness.
  生活用语Street Talks
Marian saves a small part of her salary as fun money every month.
A: If I have enough money, I’m going to take a trip abroad.
B: But you do earn a lot!
A: Well, I spend half my money on clothes. (
B: Icy, if I were you, I’d lay out my money more carefully.
A: If I buy that car, I’ll have to borrow some money.
B: Where is your money?
A: I ventured my money on the stocks. (
A: Your idea is right on the money.
B: Thanks.
A: Rose thinks she’s every man’s money! (
B: She’s pretty but she has no talent.
A: Gosh! We’re in the money! (
B: Yeah! Thank God! We won a thousand dollars at the races today!

Money talks.
Money makes the mare go.
Money begets.

  义 Everyday Expressions
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
The town is situated at the mouth of a river.
A rockslide blocked mouth of the cave.
she’s got five mouths to feed.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: I have informed Jerry by word of mouth. (
B: That’s good.
A: The doctor says that he’s suffering from cancer.
B: Keep your mouth shut. He couldn’t stand it. (
A: Look over there!
B: Oh, your mouth watered for ice cream. (
A: I don’t understand how everybody knows it.
B: Well you see, bad news spreads rapidly from mouth to mouth.
A: What did you say?
B: I said at 6 tonight.
A: Please put the receiver closer to your mouth. I can’t hear you.
After brushing my teeth, I always rinse my mouth with mouthwash.
Good medicine is bitter in the mouth.
Wisdom may come out of the mouths of babies.

  义 Everyday Expressions
You must know the laws of nature.
She has a gentle nature.
That is a book of the same nature.
Nature is exhausted.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Peter has a happy nature.
B: Yeah, he is a good-natured boy.
A: Victoria’s happy by nature.
B: You said it. She’s nice by nature as well.
It’s not in Jack’s nature to do such a thing.
I don’t naturally say the dirty words, I’m doing it for my class.
I’m sorry I naturally say dirty words. It’s my nature.
We have to do to protect nature.

Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak.
Nature teaches us to love our friends but religion our enemies.
Nature will have its course.

  义 Everyday Expressions
I like reading foreign news.
I’ll send you further news in a day or two.
We watch the news on television every night.
Pop starts are always news.
  生活用语Street Talks
There wasn’t much news in the paper today.
Oh! That’s old news. Everybody knows.
I’ve good and bad news, which do you want to hear first?
What’s on following the news and weather? Do you have a TV guide

A: Have you heard the news about Sally? She’s getting married.
B: That’s news to me!

  谚语 Proverbs
Bad/ ill news travels fast.
No news is good news.


  义 Everyday Expressions
The boys and girls at the dance made a night of it. (
This is the first night of the play.
  生活用语Street Talks
Mother sat up all night long. (
Victoria stayed up the whole night. (
We arrived there late at night.
We slept by day and traveled by night.
We worked night and day. (
Good night, John. (
We weren’t at the movies last night.
A: Would you like to stay the night?
B: Sure thing!
A: I really get going.
B: Night’s still young! (

  谚语 Proverbs
Nightingales will not sing in a cage.


  义 Everyday Expressions
I feel a pain in my chest.
Peter’s words eased my pain.
No pain, no gain.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Victor spares no pains. (
B: Yeah, he’s a good guy.
I’ve got a pain in my back.
I had forgotten you could be such a pain in the neck.
Alex is just experiencing growing pains. He’ll be alright.
Victoria is addicted to pain-killers.

Pain past is pleasure.
Pain wastes the body; pleasure the understanding.

  义 Everyday Expressions
The Chinese love peace.
Have you made your peace with your wife yet?
Grandparents love the peace of the countryside.
Little Tom is sleeping in peace.
  生活用语Street Talks
War started again after eight years of peace.
All I want is some peace and quiet.
I gave him no peace until he agreed.
Have you made your peace with your wife yet?
Do let me have a little peace.
Speak now or forever hold your peace. (if you have anything to say, say it now.)

Peace on earth and good will towards men.
Peace with sword in hand, ‘tis safest making.
Better keep peace than make peace.

  义 Everyday Expressions
The concert hall seats 500 persons.
I’ is the first person singular.
You had better go in person.
  生活用语Street Talks
The person who wins gets a grant to study in Sao Paulo.
I like Bill. He’s a very nice person.
Peter keeps his person neat and trim.
Harry, there’s a strange person to see you.
Only an unthinking person would make such a thoughtless remark.
I want to see him in person.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Who painted the picture on the wall?
I took a picture of my family.
I’ve seen that picture before.
The park is a picture when the roses are in bloom.
  生活用语Street Talks
I don’t get a good picture on my TV set. There’s something wrong.
In the picture, you’re standing with a guy with long blond hair.
I’ve seen you so many times in the pictures.
Jane always wants to be in the picture. (
Do you get the picture? (
You look picture perfect in that dress!

A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Reading gives me great pleasure.
she has few pleasures left in life.
“Are you here on business?”“No, for pleasure—this is my holiday.”
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Bill, have you met Joan before?
B: No. Don’t think I’ve had the pleasure. (
A: Thank you for your help.
B: My pleasure. (
A: Hi, Bill, nice to see you again.
B: My pleasure. (
A: Thank you so much for the wonderful party.
B: With pleasure. (
A: Bill, would you please pass me the tomato sauce?
B: With pleasure. (
A: Will you come with us?
B: With pleasure. (
Goodbye, Bill. A pleasure meeting you.
How do you do, Mr. Smith? It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Pleasure has a sting in its tail.
No pleasure without pain.
Pleasure is a source of pain; pain is the source of pleasure.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Prices are rising.

Loneliness was the price of Victoria’s success.

The clothes in this shop are priced high.
  生活用语Street Talks
What’s the price of that electric iron?
How much is this rug? Do you know the price?
A: You pay a heavy price if you drink too much.
B: Why is that?
A: You may lose your wallet or something.
A: Name your price! (
B: Ok, I’ll give you my best price. Let’s see, 600 dollars.
A: No. I can’t accept it. The market price is 620 dollars. Let’s make it 580. (
B: Oh no! Sir! The price varies according to the quality. Look at my stuff! I don’t understand how come you can’t accept such a popular price?!
A: 580 dollars! That’s it.
B: No. 590 dollars! The floor price. I can assure you that you’re getting a good bargain. Ok? Low prices and fine wares! (
A: Ok.

Virtue is beyond price.
Everyone has his price.

  义 Everyday Expressions

We must discuss the problem of how to protect the environment.
What they did produced new problems with us.
It took me an hour and a half to work out this problem in mathematics.
  生活用语Street Talks
According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem.
What’s the problem? Do you know?
Johnny is a real problem child.
A: What should I do?
B: You figure it out yourself. It’s not my problem.
A: What’s her problem?
B: Don’t mind her, she just lost her parents.

Everyday Expressions
Where does this road lead?
There is no royal road to learning.
Andy is on the road to Shanghai.
  生活用语Street Talks
  The thing I don’t like about driving is all the traffic on the
There are dangerous drivers like that one on the road.
  He lives on Fairview Road.
  Smoking too much is a dead end road. (bad result)
A: Hi Victor, you’ll fly to New York next Tuesday?
B: Yeah, but I really hate this life of being on the road all
              the time.
A: Well, it’s time to go.
            B: OK. But Let’s have one for the first. (以此杯送行)
            A: It’s getting late.
            B: Yeah I suppose it’s time to hit the road.
All roads lead to Rome.
There is a road from heart to heart.
The nearer the inn, the longer the road.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  义 Everyday Expressions
I put on / took off my shoes.

I wouldn’t be in your shoes for a thousand pounds.

The horse has cast a shoe.
生活用语Street Talks
What size of shoes do you wear?
If you could just put yourself in my shoes for a minute, you’d understand. (
A: Olive, there’s a shoe store over there. Let’s get in and take a look.
B: I’d rather not. You know I got ripped off last time I shopped there. (
被宰了: to rip somebody off)
A: Sam, keep your shoes on. I can’t stand the odor.
  B: But you’re the one asking me to take them off.

Every shoe fits not every foot.
The fairest looking shoe may pinch the foot.
No one knows better where the shoe pinches than he who wears it.

  义 Everyday Expressions
I really cannot swallow such a curious story.
Would you write the story of your life?
I read the whole story in her face.
Don’t tell stories, Tom!
That’ll make a good story. (
  生活用语Street Talks
Don’t tell the same old story.
They say the new film is an adventure story.
Every night he tells a story to his children.
A: How did you get to know her?
B: It’s a long story.
A: I love long story. /I have time./Try me.
I could tell in his face that he was just telling a story.
That’s a touching love story. (
He beats her all the time. It’s a never-ending story.


  义 Everyday Expressions
The race ended in success for the Chinese athlete.

Steven tried several lines of business with no great success.
David is a success as a teacher.
  生活用语Street Talks
The conference was a success.
Failure is the mother of success.
She wants to marry a successful businessman.
If you want to be a success, you have to work hard.
The new movie is a success.

Nothing succeeds like success.
Success is the child of audacity.
To know how to wait is the great secret of success.

  义 Everyday Expressions
Please put some sugar into my coffee.
Have you sugared my tea?
He tried to sugar the bad news.
  生活用语Street Talks
Would you please pass the sugar?
I’m making a cake, and I need some sugar.
Welcome home, sugar!(to your lover/spouse)
This new drink is sugar-free. (

When it’s bitter in the heart no sugar in the mouth helps.
Even the hornet is attracted to the sugar-pot.


  义 Everyday Expressions
I can’t afford time to visit all those places.

I don’t have much time for rest.
Would you please wait here for a time?
Science makes progress with the times.
I met that foreign guy at least 4 times.
This is five times as long as that.
生活用语Street Talks
Excuse me. Can you tell me what time is it?
(几点了?= Do you have the time?
The judges, as you can imagine, had a very difficult time choosing a winner.
The teacher kept talking all the time.
Do one thing at a time. Haste makes waste.
At one time they were in love.
Don’t worry, you may be in time for the bus.
I waited for you for a long time.
For the first time, I tried to give some serials thoughts about my life.
This money will do for the time being.
Victor buys me flowers from time to time.
My watch keeps good time.
A: Victoria is a good teacher.
B: I agree. But should she improve her timing, she would be a better one.

Time waits for no man.
Other times,other names.
Time is money.
Time will show.
There is no time like the present .

Everyday Expressions
Excuse me, will you tell me the way to the station?
Tian’an Men Square is a little/short way to the Museum.
This way, please.
Do it (in) this way. (
It’s just his way. Don’t mind his teasing.

the American way of living
  生活用语Street Talks
It’s a long way from here.
We walked all the way to the station. (
BTW/By the way, where are you going? (
对了;随便 incidentally)
We went to America by way of Hawaii. (
经由 via)
My Grandparents always let me have my own way. (
In a way you are right. (
Don’t stand in my way. (
Get out of my way! (
I met my old flame on my way to school. (
You are way out of line. (
Don’t go anywhere, I’m on my way. (
My son finally found his way back home.
One way or round trip? (
A: Where is my order-in?
B: On the way. (

Old friends and old ways ought not to be disdained.
Where there is a will, there is a way.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Don’t use difficult words.
Oliver gave me a word of advice.
David is a man of his word.
No word has come from David. (

  生活用语Street Talks
A: Jerry I want to have a word with you. (
B: Shoot! (go ahead)
A: I’ve something to tell you guys. You know, I’m going to quit smoking, drinking, gambling and womanishing, and starting from tomorrow! (
B: Famous last words! (
A: Please! I’m pretty serious about that. I’ll not eat my words this time.
  B: We don’t believe a word of that.
Your look is a wordless question, you know that? So please don’t look at me in that way!
Victoria asked us to recite articles everyday until we are
letterperfect. (
Alice is very…what is the word in English…imaginative.
I don’t understand this word.
John didn’t say a word about it.
In a word, I don’t trust Jack.
In other words, Jack betrayed us.
I don’t remember his exact words, but you got the point.
I’ll take your word for it. (

A word to the wise is sufficient.
Words are the wings of the actions.
Enough words, little wisdom.





  义 Everyday Expressions

Would you please accept my invitation?
I received John’s offer but didn’t accept it.

I cannot accept my defeat.

  生活用语Street Talks
Will you accept my advice?
David accepted the present with hearty thanks.
We’re willing to accept your plan.
A: Did you hear? John’s been accepted to the college of his choice!
B: I know—I read his letter of acceptance.
I think it’s time for you to accept the truth.
Your behavior is unacceptable.

When you accept a benefit,you sell your freedom.
   A nurse’s fairy-tales are accepted as the gospel truth.


  义 Everyday Expressions

We all agree on the plan.

Milk doesn’t agree with me.

Your story agreed with what I had already heard.

  生活用语Street Talks
I must know your opinion. Do you agree with me?
All I mean, Michael, is that I agree with what you’re doing.
I agree with you.
They couldn’t agree upon a price.
A: What’s wrong?
B: That food didn’t agree with me.

No two on earth in all things can agree.
Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.
They agree like cats and dogs.

Everyday Expressions

The sun appeared from behind the clouds.

Things are not always as they appear.

This work appears in parts.

My grandma appeared to me in a dream.

It appears to me that you are all mistaken.

  生活用语Street Talks
The sun appeared on the horizon.
The idea appears in many books.
The pop star made an appearance at the gathering.
It appears that things are going to work out.
He appeared to be sick.

Be what you appear to be.
The lawyer’s job is to make the worse appear the better reason.


  义 Every Day Expression

I asked him where he lived.

May I ask a favor of you?

We asked President Yu to our party.

I asked about the book.

Paul asked for more food.

Carl asked after his teacher.

  生活用语Street Talks
What did you ask him?
My father says I shouldn’t ask so many questions.
May I ask you a question?
A: Why do you slap me?
B: You ask for it.
If you ask me, it’ll never work.
John’d like to ask Mary out, but he’s afraid she’ll turn him down.
That’s a good-looking shirt. How much were they asking?

Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.
Better ask twice than lose your way once.
Asking costs nothing.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Boys beat drums.

We beat them by a score of 5 to 3.

The rain beat against the window.

Her heart was beating furiously.

  生活用语Street Talks
The rain beat against the windows.
Let’s go to have a beating. (massage or facial)
My heart beat high. (
He was arrested for beating his wife.
South Korea beat Spain in the quarterfinals. (
Bet I can beat you to the end of the street! (in a race)
Running there beats walking there. (running is better than walking)
A: Hey Sam what’s going on?
B: I’m think about Victoria.
A: About what?
B: She beats me. Some days she’s very nice to me and other days she won’t even give me the time of the day.
A: Hey VV I called you several times last night. Where were you? Hey, wait wait.
  B: Beat it! I’ve had it with you. (我受够你了。)
A: He insulted me!
B: Do you want me to beat him up?
A: Why not? I want you to beat the shit out of him.
A: I’m beat! Let’s go home. (I’m tired.)
B: Yeah! Let’s cruise. (Let’s go.)

A stick is soon found to beat a dog.
If you beat spice, it will smell the sweeter.
If you can’t beat them, join them.


  义 Everyday Expressions

She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.

Who broke his record?

I’ve never broken my word.

Doctors keep trying to break David of smoking.

The glass broke into pieces.

Day was breaking.

Let’s have 10 minutes’ break.

  生活用语Street Talks
A: You know David broke the news of his girlfriend’s death to Robert.
B: It’ll be hard on Robert.
A: Mike has promised to go to the theater with me tonight.
B: He always breaks his promise. (
A: Jerry can really break his students up sometimes. I don’t know how come he has so many funny things to tell them. (
B: Look at his eyes, nose and face. He is a born comedian.
Let’s have a break! (
Alice broke away from home! (
My car broke down on the way back home.
Two burglurs broke into grandpa’s house.
They broke off talking when Ann came in.
A fire broke out last night.
The morning briefing broke up at nine thirty.
I broke with all of my old friends.
Give me a break! (Don’t be so tough on me)
I have to break these shoes in.
Could you break it down over there?! (
调低音量: turn down the music)
Can we break down the driving? (
A: Could you lend me 100 bucks?
B: Sorry, I’m broke.
You look terrible. Did you have a nervous breakdown?
A: say ‘hi’ to your boyfriend for me.
B: We broke up last week.
A: Oh, I’m sorry.

  谚语 Proverbs
Never give a sucker an ever break.
Want and necessity break faiths and oaths.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Bring me the sugar please.

A short walk will bring you to a river.

The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.

Why don’t you bring Tom along?

The revolution brought many changes.

  生活用语Street Talks
Please bring me those magazines.
If this shirt doesn’t fit, may I bring it back later?
What shall I bring you back as a gift?
A: I like Prof. Lee so much.
B: You said it. His lecture brought home several important points.
A: Oh, boy, Victor’s carelessness brought about this accident.
B: Poor Victor, I can’t bring myself to help him then.
He brought up a good point.
Can I bring you a drink?

Whoever brings finds the door wide open for his reception—except when he brings trouble.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I bought this dictionary cheap, for only 2 Yuan.

He can’t be bought.

George bought fame at the expense of his health and happiness.

No one will buy that story.

  生活用语Street Talks
I assume you’ve decided against buying a new car.
Our family went camping last summer. We had to buy a new tent.
Victory was dearly bought. (
The firm bought out all its partners.
We bought up all the beer in the store.
Don’t buy his story. He’s lying.

Don’t buy a pig in a poke.
If you buy what you don’t need you will sell what you need.
You can’t buy peace of mind.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Call a taxi for me, thanks.

My friends call me VV.

I’ll call him at about five o’clock.

Alice called me for help.

Jack called at three.

A lady called while you were out this afternoon.

  生活用语Street Talks
What were you doing when I called you?
I’ll call as soon as I can.
I’ll call at her house later this afternoon.
Michael called Victor Wang back from America.
This task calls for a lot of time.
We’re going to call in a specialist.
If you like her, call her up and talk to her.
Mozart is what is called a genius.
A: I’m dead tired --- let’s call it a day.
B: What a great idea.
Excuse me. I’ve got to answer the call of nature.
I was called on the carpet for screwing up the business.
David is the boss and calls the shots.
Our doctor is on call 24 hours a day. Call us whenever you need help.
Michael took his cold feet and called off his own wedding.
Due to the injuries, the coach had to call on the second team.

He who pays the Piper calls the tune.


  义 Everyday Expressions

The cat caught a mouse.

Alice tried so hard to catch David’s arm.

We’d better get up early so that we can catch the first train.

   Both of us have caught a cold.

John was caught cheating on the exam.

I caught my skirt on a nail.

Sorry,I didn’t quite catch your meaning.

The house is very cheap, there must be a catch somewhere.

  生活用语Street Talks
The cat catches mice.
Do you always catch such an early train?
Let’s sit down and catch our breath for a while.
Run fast, or you won’t catch up with Jack.
Being a foreigner, George didn’t catch on to the joke.
Catch you later. (
I’ll give you a raise, you can work from home, you can have 4 weeks vacation. But there is a catch. You have to be willing to travel.
It’s been ages since last time I saw you. Let get together and catch up the old times.
Could you slow down a bit? I can’t quite catch what you said.

The cat that catches no mice does not earn his keep.
The end of fishing is not angling but catching.


  义 Everyday Expressions

           I showed Bob my study and let him come in.

           Come this way, please.

           The handle has come loose.

Her evening dress comes to the floor.

He finally came to love her.

his finally comes first.

First come, first served.
If you come uninvited you go unattended.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Tom cut himself while shaving.
This knife cuts well.

They cut their names into the wall.

We cut a road through the woods.

My husband and I are trying to cut the expenses.

The wind cut through my coat.

  生活用语Street Talks
   I’m not cut out to be a business man.
I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short.
They had to cut down a lot of trees to make room for farms.
Joanna’s loud voice cut across our conversation. (
Cut it out! (
A: Where are you?
           B: I had my hair cut at the barber’s.
We cut across the lawn in order to save time.
Let’s cut to the chase, what do you want from me?

Measure your coat twice since you can only cut once.
Fish, or cut bait.


  义 Everyday Expressions

           Do whatever you like.

           do the dishes (刷盘子)
do one’s hair (
do a puzzle (
do 40 miles (
do sb honor (
do sb a favor (
do sb harm (

           Do as you wish.

           Will this hat do? If not, try that one for the size.

Do you do economics at school?

I’ll do a translation for him.

How many miles did you do during your walk?

  生活用语Street Talks
Do you understand?
We’re for doing away with the law. (
I have nothing to do with Kite. (
We can’t do without this mini-dictionary.
What have you done with this box?
David is easy to do with.
The patient is doing well.
Father is doing well in business.
If you have cows you have to get up early to do the milking.
Do her justice!
A: Apple,apple. You know I hate eating an apple every day, but mom…
  B: come on Liz, Might do you good.
  An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Do unto others as you would be done unto.
When in Rome do as the Romans do.
Do as I say ,not as I do.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Can you drive a car?
Despair drove him to suicide.
I drive to work.
Let’s go for a drive.

  生活用语Street Talks
We prepared a picnic lunch and drove down by the river.
You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m driving everyone crazy.
You two will drive me round the bend soon.
Erry’s constant complaints drove him to desperation.
The tragedy drove Ann out of the mind. (
The ship was driving along before the wind. (
A: Can you believe it? George got a scholarship for a law school!
B: Well, he deserves it. He has been driving away at studying for the LSAT night and day. (
A: Ahead again? Oh, Gee! When shall we arrive?
B: In two more hours. Jerry, I know you’re tired but please drive with caution! (
A: Tom, which direction should we take?
B: Drive straight ahead!
A: what did you do when you want off at night?
B: Drove around. (

Drive your business, don’t let your business drive.
It’s very ill driving black hogs in the dark.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I dropped my wallet in the station.

Drop me at the corner please.

Put the water in drops into the mixture.

I’ll never drop the idea of going abroad.

There’s a coin dropping out of Jean’s pocket.

The temperature has suddenly dropped.

   there is a big drop in price.

  生活用语Street Talks
I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner.
I emptied the glass to the last drop.
For one thing, I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money.
The water leaks from the tap drop by drop.
I dropped across a friend at the theater.
I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop in.
I drop out high school when I was 17.
Could you drop me at the bank? I need some cash.
Tom Hanks drops his kids off school.
A: Please, tell me when you met your wife.
B: Drop it. (

Petty cares wear the soul out,drop by drop.



  义 Everyday Expressions

I eat two apples every day.

I eat to live, but you live to eat.

The acid ate holes in the material.

  生活用语Street Talks
What would you like to eat?
He is eating an ice cream sandwich.
Eat away, boys. There’s enough time yet.
How about we eat out tonight? I don’t feel like cooking.
Damn it! ATM ate my card.
My answering machine ate my message.
Eat well, drink well—and do your duty well.
Eat at pleasure, drink by measure.
A good eater is a happy man.

  义 Everyday Expressions

The play was over before we could fully enjoy it.

We heartily enjoy that game.

Did you enjoy the movie?

Dad enjoys good health.

  生活用语Street Talks
The new play was good—everybody enjoyed it.
I enjoyed myself very much.
Enjoy yourself.
If there were no clouds,we should not enjoy the sun. (
Enjoy good health. (
I enjoy speaking English.
He enjoys many advantages over the others.

  谚语 Proverbs
Prudent men enjoy more conquests than passionate ones.
Rise with the sun and enjoy the day.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I’m expecting a letter from Rocky.

I expect to take a vacation in June.

Mom expects me to obey.

We expect that it will be all right.
  生活用语Street Talks
I hadn’t expected such a big turnout.
When do you expect Andy?
Don’t expect too much of me, George.
My wife is expecting me home at eight.
You can’t expect that something may escape the teacher's attention.
A: Hey Jane, how was your trip?
B: It was great.
A: I expect you’ll want to freshen up after your trip, huh? (
B: I guess you’re right.
The class wasn’t what I had expected.
Are you expecting anybody?
A: My boyfriend just broke up with me. I can’t believe it.
B: Well, what do you expect? You were treating him like shit.

Expect to be treated as you have treated others.
If you sow the wind expect to reap the whirlwind.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Please explain the meaning of this poem.

John explained his delay.

  生活用语Street Talks
Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him?
I’m attempting to explain that the modern artist is trying to get across his personal feelings about the world around him.
You needn't explain. (
It’s really not easy to explain in words.
You’d better go and explain to the teacher.
Son, you’ve got some explanation to do.
Please let me explain.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Do stop fighting boys!

The old man is fighting against the disease.

We have been fighting for freedom.

Tracy has a lot of fight in her.

  生活用语Street Talks
We fought about it and made each other miserable.
What are the boys fighting about?
He gave up without even a fight. (
You have to fight back the urge to go to sleep.
Don’t pick a fight with me, man!
I’m a kongfu master. Today you leave or I leave!
But yourself together and fight back! (
You are supposed to fight your way out of trouble.

He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.
No man can fight his own doom.

  义 Everyday Expressions

How did you get this amount of money?!

Where did you get this sweater?

I went back school to get my book.

Did you get my letter?

I got my leg broken.

We couldn’t get the piano through the door.
Wallace got a cold.

Oliver got home at night.

I got tired.

He ran away before the police could get him.

I don’t get your meaning.

  生活用语Street Talks
Get me a hammer from the kitchen, will you?
Ah! Now I get what you mean.
Carl said he’d been getting a little on the side when his wife was out of town.
A: What a bad mood you’re in, Oliver.
B: Yeah, you said it. I’d say I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
A: Mom, I’d like...
B: I’ve had enough of you kids—now, get away! (
A: Jane, how do you get to the Great Wall?
B: Oh, you got me there. (
The person who wins gets a grant to study in Sao Paulo.
We got in the car.
Get down from that table, please!
She got on/ got off the train.
York got out of the taxi.
We had to get over many difficulties. (
I’ve got no money with me.
I’ve got to leave right away.
We got caught by the rain. (
I’m getting going. (
I just got off work. (

It’s easy to get, but hard to keep what you get.
The angry beggar gets a stone instead of a handout.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I’m going to the station.

go swimming
go hunting
go fishing

I think I must be going now.

I will go mad! (go blind/ go bad)

How are things going?

Has your headache gone yet?

There are only two days to go before the meeting.

  生活用语Street Talks
Should I go this way, or that way?
I’m going out.
Betty went after fame.
Many hours went by.
Let’s go for a walk./Let’s go for a drive. (
Let’s go in!
Let’s not go into this matter now.
The party went off well.
Let’s go on a little farther.
He went over the document carefully.
Grandpa went through two wars.
This tie goes with this suit.
Jerry went so far as to say that his girlfriend was stupid.
It goes without saying that health is above wealth.
A: I’m going to have to kill you, man!
B: I’m sure you’ve not do that, bastard.

By going gains the mill ,and not by standing still.
Go easy,go slow;if you go fast you may go to hell.
one may as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.


Everyday Expressions

How did it happen?

I happened to meet him.

  生活用语Street Talks
A strange thing happened to me this morning.
What’s happening, Tom?
It so happened that I was in HongKong then.
I happened to overhear their conversation.
Something terrible has happened.
Don’t touch her, she happens to be my girlfriend.

  谚语 Proverbs
Everything happens for the best.
What must happen will happen regardless.
Worse things happen at sea.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Father often hit me on the head.

I hit up my head against the wall.

The typhoon will hit Taipei.

The car terriblly hit against the wall.

Rural areas have been hit by the strike.

The Yen hit a record high in trading today.

It was just a chance hit.

The play(this song) was quite a hit.

  生活用语 Street Talks
I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car.
Fortunately, I jumped back in time to avoid being hit.
I hit on a good idea/A good idea occurs to me.
The hit on Harry’s head knocked him out.
My answer was a clever hit.
John has been hitting on Jackie all night.
This book will be a big hit. (
A great idea hit me all of a sudden. (

A base on balls is as good as a hit.
Never hit a man below the belt.

  义 Everyday Expressions

The mother is holding her baby in her arms.

I held my eyes steadily on Jim.

Peter held the office of president util 2001.

This bottle holds two pints.

I held my breath.

They will hold a meeting tomorrow.

The regulation still holds good.

    Is that chair strong enough to hold you?

How long will this fine weather hold?

He was held prisoner during the war.

I hold that he is a fool.

  生活用语Street Talks
Would you please hold the door open for me?
The cops showed up and told us to hold it down.
Ok, here we go. Hold on to your hat!
I couldn’t hold him back.
Please hold on a minute.
Our oil supplies will not hold out a year.
Hold up your hands!
What’s the holdup? It’ taking too long!
The operator put me on hold.
She put her career on hold, and married John.
I don’t like calling customer service. They always put me on hold. And force me to listen some stupid music.

Prove all things;hold fast that which is good.
Teach your child to hold his tongue;he’ll learn fast enough to speak.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I hurt my foot by jumping over a fence.

The wet weather will hurt the fruits.

Her words hurt me.

My foot still hurts.

My hurt was slight/serious.

It’s a hurt to my pride.

  生活用语Street Talks
Which foot hurts? Is it the left one?
George was seriously hurt in the accident.
I won't hurt you.
What hurt have you done to them?
I was trying to get over my hurt.
I hurt myself playing football.
Quit flicking me! It hurts!
A: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, VV.
B: But I was very much hurt at your words.


  义 Everyday Expressions

You can keep the book.

Where do you keep your jewels?

Mother keeps a dog.

Father keeps a bookstore.

Keep your word.

Teacher suggests us to keep a diary in English.

The meat won’t keep long.

I kept standing in the train all the way.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Do you wanna know some real juicy gossip about Robert?
B: For sure. But don’t you need to get to keep it under your hat?
I couldn’t keep the appointment because I was sick.
We keep the supplies—pens, paper, etc, in this cabinet.
Keep to the left. (
Keep the aspirin away from the children.
The police had difficulty in keeping back the crowd.
Keep off the grass.
We must study to keep up with the times.
Keep in touch. (
He says that this marriage’ll be for keeps. (

Trust in God,and keep your powder dry.
A shut mouth keeps one from strife.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I don’t know what to do next.

How did you know him to be the headmaster?

How should I know?

I know of it, but I don’t know it well.

Do you know him?

  生活用语Street Talks
I didn’t know whether to send the letter airmail or not.
I don’t know if I can stay late.
He is known to everybody.
God knows where he has gone.
I have to wear more. It’s very cold, you know. (
Do you know where David is going to?
How should I know? (
I don't know that I can get up by five o'clock.
You know Beijing Hotel? Well,the bus stop is a few yards farther down the road.
Do you know, I think I'll accept your invitation,in spite of what I said just now.

  谚语 Proverbs
We don’t know when we are well off.
All that we know is that we know nothing.
No one knows what will happen to him the next moment.


  义 Everyday Expressions

The lion killed a zebra.

A long drought killed all the crops.

How can we kill these three hours?

My feet are killing me. (

Illness killed her appetite.

The play was killed by bad revieas.

Kill a light /radio

  生活用语Street Talks
This funny joke almost killed me.
You have to kill a dragon to be famous.
Robert was killed in the car accident.
Wallace killed himself in despair.
It killed me to pay that much, but I had no choice.
It killed me how David completely ignores his wife.
A: I haven’t drunk anything all day long.
B: Me too. I’d kill for a Coke now.
Don’t do that. You’re gonna get yourself killed.

You kill a man if you don’t save your life when you can.
Kill two birds with one stone.
Curiosity killed the cat.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I’ve lost my wallet.

Father constantly lost his temper.

We lost our way.

There is no time to lose.

It’s stupid of you to lose this good opportunity.

My watch loses five minutes a day.

The candidate lost by 200 votes.

  生活用语Street Talks
I cannot find my watch; I must have lost it.
We shouldn't lose heart. We may get another chance.
I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.
English lost to Chinese. (
The doctor lost no time in getting the sick woman to hospital.
A man tried following me, but I lost him. (
A: Tom’s out of it! Out of it! Oh, Gee!
B: He can’t be serious! Has he lost all his marbles?
He lost it when he heard the bad news. (

We don’t know a good thing till we’ve lost it.
Lose a leg rather than your life.
The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Grandma always made cakes for me.

Professor Lee’s lecture makes us sleepy.

The teacher made me repeat it. (I was made to repeat it.)

Please don’t make a noise.

I make my bed every morning.

The kids are making progress in English.

Two and three make five.

She can make an excellent teacher.

He made a forture on the stock market

We have made 80 miles today.

  生活用语Street Talks

Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English.
The judges are making up their minds.
The conference made for better understanding between the two countries.
Wine is made from grapes.
The table is made of wood.
I want to make a teacher of myself.
Miao made up her face and went to a party.
We shook hands and made up. (
I’m afraid this guy can’t make it. (
A: Honey, can you come back home before 9 o’clock?
B: I’m afraid I can’t make it. But I’ll try.

What man has made man can destroy.
You can’t make a sieve from an ass’s tail.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I met my ex-wife on the way back home.

My parents met me at the airport.

I’d like you to meet my husband David.

Jerry met the misfortunes with courage.

My hand accidentally met hers.

I wish I could meet your wishes.

David and Victoria met in New Oriental School.

Our eyes met.

  生活用语Street Talks
We met one of the engineers over at the television station.
Laura talked to Claire while Mr. Crawford met with Paulo.
I met up with David in the train in London.
This belt won’t meet round my waist. (
Do you think we'll have a chance to meet him?
How did the two of you meet?
We met with some difficulty, but we overcame it.
Did you meet a girl?

Extremes meet.
When friends meet,hearts warm.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I like playing tennis.

Anna plays the piano very well.

We let Tom play Hamlet.

The kids were playing in the playground.

They played in Beijing for two weeks.

They asked me to play Cinderella in our class play.

  生活用语Street Talks
I like to play tennis, but I’m not very good at it.
Ellis played fast and loose with the company’s good name.
My good luck is played out. (
Play up! It’s your turn. (
It’s wrong for a man to play with a woman’s affection.
They didn’t play fair in this matter.
Now, now, stop playing around and get this job finished.
A: Do you play a musical instrument?
B: Yes, I’ve played the piano for over fifteen years.

If you play with a cat,you must not mind her scratch.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
工作时工作, 游戏时游戏.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Robert put his hand in his pocket.

Mother put the baby to sleep.
Mother’s words put father into a rage.

I can’t put it into words.

Would you please put this article into English?

Lily put a question to the professor about the environment.

  生活用语Street Talks
Put your books down on the table.
Why don’t you put an advertisement in the paper to sell your car?
Put your money aside for a rainy day. (
My parents put their money away for a tour of Europe.
Please put the book back in the bookcase after you’ve read it.
Put down your name and address.
The author put off a new book.
Don’t put off writing to me. I miss you so much.
I put on my clothes in a hurry.
I can’t put up with the insult.
Don’t put anything over on that smart kid.
I’ve put up with it long enough. (I take it long enough.
I put all my money on this sports car.
My boss put me on a new project.
Put on a show, please? (

   Put up with small annoyances to gain great results.
Don’t put the cart before the horse.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I can reach home before dark.

Can you reach the ceiling?

He reached for his gun.

My income reaches a considerable sum.

Don’t reach for the gun, man.

I can’t reach him by phone.

They’ve just reached a conclusion.

Peter got a book on the shelf by a long reach.

  生活用语Street Talks
The two sides were unable to reach an agreement.
The ladder won't reach the window.
I can’t be reached by telephone.
The sound reached the back of the hall.
It’s altogether beyond the reach of possibility.
A: George, pass me an umbrella.
B: Oh boy, I can’t reach so high.
Can you reach the book?
It took us ten hours to reach Nanjing.
My dream is beyond my reach
When I opened the closet, he reached out and punched me.

  谚语 Proverbs
From life to death is man’s reach.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I can’t remember his number.

I remember that I wrote to him yesterday.

Remember to lock the door when you go out.

Remember me to your parents.

If I remember correctly, Rocky is in Canada now.
  生活用语Street Talks
I don’t remember where I was then.
Do you remember my idea for an art competition at the Fair?
I simply can’t remember his name.
If I remember correctly, you are Prof. Lee’s daughter.
Remember your appointment this afternoon!

When befriended,remember it;when you befriend,forget it.
The last benefit is the most remebered.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Father runs a restaurant.

I ran my horse up and down.

Peter ran the risk of losing his life.

The car ran 60 miles an hour.

Let’s run for our lives.

Tears ran down the teacher’s cheeks.

Buses run every five minutes.

  生活用语Street Talks
It’s getting late. Run home at once.
You’d better run, or you’re going to be left behind.
You’re early. Did you run all the way here?
I ran across my old flame yesterday. (
There’s a dog running after a black cat.
The car ran against the wall.
The professional thief ran away.
We’ve run out of sugar.
The meeting ran late.
He’s got again! Run for your lives!


Still waters run deep.
Honesty will pay in the long run.

  义 Everyday Expressions

What did you say?

he was said to be rich.

The paper says that there was an accident on the highway.

Do just as I say.

This poem doesn’t say much to me.

I can’t say you are right.

You could learn to play chess in ,say ,three months.

Let her have her say.

  生活用语Street Talks
Say “please”.
I’d say you’re about twenty-three.
My mother decided to move to Mexico because people said things were easier there.
I’ll say Tom’s rich! He’s got load of dough.
Say what? Speak louder, will ya?
I won 100,000 RMB? You don’t say?!
They say he killed a man, you know?
What do you have to say about that?
Say your prayers.
The clock says five minute after twelve.

   Between saying and doing there is a long road.
No sooner said than done.
   A great man’s foolish sayings pass for wise ones.

  义 Everyday Expressions

You saved my life. What can I do in return?

I’ve saved a lot of money.

Don’t forget to save some money for the future.

God saves the Queen.

I saved for the future.

  生活用语Street Talks
If you save now, you’ll be able to buy a car soon.
I saved the animals from the flood.
You’d better tell the truth if you want to save your skin.
Victor doesn’t care who gets hurt, as long as he saves his own neck.
Save your breath! I’m not interested. (
It’ll save time if we take the subway.
I spent my entire savings on the motorcycle.
We’re trying to save up for a vacation.

A man may be demned for despiring to be saved.
He who would save should begin with his mouth.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I set the lamp on the table.

They set a guard on the minister.

Angela set the room in order.

David set me to do teaching.

David set us a hard job.

The sun sets in the west.

She set the watch by the time-signal on the TV.

  生活用语Street Talks
My boyfriend gave me a ring set with three diamonds. (
Mom set aside part of the money.
Harry set about washing his car.
I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m.
I set the flowers on the table.
He was set on going to New York.
I accomplished what I had set out to do.
Are you all set? Let’s go fishing!
Don’t try to set me up. (
Tell my secretary to set up this apartment.
Set your mind to your work. (fix your attention)
He set this house on fire.

   If the devil catches a man idle,he’ll set him to work.
Those who are fond of setting things right, have no great objection to seeing them wrong.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Father left for business, but mother stayed.

I stayed with my brother for a few days.

William is staying in Paris now.

The door stayed open all night.

I visited lots of friends during my stay in Guangzhou.

  生活用语 Street Talks
Don't stay up so late! (
Stay put till I get back!
I’ll probably stay home and watch television.
John and Jerry stayed away from school yesterday.
Would Michael and Joana have found a way to stay together if his painting hadn’t been chosen?
A: How long was your stay in England?
B: Only two weeks.

The globe-trotting dunce is more stupid than the dunce who stays at home.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I don’t like to talk politics.

I was talking with the neighbors.

Harry had a long talk with Sally.

  生活用语Street Talks
Talking of Paris, have you ever been there in summer?
What are you talking about?
We should talk the matter over together.
I have a habit of talking to myself.
Let’s talk about something else.
Mr.nikzad: Ali, be quiet. I’m talking to your mother.
Nikzad: Dear, he’s only six.
When you put it this way, how can I turn you down? You talked me into it.
No money, no talk.

Talk of the devil and he shows up.
It’s no use talking.
Talk much and err much.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I have something important to tell you.

I’ll tell you how to do it.

Mother told him not to go to church.

I can’t tell the sheep from the goat.

Everyone told of his or her childhood.

Age is beginning to tell on me.

How can I tell which one is better?

The government’s policies are beginning to tell.

  生活用语 Street Talks
Excuse me. Can you tell me the time?
Can you tell me more about the waiter’s job?
I could tell by his face that he was lying.
Sleeplessness is sure to tell on your health. (
When you testify in court, you’d better tell it like it is.
Tell ya what—buy four of them, and I’ll knock ten dollars off the total.
Something tells me that he is not honest. (
Are you telling me a lie? Tell me the truth!
Why did you have to tell on me to mom?
The boss really told John off today.

Tell no tales out of school.
Don’t tell all you know nor do all you can.
The wise man doesn’t tell what he does,but never does what can’t be told.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Are animals able to think?

I think I will leave Beijing next month.

I never thought of meeting Michael here.

Who would have thought we’d see Michael here?

Let me think for a moment.

I think it’s going to rain.

  生活用语 Street Talks
I don’t think it’s four o’clock yet.
I think we can find one.
I frequently think about a friend of mine in Tianjin.
I think highly of David.
I think lightly of John Lily’s novel.
We think nothing of his advice.
Please give me a few days to think it over.
Jane thinks her boyfriend’s hot shit, but if you ask me, he’s an idiot.
Think of this course as a place to make new friends.
Come to think of it, you were the one to suggust his stupid restaurant.
A: Take these crop away
B: I thought you liked it.
I’m thinking of you, baby.
If you hadn’t remined me, I woudn’t have thought of that.
A: Are you sure this is the way to museum?
B: Let me think it again.
That’s the only way that I can think of for now. You’re
  thinking too much, retard! (idiot IQ 低,脑子迟钝的人)

Those who dare to think by themselves can make others think with them.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Children enter school at the age of six, don’t they?
the Stone Age/the space age/in the age of Shakespeare (
Her son’s accident aged her quite noticeably. (
生活用语 Street Talks
   A: I want that teddy bear. It’s lovely. (玩具熊)
B: Simba, you’re 29 years old. Act your age. Don’t be such
    a baby.
A: There’s one seat here. You take it, Tom.
B: No, no, no, please. Age before beauty, professor. (
A: Oops, sorry I’m late, Jean.
B: So you’re finally here, David? I waited (for) ages, you know?
A: Come on, let me make up for it.
We used to have a lot of fun when we were that age. (
At my age, you can’t do such reckless things.
It has been ages since I saw him last time.

At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.
   One is as old as one’s heart.

  义 Everyday Expressions
I have gotten no answer from him (to my email).
I have no ready answer to the question.(
I’ll give you an answer after mature consideration.(
Why didn’t you answer me?
answer sb’s needs/requiements
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Excuse me for a minute—I must answer the call of
nature before we leave. (
B: Me too. Let’s go together.
A: Did you call Tom last night?
B: Yeah, I called but nobody answered. I’ll try again later.
How come you didn’t answer the door, Bill?
He thinks he has all the answers. (
If you come home late, do you have to answer to your wife?
Robert, I can lend you my car, but you’re gonna answer to me if you wreck it.
I need an answer by tomorrow morning. (

A soft answer turns away wrath.
Answer a fool according to his folly.
Everyday Expressions
He always carries his child in his arms.
The United States armed itself in preparation for the war. (
生活用语Street Talks
A: Jack and Rose had quite a quarrel last night.
B: Well they must have made up, because I just saw them walking along the river arm in arm.
A: Wow, Jean. What a cute car you’ve got!
B: Oh yeah, it cost me an arm and a leg. (
A: Which of your arms is sore?
B: The right one, mama.
A: Put this medicine on your arm every four hours.
My mother is an unhappy woman. She keeps everybody at an
arm’s length. (

谚语 Proverbs
Justice have long arms.


  义 Everyday Expressions
He lay on his back for three months. (
Mary backed her car a little into the parking space. (
The bank refused to back the plan.
The kids entered through the back door.
I’ll be back in a minute.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Tom, it’s 11:00 pm now. Where is your graduate thesis? It’s supposed to be handed in tomorrow morning.
B: Yeah,yeah, please Jean! I know the deadline is tomorrow, but if you don’ t get off my back, I’ll never get it done. (
A: You know Jerry, I busted him up something terrible yesterday.
B: Well, you’d better watch your step, ‘cause he’ll get backat you someday. (
A: Move on VV, I’ll always be here backing you up!
B: You’re so sweet Fredy! Thanks.
I need you to back me up on this.
Back up, buddy! You’re asking for trouble! (
We lay on our backs under the tree.
I’ve got a pain in my back.


  义 Everyday Expressions
The wind blew the ship toward the island.
Kids blow trumpets.
It was blowing hard.
The red flag was blowing in the wind.
I like to hear a siren blowing.
Father struck me a blow on the ass.
The bad news was a blow to Ann.
生活用语Street Talks
The wind has blown my hat off.
The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.
I knocked him down at a blow.
The attack dealt a heavy blow to the enemy’s army.
They came to blows over the argument—cry into a fight.
This is a picture of my girl friend. Could you blow it up for me?
I was about to blow up.
I got a once in a life time opportunity. But I blew it.
Be careful with that thing, you are going to blow up the whole place.

Strike the first blow: it’s as good as two.
That’s blow of your own seeking.
Blow your own soup ,not mine.


Everyday Expressions
Please give me two copies of the reference book.
an account book/ a telephone book
All the seats in the restaurant are booked.
  生活用语 Street Talks
A: Time’s up, Rose. We’ve got to book. (
/离开) (to go fast)
B: Now? Oh, no!
A: Is Tom okay for this job?
B: No, not in my book. (
A: What do you mean we have no place to stay?
B: All the hotels in town are booked up.
The accountant comes in once a month and goes over the books. (
I’m really scared, ‘cos I think the judge’s gonna throw the book at me this time.
We don’t have to go by the book here.
Sgt, why don’t you book him and I’ll sign the paper.
(put his name in books or computer; take the record
generally in the police station)
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.
We can’t learn men from books.

Everyday Expressions
I only cared for your safety.
I failed but I don’t care.
Would you care to go to the movies with me?
Give more care to the work.
Mama left the baby in the care of the nurse.
I have a lot of cares.
  生活用语 Street Talks
This poetry is realistic. I don’t care for it very much.
I don’t care for fishing.
Who cares for the sick and the old?
I don’t care much for a car.
Take care! You may get lost.
Take care of yourself. Ciao!
Please handle this package with care.
I couldn’t care less what David thinks. (
They had a hit man take care of the informer. (
杀手; 报信者)
I care about you a lot. (
I miss those carefree days when we were hanging out on campus.
   Want of care does more harm than want of knowledge.
Many cares make the head white.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Heat changes water into steam.
Angela always changed her clothes.
Let’s change seats.
Peter has changed since then.
Mellisa changed for the party.
Do you have change for a 20 dollar bill?
  生活用语Street Talks
I want to persuade you to change your mind.
We were going to offer him a scholarship, but we changed our minds.
Let’s take a taxi for a change. I’m sick of bus.
You have to change buses twice and then walk a long way.
The meeting has been changed from two to half past two.
It’s always good to have some spare change with you.
Change your clothes---we’re going out tonight.
I’m a changed man. (

   Sit tight; you may do worse by changing your position.
Wise man change their minds,fools never.
We don’t always gain by changing.

  义 Everyday Expressions
We danced in a circle.
Successful people can easily win a brilliant circle of friends.
This article touches on a wide circle of subjects.
The happy news soon circled around.
  生活用语Street Talks
If you bet on the race, bet on Bill——he can run circles around
the others. (
I swam circles around Mark, even though he thought he was a
good swimmer. (
In political circles there is talk of war.
Circle around, everyone! I have something important to
tell you! (
There was a chopper circling above us in the sky.
We should really quit talking in circles.
A: It’s really cold outside.
B: Come over here, boy! Let’s sit in a circle around the fire.

Circles, though small, are yet complete.
Every man is the center of a circle whose circumference
he cannot pass.


  义 Everyday Expressions
He is first in English in his class.
ruling class/the upper class/the middle class/the lower class(
He is a top-class actor.
Do you enjoy the computer class in New Oriental school?
It may be conveniently classed under A, B, and C.
生活用语Street Talks
A: Your helping out that old woman was a class act.
B: No, it’s nothing special. Age before Beauty.
A: Hey, man. Look over there!
B: At what?
A: There! Victoria is coming to her car.
B: Wow, such a classis-classis I’ve never seen.
A: Please! John.
A: Is it time to begin class?
B: Yes sir.
Her answer to that angry guest was a classy way to handle the
situation. (


  义 Everyday Expressions
Large, black clouds signaled a coming storm.
Steven sat on the bench, while clouds of black despair settled
over him.
A cloud of insects fly into the bathroom.
The sky is covered in dark clouds.
When Jerry heard the news of his wife’s accident, his face
clouded over.
生活用语Street Talks
A: What’s up with Sally? She’s on cloud nine! (
B: Well, her favorite rock star spoke to her!
A: That explains it! I hope she’s not floating in the clouds. (
A: What’s wrong?
B: My mind feels all cloudy after getting hit on the head.
A: When was your first kiss, Sam?
B: Well my memory is a little cloudy. Let me think a sec, uh…
Oh I got it. It’s 5.
When did I come? It’s a little cloudy. Let me think a minute.
The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt
Get your head out of the clouds and get down to work! (

Black clouds thunder a great deal, but rain little.




  义 Everyday Expressions
The room was cool after the sun had gone down. (
Don't get excited about the examination; keep cool. (
Michael seemed very cool towards us today. I wonder whether we've offended him. (
It’s cool!
Try and keep your cool.
We cooled down by swimming in the river. (

  生活用语Street Talks
There’s a cool breeze this evening, isn’t there?
Tom thinks he’s really cool, doesn’t he? (hip, popular…)
Would you cool it with your complaining?
I needed to cool down after that long run.
I’d like a cool one right about now.
Tell you what, let me bring us some nice, cool drink from the fridge so that we can sit back.
A: Hey tell ya what, let me get us a nice cool drink from the freezer.
B: Cool, sounds like a great idea.


Everyday Expressions
Living costs are mostly higher in cities than in the country.
Feminists are determined to obtain their rights at all costs.
This vase cost me thirty dollars.
生活用语Street Talks
A: Are you going to buy a new house?
B: A new house? You must be kidding. The cost is too
high for me.
A: Your car’s cute, York.
B: Yeah, but it cost me an arm and a leg.
A: Diving can be very dangerous, as I found to my cost. (

B: Yeah, your careless driving almost cost your life.
A: I like that bag, what did it cost you?
B: Ten bucks.
A: Please, could you do me this last favor?
B: Ok, but it’s gonna cost you!
I’ll get a new job at any cost!
Fools pursue pleasure regardless of the cost.
Courtesy costs little and means much.
What cost nothing is worth nothing.


Everyday Expressions
There is a large crowd of people in the hall.
Advertisements seek to appeal to the crowd.
Shoppers crowded Wangfujing Street yesterday.
Many past memories crowded in upon Andy’s mind.
Her mind was crowded with whys.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: What can we do? There’s a big crowd waiting in front of the
B: I don’t know neither. We had difficulty getting a taxi.
A: Let’s see what Bob would say about it.
B: Don’t expect anything original from him, he just follows
the crowd. (
A: Did you enjoy the concert?
B: Yeah,but it was too crowded
A: Dan cares too much about being part of the “in” crowd.
B: No kidding.
This DJ is a good crowd-pleaser. (be good at pleasing crowd)

A crowd is not company.
The man who follows the crowd often follows his doom.
Two’s company, three’s a crowd.


  义 Everyday Expressions
The injured girl cried for help.
The workers cried for a raise in pay.
Don’t cry!
I cried, “Watch out!”
Sally gave a loud cry at the sight of the wolf.
Leslie raised a hysterical cry.
  生活用语Street Talks
Don’t cry, Laura. You don’t have to work there.
The boy cried for help.
Icy’s been crying her heart out over that bum that left her. (
A: Frank and Jane broke up!
B: Yeah, and he cried his eyes out but finally got over her.
I heard someone crying out, but couldn’t tell where they were.
We heard loud cries coming from inside the building.
Better the child’s cry than the mother’s sigh.
there is no use crying over spilt milk.

  义 Everyday Expressions

What’s the date of your birthday?
I have a date with Tom tonight.
She is my date.
They’ve been dating for months.
The traditional friendship between our two peoples dates back to ancient days.
生活用语Street Talks
A: Scott! So tell me, How was your “big date” last night?
B: Oh, Gosh! That blind date was so ugly that I wished for a moment that I were blind, too.
A: Let’s make a date to go shopping next Monday.
B: Ok!
A: Did you hear Fred and Jenny are dating?
B: No way!
A: Victoria,you got time tonight?
B: Don’t bother me, I’m on a date.
It’s hard for me to keep a date. My boss forces me to work overtime. (not miss a date with somebody)
Next time I buy tickets for the theater, I’ll be sure to look at the date.


Everyday Expressions
They made a deal with a Chinese firm.
We played four deals in 30 minutes.
Do you know how to deal with the kids?
Grandma dealt out the fruit to kids.(
生活用语Street Talks
A: The boss is going to give us a twenty-cent-an-hour raise.
B: Big deal! (
A: I’ll treat you to dinner tonight. Six o’clock. I’ll pick up you
B: It’s a deal! (
A: I heard a big noise down the hall last night. What’s the
deal? (
B: Nothing special. Forget it.
A: Ouch! That hurts!
B: Sorry!
A: Only sorry? Are you blind?
B: Oh, come on. I only stepped on your toe. Don’t make a big deal out of it.
A: What do you think of Victor?
B: I like talking with him. He has a great deal of experience.
A: I’ll give you the money tomorrow.
B: Eh, no big deal. (No problem.)
A: I got a good deal on that pair of shoes.
Hey, how come you’re dealing me out? (
I’m going to cut you a good deal on this car.
(give somebody a deal)

  义 Everyday Expressions
I have no doubt of his coming.
I doubted whether the story was true.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Liz will be fired if she’s late again.
B: Without a doubt. (
A: Do you think the manager will come to the morning briefing?
B: He’ll come, no doubt. (
A: Think he’ll win first place in the race?
B: I doubt it. (
She doubted herself so much that it harmed her.
I doubt his intentions. (distrust)
It is doubtful whether Ronaldo will play tomorrow.
Doubt the worst and hope for the best.
Where doubt ends peace of mind begins.
He who doubts nothing knows nothing.
Honest doubt is better than in a pious fraud.

Everyday Expressions
I dreamed a sweet dream last night.
I dreamed of/about my grandma.
I never dreamed of seeing you here.
I had a terrible dream last night.
  生活用语Street Talks
Tom has started dreaming up a story.
I dreamt about my teacher last night.
I dream of being the best footballer in town.
A: What’s your dream, Apple?
B: I dream of marrying a French.
A: You’re kidding, Apple.
B: No, I know it’s just a pipe dream, but it’s true. (
Stop daydreaming and get back to work.
I never dream of hurting a lady.
Every man is great in their dreams.
It is good to have dreams, they keep you going.

  谚语 Proverbs
Dreams go by contraries.
Foolish men have foolish dreams.

  义 Everyday Expressions
Please try on this evening dress.
Betty was dressed in black.
Alice got dressed up for dinner.
Victoria dressed her hair with taste.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Joan, your ceremonial dress looks beautiful. It’s so special. (
B: Thanks. I brought it back with me from China. It’s made of silk.
A: Mom, what should I wear for the party tonight?
B: Not fashionable or low dress anymore. (
时髦的衣服;袒胸衣)Try this one. This evening dress doesn’t fit me anymore.
A: Poor Susan! What does she do? She was so sure Jack was going to marry her that she arranged everything!
B: And now she’s left all dressed up with nowhere to go.(
A: I don’t understand how come Jack’s just run away!
B: God bless Susan!
Hi Victoria, you’re dressed to kill/impress tonight!

  义 Everyday Expressions
The leaves fall in fall. (
The snow is falling fast.
Be careful on the ice or you will fall.
The temperature fell.
to fall sick
to fall in love with sb.
The city fell to the enemy.
Night has fallen.
生活用语Street Talks
I didn't wanna take a fall, but the cop left me no choice. (
He suffered a fall from his horse.
There has been a fall in the price of food.
A: Once I saw Mark, I fell. (I fell under the spell of Mark.) (
B: You’re kidding, Acy. I’ll never believe you fall for that old trick! (
Oliver fell behind in the race.
Everyone was falling all over Bob after he won the big jackpot. (
Father thought he could make a go of it (
赚一笔钱)in business, but he fell flat on his ass/face the first year. (一败涂地)
A: You expect me to take the fall for what you did? (
B: Tommy, I could pay you for it.
A: Kiss my ass! I’m not stupid!
The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love.
The higher you climb the greater will be your fall.


  义 Everyday Expressions
He caught two fishes.
My uncle went fishing in the river.
Why are you fishing around in your pockets?
  生活用语Street Talks
Andy is just a fish, don’t be too critical! (
Which would you rather have—steak or fish?
We had fish for dinner. How about you?
He planted a big fish-kiss right on my lips. (
There’s something fishy about this situation. (
He’s drinking like a fish. (
A: No one knows Marine is a writer; she’s a cold fish. (
B: Yeah, a queer fish too—you know, she hasn’t never been out of her house for years. (
A: Didn’t you close the door before you went shopping,Jane?
B: I bet I did. I don’t know what’s going on.
A: Oh, no! Something fishy going on.
B: Yeah, Let’s call the police.

Fish begins to stink at the head.
Never fish in troubled waters.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Professor Lee always has a book in his hand.
There are the hour hand, the minute hand and the second hand on the face of a clock. (
You’ll find the hospital on your left hand.
The audience gave a big hand to the singer.
Elizabeth gave me her hand.
After you have read this, kindly hand it on to your friends.
The murder case was handed over to the police.
  生活用语Street Talks
When the actress came onto the stage, everyone gave her a big hand.
Your right hand is swollen. Does it hurt?
The beggar wants a free handout.
A: Hands up! Give me all your valuables. (
B: Please don’t hurt me. Here’s what you want. Money...
A: Does Marina still live here?
B: No, this house has changed hands.
A: I was wondering who’s available to give me a hand. (
B: Go to Caul. He’s always willing to extend a helping hand. (
A: Paul asked Rebecca’s hand in marriage. (
B: I don’t think Rebecca will give her hand to him. (
A: I know, everybody expected Rebecca to decline his hand. But... (
B: But what? Don’t tell me Paul won Rebecca’s hand. (
A: Sorry it happened!
B: Oh no!
A: You’ve done a good job. I’ll hand it to you. (
B: Thank you.
  义 Everyday Expressions
I helped Ben to find his lost watch.
Please help yourself to wine.
It is the drugs that help to fight pain.
I cried for help.
  生活用语Street Talks
We may be able to help you in some way.
Can I help you with something?
It’s a great help to me.
I helped Jim with his homework.
I can’t help it.
He lend me a helping hand.
You need to get some help.
A: Why don’t you help Jim?
B: He’s beyond help.
A: Was Rick of any help?
B: Sure. He was great.

  谚语 Proverbs
If you help everybody you help nobody.
Slow help is no help.
God helps those who help themselves.


  义 Everyday Expressions
We hope to see you again.
I hope it will be fine next week.
Everyone hopes for success.
There’s no hope of his success.
Steven is the hope of his school.
  生活用语Street Talks
I hope so.
He is beyond all hope.
I hope we’re not interrupting anything.
We hope to see you soon.
Let's hope for the best.
There’s no hope of his returning.
I went there in hopes of seeing you again.

While there’s life,there’s hope.
Don’t feed yourself on false hopes.
Hope is the poor man’s bread.


1,He sets the fox to keep the geese.引狼入室。

2He that climbs high falls heavily.爬得越高,摔得越重。

 3He who does not advance loses ground.逆水行舟,不进则退。

4If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.脚踏两条船,必定落空。



I am girl who always know my mind
天不保佑又如何 (21:35:03)
I know my own mind



