[Vocabulary] English vocabulary, words and phrases

[Vocabulary] English vocabulary, words and phrases


asset: valuable or useful quality or skill;
pan: wide flat container used for cooking food in;
aggregate: be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amount;
sensor: device that detects light, heat and humidity, etc;
terrain: stretch of land, with regard to its natural features;
in/with regard to: about;
velocity: speed, esp in a given direction;
entity: thing with distinct and real existence;
scheme: plan for doing or organizing sth, ordered system, arrangement;
spot: small mark defferent in colour, texture, etc from the surface it is on;
neutral: not supporting or helping either side in a dispute, contest, war, etc;
dispute: argument, debate;
way point:
altitude: height above sea-level;
overlay: put a thin layer over the surface of sth;
stub: short end piece or stump remaining from a pencil, cigarette or similarly-shaped object;
repository: place where things are stored or may be found, esp a warehouse or a museum;
pseudo: not genuine, sham or insincere;
tactics: way, method
threshold: entrance of a house, etc;
brace: device that clamps things together or holds and supports them in position;
correlative: be relative to sth;
expense: spending of money, etc, cost;
appropriate: suitable, right and proper;
attire: clothes, dress;
dress: clothes;
transmit: send out(a signal, programme, etc) electronically by radio waves, along a telegraph wire, etc ;
via: by way of (sth), through;
limitaion: limiting, being limited, condition, fact or circumstance that limits;
latency: ??
capability: quality of being able to do sth, ability;
scenario: written outline of a film, play, etc with details with scenes and plot;
vehicle: conveyance as a car, lorry or cart used for transporting goods or passengers on land;
combat: fight or fighting between two peoples, armies, etc;
rotary: moving round a central point, circular;
surface: outside of an object;
dismount: get off(a motor cycle, bicycle, horse, etc); cause sb to fall;
infantry: soldiers who fight on foot;
appendix: section that gives extra information at the end of a book or document;
customizable: can be customized;
missile: object or weapon that is thrown or fired at a target;
bomb: container filled with explosive or incediary meterial, made to explode when dropped or thrown, or by a timing device;
rocket: firework or similar device that shoot into the air when lit and then explodes;
explode: burst with a loud noise, blow up;
gun: any kind of firearm that fires bullets or shells from a metal tube;
visual: concerned with or used in seeing;
jammer: ??
radar: system for detecting the presence, position or movement of solid objects within its range by sending out short radio waves which they reflect;
reflect: make a visible image of sb/sth;
RWR: Radar Warning Receiver;
formation: organizing or developing(of sth), thing that is formed, particular arrangement or pattern;
profile: side view, esp of the human face, brief biography of sb or description of sth in a newspaper article, broadcastprogramme, etc;
sweep: remove(dust, dirt, etc) with or as if with a broom or brush;
broom: brush with a long handle for sweeping floors;
strike: ??
latitude: distance of a place north or south of the equator, measured in degrees;
longitude: distance east or west of the Greenwichmeridian, measured in degrees;
knot: fastening made by tying a piece or pieces of string, rope, etc;
dedicated: ??
approach: come near or nearer to(sb/sth) in space or time;
compensate: give(sb) sth good to balance or lessen the bad effect of damage, lost, injury, etc, recompense;
reckoning: calculation, estimation;
estimation: judgement, opinion, regard;
dead: no longer alive, without movement or activity;
patrol: go around(a town, an erea, etc)to check that all is secure and orderly or to look for wrongdoers, an enemy or people who need help;
maneuver: (=manoeuvre),planned and controlled movement of armed forces;large-scale exercises by troops or ships;
armed: with weapons;
relevant: connected with what is being discussed, what is happening, what is being done, etc;
wind, cloud, fog, rain,
blind: unable to see;
atmosphere: the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth;
optical: of the sense of sight, for looking through, to help the eyes;
climb: go up or over by effort, esp using one's hands and feet;
effort: use of(much) strength and energy (to do sth);
geocentric: having the earth as its centre;
metre: unit of length in the metric system, equal to 39.37 inches;
flare: burn brightly but briefly or unsteadily; burst into sudden activity or anger;
anonymous: with a name that is not known or not made public, written or given by sb who does not reveal his name;
participate: take part or become involved(in an activity);
wizard: person with extraordinary abilities, genius;
genius: exceptionally great mental or creative ability;
policy: plan of action, statement of ideals, etc proposed or adopted by a government, political party, business, etc;
snippet: small pieces cut off;
miscellaneous: of various kinds, of mixed composition or charater;
utility: quality of useful;
thumb, index finger: forefinger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger;
conceptual: of concept;
echelon: level of authority or resposibility, rank in an organization; step-like formation of troops, aircraft, ships, etc;
troop: soldiers; large group of people or animals, esp when moving;
series: number of things, events, etc of a similar kind, esp placed or occuring one after another;
infrastructure: fundamental structure;
dimension: measurement of any sort(breadth=width, length, thickness, height, etc);
assign: give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be used;
underway: of doing;
clarify: become clear or easier to understand;
observe: see and notice(sb/sth), watch carefully;
CGF: computer generated forces;
native: person born in a place, country, etc, and associated with it by birth; animal or plant that lives or grows naturally in a certain area;
individual: single, separate;
depict: show as picture, portray;
independent: not dependent(on other people or things), not controlled(by other people or things);
integrate: combine sth in such a way that it becomes fully a part of sth else;
principal: first in rank or importance, chief, main;
multiple: having or involving many individuals, items of types;
automotive: auto move;
chord: (in music)combination of notes usu sounded together in harmony;
combination: joining or mixing together of two or more things or people, state of being joined or mixed together;
arc: part of circumference of a circle or some other curved line;
battle: fight, esp between organized armed forces, any contest or struggle;
along with: with together;
toggle: fastening consisting of a short piece of wood, etc that is passed through a loop or hole (eg instead of a button on a coat);
advance: forward movement, progress, improvement, increase in price or amount;
reinitialize: initialize again;
fledged: (of bird)having fully developed wing feathers for flying, able to fly;
vicinity: in the vicinity(of sth), in the surrounding district, in the neighbourhood;
haven: place of safety, or rest, refuge; harbour;
joystick: control-level on an aircraft, a computer, etc;
regardless of: 不管,不顾;
in accord with:in keeping with;
platoon: group of soldiers, a subdivision of a company, acting as a unit under the command of a lieutenant;
team: group of players forming one side in certain games and sports, group of people working together;
squad:  small group of soldiers working or being trained together;
section: any of the parts into which sth may be or has been divided;
battery: army unit consisting of big guns, with men and vehicles;
company: subdivision of an infantry battalion, usu commanded by a captain or a major;
battalion: army unit composed of several companies and forming part of a regiment or brigade;
brigade: army unit, usu of three battalions, forming part of a division;
division: major unit or section of an organization;
corps: military force made up of two or more divisions;
force: organized body of armed and specially trained people;
ad hoc: (made or arranged) for a particular purpose only; special(ly); (in a way that is) not planned in advance; informal(ly);
accommodation: room(s), esp for living in; lodgings ;
site: place where sth has happened or will happen, or for a particular activity;
detonation: sound of explosion;
arbitrary: based on personal opinion or impulse, not on reason;
signature: person's name written by himself;
obstruction: action of obstructing, be obstructed;
deprecated: feel and express disapproval of (sth);
joystick: control-level on an aircraft, a computer, etc;
attenuation: 信号衰减;
quantity: that which make it possible to measure things through having number, size, weight, etc; number or amount, esp a large one;
aspect: particular part or feature of sth being considered;
angle: space between two lines or surfaces that meet;
proton: elementary particle with a positive electric charge, which is present in the nuclei of all atoms;
prevail: exist or happen generally; be widespread;
turret: small tower on top of a large tower or on the corner of a building or defensive wall;(on a ship, an aircraft, a fort or a tank) low flat (often revolving) steel structure where the guns are fixed and which protects the gunners;
scope: range of matters being dealt with, studied, etc;
abbreviation: 缩写; 缩写词;
sphere: solid figure that is entirely round (ie with every point on the surface at an equal distance from the centre) 球体; 球形;
latitude:  distance of a place north or south of the equator, measured in degrees 纬度;
longitude: distance east or west of the Greenwichmeridian, measured in degrees 经度;
integer: wholenumber (contrasted with a fraction);
avoidance: 逃避; 躲避; 回避; 无效;
guidance: guiding or being guided; leadership; direction;
inherent: existing as a natural or permanent feature or quality of sb/sth 内在的; 固有的; 本来的;
scalar:  (quantity) having size but no direction 标量(的); 纯量(的);
domain: lands owned or ruled by a nobleman, government, etc; field of thought, knowledge or activity;
evaluator: 评价者;
synthetic: 合成物质; 综合的; 假想的, 虚构的; 合成的, 人造的; 虚伪的;
geometrically: 成几何级数地;
grid: framework of crossing or parallel metal or wooden bars; grating;
contrail: (飞机在高空所造成的)凝结尾;飞行云;
sufficient: enough;
be responsible for: 担负(对...负责);
source: starting-point of a river; place from which sth comes or is obtained; personor thing (esp a book, document, etc) supplying information,esp for study;
at source: at the point of origin or beginning;
intensity: 强烈, 强度, 紧张, 紧张的程度; 力气, 能量; 感情的强度; 极度; 深沉; 清晰, 从图像装置或像素发出光的量, 亮度;
extrapolation: 外推法; 推断; 插补法;
geometry: branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and relations of lines, angles, surfaces and solids;
issue: outgoing, outflow; supply and distribution of items for use or sale; result or outcome; important topic for discussion; point in question;
issuance: 发行; 发布;
be composed of: 由……组成;
radian: 弧度;
presence: (of a person) being in the place in question; existing or happening now; now being considered, dealt with or discussed;
invoke: use (sth) as a reason for one's action;
predicate: part of a statement that says sth about the subject, eg `is short' in `Life is short';declare or assert that (sth) is the case;
negate: deny or disprove the existence of (sb/sth); cancel the effect of (sth); nullify;
architecture:  art and science of designing and constructing buildings; design or style of a building or buildings;
munition: 军火, 军需品, 供以军火, 弹药, 武器店;
fuel: material burned to produce heat or power, eg wood, coal, oil, etc;
category: class or group of things in a complete system of grouping;
catalog: 目录; 大学概况一览; 目录册, 目录簿; 登记, 记载;
fusion: the blending or uniting of different things into one, by melting, etc; union of atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, usu with energy being released;
suicide: killing oneself intentionally; any action that may have serious consequences for oneself;
perception: ability to see, hear or understand 感知能力; 认识能力;quality of understanding; insight 悟性; 洞察力;  way of seeing or understanding sth 看法; 理解;
collision: (instance of) one object or person striking against another; (instance of) colliding; crash ;
offset: compensate for sth; balance sth 补偿或抵销某事物;
ammo(ammunition): 军火; 弹药;
ammunition: supply of bullets, bombs, grenades, etc fired from weapons or thrown 弹药;
up to: 忙于某事; 忙于狡诈的事; 正在做(直到,相当于,胜任,该由...决定);
consumable: 可消费的;
particular: relating to one person or thing rather than others; individual; more than usual; special; exceptional; giving close attention to detail; difficult to please; fussy ;
academic: of (teaching or learning in) schools, colleges, etc;of theoretical interest only;
sequel: thing that happens after or as a result of an earlier event; novel, film, etc that continues the story of an earlier one, often using the same characters;
wizard: person with extraordinary abilities; genius;
flaw: crack or fault (in an object or in material); imperfection;
alternative: available in place of sth else; other;
technique: method of doing or performing sth, esp in the arts or sciences;
emit: give or send (sth) out; discharge;
ceiling: top inner surface of a room; cloud level; maximum altitude at which a particular aircraft can normally fly; upper limit;

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