


Hyperion是以推扫方式获取可见光-近红外(VNIR,400-1000nm)和 短波红外(SWIR,900-2500nm)光谱数据.

Hyperion产品分两级:Level0和 Level1,L0是原始数据,仅用来生产成L1产品. Hyperion L1产品的数据格式基本为Hierarchical Data Format(HDF) ,波段存储格式为BIL.Hyperion L1产品又分为L1A,L1B, L1R和L1Gst.2002 年以前处理的数据为L1A.L1B产品由美国地质调查局USGS处理生成.L1A与 L1B,L1R最大的不同在于L1A产品没有纠正VNIR与SWIR之间的空间错位问题 ,而L1B和L1R产品中的VNIR波段与SWIR波段之间的空间位置是经过纠正的, 用户无需再进行匹配.L1R还进行了系统辐射纠正,但没有进行几何纠正.

1.4 Definitions
Definitions are provided for the following levels of processing for reference purposes;
their availability is noted.
This document does not address the following:
· Level 0R (L0R) - Data that has no corrections applied.
· Level 1R (L1R) - Radiometrically corrected only. No geometric corrections are applied.
These data are not currently offered:
· Level 1Gs (L1Gs) - Radiometrically corrected and resampled for geometric
correction and registered to a geographic map projection.
This document addresses the following:
· Level 1Gst (L1Gst) - Radiometrically corrected and resampled for geometric
correction and registration to a geographic map projection. The data image is
ortho-corrected using digital elevation models (DEM) to correct parallax error due
to local topographic relief. The source of DEM used will vary according to local
availability of elevation information.
