
/* SplayTree.c -- 自顶向下伸展树实现文件 */ #include "SplayTree.h" /* 外部变量引用 */ extern Node * NullNode ; /* 局部函数声明 */ static Node * singleRotateWithLeft (Node * const position) ; static Node * singleRotateWithRight (Node * const position) ; static void upDataLeftSubTreeCount (Node * const headerRight) ; static void upDataRightSubTreeCount (Node * const headerLeft) ; static Node * splay (Node * root, const Item * const pi) ; static void release (Node * const root) ; /* 接口函数定义 */ BOOL Create_S (SplayTree * const pst) { NullNode = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)) ; if (NULL == NullNode) return FALSE ; *pst = (struct splayTree *) malloc (sizeof (struct splayTree)) ; if (NULL == *pst) { free (NullNode) ; NullNode = NULL ; return FALSE ; } else { NullNode -> left = NullNode -> right = NullNode ; NullNode -> leftSubTreeCount = NullNode -> rightSubTreeCount = 0 ; (*pst) -> root = NullNode ; (*pst) -> current = 0 ; return TRUE ; } } BOOL IsEmpty_S (const SplayTree * const pst) { if (NullNode == (*pst) -> root) return TRUE ; else return FALSE ; } BOOL Insert_S (const SplayTree * const pst, const Item * const pi) { static Node * newNode = NULL ; Node * root ; /* If it had tried to insert a item that has been inserted to the tree just now, */ /* it won't need allocate memory space. */ if (NULL == newNode) { newNode = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)) ; if (NULL == newNode) return FALSE ; } newNode -> item = *pi ; if (NullNode == (*pst) -> root) { newNode -> left = newNode -> right = NullNode ; newNode -> leftSubTreeCount = newNode -> rightSubTreeCount = 0 ; (*pst) -> root = newNode ; } else { (*pst) -> root = splay ((*pst) -> root, pi) ; root = (*pst) -> root ; if (*pi < root -> item) { newNode -> leftSubTreeCount = root -> leftSubTreeCount ; newNode -> left = root -> left ; root -> leftSubTreeCount = 0 ; root -> left = NullNode ; newNode -> rightSubTreeCount = root -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 ; newNode -> right = root ; (*pst) -> root = newNode ; } else if (*pi > (*pst) -> root -> item) { newNode -> rightSubTreeCount = root -> rightSubTreeCount ; newNode -> right = root -> right ; root -> rightSubTreeCount = 0 ; root -> right = NullNode ; newNode -> leftSubTreeCount = root -> leftSubTreeCount + 1 ; newNode -> left = root ; (*pst) -> root = newNode ; } else /* Already in the tree. */ return FALSE ; } /* So next insert will call malloc. */ newNode = NULL ; (*pst) -> current++ ; return TRUE ; } Node * Retrieve_S (const SplayTree * const pst) { if (IsEmpty_S (pst)) return NULL ; else return (*pst) -> root ; } BOOL Find_S (const SplayTree * const pst, const Item * const pi) { splay ((*pst) -> root, pi) ; if (*pi == (*pst) -> root -> item) return TRUE ; else return FALSE ; } Node * FindKthMin_S (const SplayTree * const pst, int k) { Node * scan ; if (k > (*pst) -> current || k <= 0) return NULL ; scan = (*pst) -> root ; while (1) { if (scan -> leftSubTreeCount + 1 == k) break ; else if (scan -> leftSubTreeCount >= k) scan = scan -> left ; else { k = k - scan -> leftSubTreeCount - 1 ; scan = scan -> right ; } } /* Not must to do. */ (*pst) -> root = splay ((*pst) -> root, &scan -> item) ; return scan ; } Node * FindKthMax_S (const SplayTree * const pst, int k) { Node * scan ; if (k > (*pst) -> current || k <= 0) return NULL ; scan = (*pst) -> root ; while (1) { if (scan -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 == k) break ; else if (scan -> rightSubTreeCount >= k) scan = scan -> right ; else { k = k - scan -> rightSubTreeCount - 1 ; scan = scan -> left ; } } (*pst) -> root = splay ((*pst) -> root, &scan -> item) ; return scan ; } Node * FindMin_S (const SplayTree * const pst) { Node * scan = (*pst) -> root ; while (scan -> left != NullNode) scan = scan -> left ; return scan ; } Node * FindMax_S (const SplayTree * const pst) { Node * scan = (*pst) -> root ; while (scan -> right != NullNode) scan = scan -> right ; return scan ; } BOOL Delete_S (const SplayTree * const pst, const Item * const pi) { Node * root ; if (IsEmpty_S (pst)) return FALSE ; (*pst) -> root = splay ((*pst) -> root, pi) ; root = (*pst) -> root ; if (*pi == root -> item) { /* Found it! */ if (NullNode == root -> left) (*pst) -> root = root -> right ; else { (*pst) -> root = root -> left ; /* To set (*pst) -> root -> right = NullNode. */ (*pst) -> root = splay ((*pst) -> root, pi) ; (*pst) -> root -> right = root -> right ; } free (root) ; (*pst) -> current-- ; return TRUE ; } else return FALSE ; } void Traversal_S (const Node * const pr, void (* pfun) (const Node * const pn)) { if (pr != NullNode) { Traversal_S (pr -> left, pfun) ; (* pfun) (pr) ; Traversal_S (pr -> right, pfun) ; } } void Release_S (const SplayTree * const pst) { release ((*pst) -> root) ; free (*pst) ; free (NullNode) ; } /* 局部函数定义 */ static Node * singleRotateWithLeft (Node * const position) { Node * child ; child = position -> left ; position -> leftSubTreeCount = child -> rightSubTreeCount ; position -> left = child -> right ; child -> rightSubTreeCount = position -> leftSubTreeCount + position -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 ; child -> right = position ; return child ; } static Node * singleRotateWithRight (Node * const position) { Node * child ; child = position -> right ; position -> rightSubTreeCount = child -> leftSubTreeCount ; position -> right = child -> left ; child -> leftSubTreeCount = position -> leftSubTreeCount + position -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 ; child -> left = position ; return child ; } static void upDataLeftSubTreeCount (Node * const headerRight) { if (headerRight != NullNode) { if (headerRight -> left != NullNode) { upDataLeftSubTreeCount (headerRight -> left) ; headerRight -> leftSubTreeCount = headerRight -> left -> leftSubTreeCount + headerRight -> left -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 ; } else headerRight -> leftSubTreeCount = 0 ; } } static void upDataRightSubTreeCount (Node * const headerLeft) { if (headerLeft != NullNode) { if (headerLeft -> right != NullNode) { upDataRightSubTreeCount (headerLeft -> right) ; headerLeft -> rightSubTreeCount = headerLeft -> right -> leftSubTreeCount + headerLeft -> right -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 ; } else headerLeft -> rightSubTreeCount = 0 ; } } /* NullNode -> leftSubTreeCount = NullNode -> rightSubTreeCount = 0. */ static Node * splay (Node * root, const Item * const pi) { Node header ; Node * left_tree_max, * right_tree_min ; header.left = header.right = NullNode ; left_tree_max = right_tree_min = &header ; NullNode -> item = *pi ; while (*pi != root -> item) { if (*pi < root -> item) { if (*pi < root -> left -> item) root = singleRotateWithLeft (root) ; if (NullNode == root -> left) break ; /* Link right. */ right_tree_min -> left = root ; right_tree_min = root ; root = root -> left ; } else { if (*pi > root -> right -> item) root = singleRotateWithRight (root) ; if (NullNode == root -> right) break ; /* Link left. */ left_tree_max -> right = root ; left_tree_max = root ; root = root -> right ; } } /* Reassemble. */ left_tree_max -> right = root -> left ; right_tree_min -> left = root -> right ; root -> left = header.right ; root -> right = header.left ; upDataLeftSubTreeCount (root -> right) ; upDataRightSubTreeCount (root -> left) ; if (root -> left != NullNode) root -> leftSubTreeCount = root -> left -> leftSubTreeCount + root -> left -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 ; else root -> leftSubTreeCount = 0 ; if (root -> right != NullNode) root -> rightSubTreeCount = root -> right -> leftSubTreeCount + root -> right -> rightSubTreeCount + 1 ; else root -> rightSubTreeCount = 0 ; return root ; } static void release (Node * const root) { if (root != NullNode) { release (root -> left) ; release (root -> right) ; free (root) ; } }
