首先,需要搭建Android的开发环境。我这里采用的是Ubuntu 11.04 64bit的系统,里面使用gcc-4.4,Android 4.0.4源码,硬件是S5PV210。
从这个图中可以看出我们需要 实现HAL层,实现Framework层,以及编写对应的程序。
1、Android 的 app 直接通过service 调用.so格式的JNI :此方法比较简单高效,但是不正规。
2、经过Manager 调用 Service :此方法实现起来比较复杂,但更符合目前的 Android框架。在此方法中 Manager 进程和 Service(JAVA) 进程需要通过进程通信的方式实现通信。
brantyou@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace$ cd samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers/ brantyou@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers$ ls accessibility clk gpio Kconfig misc pcmcia sfi usb acpi clocksource gpu Kconfig~ mmc platform sh uwb amba connector hello leds modules.builtin pnp sn vhost ata cpufreq hid lguest modules.order power spi video atm cpuidle hwmon macintosh mtd pps ssb virtio auxdisplay crypto hwspinlock Makefile net ps3 staging vlynq base dca i2c Makefile~ nfc ptp switch w1 bcma dio ide mca nubus rapidio target watchdog block dma idle md of regulator tc xen bluetooth edac ieee802154 media oprofile rtc telephony zorro built-in.o eisa infiniband memstick parisc s390 thermal cdrom firewire input message parport sbus tty char firmware isdn mfd pci scsi uio brantyou@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers$
brantyou@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers$ sudo -s [sudo] password for brantyou: root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers#
创建 ttt 驱动目录:
root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers# mkdir ttt root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers# ls accessibility clk gpio Kconfig misc pcmcia sfi uio acpi clocksource gpu Kconfig~ mmc platform sh usb amba connector hello leds modules.builtin pnp sn uwb ata cpufreq hid lguest modules.order power spi vhost atm cpuidle hwmon macintosh mtd pps ssb video auxdisplay crypto hwspinlock Makefile net ps3 staging virtio base dca i2c Makefile~ nfc ptp switch vlynq bcma dio ide mca nubus rapidio target w1 block dma idle md of regulator tc watchdog bluetooth edac ieee802154 media oprofile rtc telephony xen built-in.o eisa infiniband memstick parisc s390 thermal zorro cdrom firewire input message parport sbus ttt char firmware isdn mfd pci scsi tty root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers#
进入到ttt目录,并创建 ttt.h 头文件:(这里使用gedit编辑器,大家也可以使用vi或者其他编辑器)
root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers# cd ttt root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers/ttt# gedit ttt.h
然后输入 ttt.h 的内容:
/* * ttt device head file * * Copyright (C) 2013 brantyou Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2013,2013 brantyou Inc. * * Author: brantyou <[email protected]> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _TTT_ANDROID_H_ #define _TTT_ANDROID_H_ #include <linux/cdev.h> #include <linux/semaphore.h> #define TTT_DEVICE_NODE_NAME "ttt" #define TTT_DEVICE_FILE_NAME "ttt" #define TTT_DEVICE_PROC_NAME "ttt" #define TTT_DEVICE_CLASS_NAME "ttt" struct ttt_android_dev{ int val; struct semaphore sem; struct cdev dev; }; #endif
添加 ttt.c 文件:
root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0/drivers/ttt# gedit ttt.c
添加 ttt.c 文件的处理:
/* * ttt device c file * * Copyright (C) 2013 brantyou Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2013,2013 brantyou Inc. * * Author: brantyou <[email protected]> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> #include "ttt.h" // * Master and slave devices number variables static int ttt_major = 0; static int ttt_minor = 0; // * device types and device variables static struct class* ttt_class = NULL; static struct ttt_android_dev* ttt_dev = NULL; // * traditional method of operation of the device file static int ttt_open(struct inode* inode, struct file* flip); static int ttt_release(struct inode* inode, struct file* flip); static ssize_t ttt_read(struct file* flip, char __user* buf, size_t count, loff_t* f_pos); static ssize_t ttt_write(struct file* flip, const char __user* buf, size_t count, loff_t* f_pos); // * the method of operation of the device file table static struct file_operations ttt_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = ttt_open, .release = ttt_release, .read = ttt_read, .write = ttt_write, }; // * access to set property methods static ssize_t ttt_val_show(struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr, char* buf); static ssize_t ttt_val_store(struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr, const char* buf, size_t count); // * define the device properties static DEVICE_ATTR(val, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, ttt_val_show, ttt_val_store); // * open the device methods static int ttt_open(struct inode* inode, struct file* flip) { struct ttt_android_dev* dev; printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: ttt_open().\n"); // save the device struct to the private area dev = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct ttt_android_dev, dev); flip->private_data = dev; return 0; } // * release static int ttt_release(struct inode* inode, struct file* filp) { printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: ttt_release().\n"); return 0; } // * read static ssize_t ttt_read(struct file* filp, char __user* buf, size_t count, loff_t* f_pos) { ssize_t err = 0; struct ttt_android_dev* dev = filp->private_data; printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: ttt_read().\n"); // async access if(down_interruptible( &(dev->sem) )){ return -ERESTARTSYS; } if(count < sizeof(dev->val) ){ goto out; } // if(copy_to_user(buf, &(dev->val), sizeof(dev->val) )){ err = -EFAULT; goto out; } err = sizeof(dev->val); out: up(&(dev->sem)); return err; } // * write static ssize_t ttt_write(struct file* filp, const char __user* buf, size_t count, loff_t* f_pos) { struct ttt_android_dev* dev = filp->private_data; ssize_t err = 0; printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: ttt_write().\n"); // async access if(down_interruptible( &(dev->sem) )){ return -ERESTARTSYS; } if(count != sizeof(dev->val) ){ goto out; } // save the buffer value to device registers if( copy_from_user( &(dev->val), buf, count) ){ err = -EFAULT; goto out; } err = sizeof(dev->val); out: up(&(dev->sem)); return err; } // * read the registers value val to the buffer buf, inner static ssize_t __ttt_get_val(struct ttt_android_dev* dev, char* buf) { int val = 0; // async access if(down_interruptible( &(dev->sem) )){ return -ERESTARTSYS; } val = dev->val; up( &(dev->sem) ); return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", val); } // * write the buffer value buf to the device registers val, inner static ssize_t __ttt_set_val(struct ttt_android_dev* dev, const char* buf, size_t count) { int val = 0; // translate the string to number val = simple_strtol(buf, NULL, 10); // async access if(down_interruptible( &(dev->sem) )){ return -ERESTARTSYS; } dev->val = val; up( &(dev->sem)); return count; } // * read the device properties val static ssize_t ttt_val_show(struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr, char* buf) { struct ttt_android_dev* hdev = (struct ttt_android_dev*)dev_get_drvdata(dev); return __ttt_get_val(hdev, buf); } // * write the device properties val static ssize_t ttt_val_store(struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr, const char* buf, size_t count) { struct ttt_android_dev* hdev = (struct ttt_android_dev*)dev_get_drvdata(dev); return __ttt_set_val(hdev, buf, count); } // * read the device registers val, and save to the page buffer static ssize_t ttt_proc_read(char* page, char** start, off_t off, int count, int* eof, void* data) { if(off > 0){ *eof = 1; return 0; } return __ttt_get_val(ttt_dev, page); } // * save the buffer value buff to the device registers val static ssize_t ttt_proc_write(struct file* filp, const char __user* buff, unsigned long len, void* data) { int err = 0; char* page = NULL; if(len > PAGE_SIZE){ printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: The buff is too large:%lu.\n", len); return -EFAULT; } page = (char*)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL); if(!page){ printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Failed to alloc page.\n"); return -ENOMEM; } // copy the user buffer value to kernel buffer if(copy_from_user(page, buff, len) ){ printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Failed to copy buff from user.\n"); err = -EFAULT; goto out; } err = __ttt_set_val(ttt_dev, page, len); out: free_page( (unsigned long)page); return err; } // * create /proc/ttt file static void ttt_create_proc(void) { struct proc_dir_entry* entry; entry = create_proc_entry(TTT_DEVICE_PROC_NAME, 0, NULL); if(entry){ entry->owner = THIS_MODULE; entry->read_proc = ttt_proc_read; entry->write_proc = ttt_proc_write; } } // * delete /proc/ttt file static void ttt_remove_proc(void) { remove_proc_entry(TTT_DEVICE_PROC_NAME, NULL); } // * init device static int __ttt_setup_dev(struct ttt_android_dev* dev) { int err; dev_t devno = MKDEV(ttt_major, ttt_minor); memset(dev, 0, sizeof(struct ttt_android_dev) ); cdev_init( &(dev->dev), &ttt_fops); dev->dev.owner = THIS_MODULE; dev->dev.ops = &ttt_fops; // registe charater device err = cdev_add( &(dev->dev), devno, 1); if(err){ return err; } // init single and registers value val init_MUTEX(&(dev->sem)); dev->val = 0; return 0; } // * load module static int __init ttt_init(void) { int err = -1; dev_t dev = 0; struct device* temp = NULL; printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Initializing ttt device.\n"); // malloc master and slave device number err = alloc_chrdev_region( &dev, 0, 1, TTT_DEVICE_NODE_NAME); if(err < 0){ printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Failed to alloc char dev region.\n"); goto fail; } ttt_major = MAJOR(dev); ttt_minor = MINOR(dev); // alloc ttt device struct valiriable ttt_dev = kmalloc( sizeof(struct ttt_android_dev), GFP_KERNEL); if(!ttt_dev){ err = -ENOMEM; printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Failed to alloc ttt_dev.\n"); goto unregister; } // init device err = __ttt_setup_dev(ttt_dev); if(err){ printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Failed to setup dev:%d.\n", err); goto cleanup; } // create device type directory ttt on /sys/class/ ttt_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, TTT_DEVICE_CLASS_NAME); if(IS_ERR(ttt_class)){ err = PTR_ERR(ttt_class); printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Failed to create ttt class.\n"); goto destroy_cdev; } // create device file ttt on /dev/ and /sys/class/ttt temp = device_create(ttt_class, NULL, dev, "%s", TTT_DEVICE_FILE_NAME); if(IS_ERR(temp)){ err = PTR_ERR(temp); printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to create ttt device.\n"); goto destroy_class; } // create property file val on /sys/class/ttt/ttt err = device_create_file(temp, &dev_attr_val); if(err < 0){ printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Failed to create attribute val.\n"); goto destroy_device; } dev_set_drvdata(temp, ttt_dev); // create /proc/ttt file ttt_create_proc(); printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Successed to initialize ttt device.\n"); return 0; destroy_device: device_destroy(ttt_class, dev); destroy_class: class_destroy(ttt_class); destroy_cdev: cdev_del(&ttt_dev->dev); cleanup: kfree(ttt_dev); unregister: unregister_chrdev_region(MKDEV(ttt_major, ttt_minor), 1); fail: return err; } // * unload module static void __exit ttt_exit(void) { dev_t devno = MKDEV(ttt_major, ttt_minor); printk(KERN_ALERT"[ttt]: Destroy ttt device.\n"); // delete /proc/ttt file ttt_remove_proc(); // destroy device type and device if(ttt_class){ device_destroy(ttt_class, MKDEV(ttt_major, ttt_minor) ); class_destroy(ttt_class); } // delete character device and release device memory if(ttt_dev){ cdev_del(&(ttt_dev->dev) ); kfree(ttt_dev); } // destroy device number unregister_chrdev_region(devno, 1); } MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Android Test Device"); module_init(ttt_init); module_exit(ttt_exit);
接下来则添加 Kconfig 配置文件:(make menuconfig时会用到)
config TTT tristate "ttt Android test Driver" default n help It is a Android test driver.
添加 ttt 的 Makefile 文件:
obj-$(CONFIG_TTT) += ttt.o
修改 drivers/Kconfig 文件,在menu "Device Drivers"和endmenu之间添加驱动模块配置选项:
source "drivers/ttt/Kconfig"
在 drivers/Makefile 文件末尾添加:
obj-$(CONFIG_TTT) += ttt/
这样是为了方便定制内核,在make menuconfig的时候可以找到我们新加入的模块。
回到内核源码目录下执行 make menuconfig:
root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0# ls arch Documentation ipc Makefile README System.map block drivers Kbuild mm REPORTING-BUGS tools cesv210_android_defconfig firmware Kconfig modules.builtin samples usr COPYING fs kernel modules.order scripts virt CREDITS include lib Module.symvers security vmlinux crypto init MAINTAINERS net sound vmlinux.o root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0# make menuconfig
按上下键选择 Device Drivers 按 enter进入下面的界面:
最后面这个驱动模块就是我们刚才加进去的,按 y 键选择,然后选中Exit,按enter键回到下面的界面:
选中最好一个Save an Alternate Configuration File按enter,保存后,退出这个配置。
root@brantyou-ubuntu:~/workspace/samsung_android_kernel_3.0# make
然后在arch/arm/boot/目录下看到生成的zImage Kernel文件,把这个文件烧写到板子。
root@android:/ # ll /dev/ttt crw------- root root 249, 0 2013-03-21 13:59 ttt