

       The gdalwarp utility is an imagemosaicing, reprojection and warping utility. The program can reproject to any supported projection, and can also apply GCPs stored with the image if the image is "raw" with control information.



* @brief 获取文件名称,除去后缀名
inline string GetFileName(const char* pszFile)
	string temp = pszFile;
	size_t a = temp.find_last_of('\\');
	size_t aa = temp.find_last_of('/');

	if (a != string::npos && aa != string::npos)
		a = MAX(a,aa);
		a = MIN(a,aa);

	size_t b = temp.find_last_of('.');
	string strLayerName = temp.substr(a+1);
	return strLayerName;


* @brief 创建输出文件
* @param papszSrcFiles			输入文件列表
* @param pszFilename			输出文件路径
* @param pszFormat				输出文件格式
* @param papszTO				转换选项
* @param ppapszCreateOptions	创建文件选项
* @param eDT					创建文件数据类型
* @return 返回输出文件的句柄
static GDALDatasetH 
GDALWarpCreateOutput( char **papszSrcFiles, const char *pszFilename, 
					 const char *pszFormat, char **papszTO, 
					 char ***ppapszCreateOptions, GDALDataType eDT, int &iRst )
	GDALDriverH hDriver;
	GDALDatasetH hDstDS;
	void *hTransformArg;
	GDALColorTableH hCT = NULL;
	double dfWrkMinX=0, dfWrkMaxX=0, dfWrkMinY=0, dfWrkMaxY=0;
	double dfWrkResX=0, dfWrkResY=0;
	int nDstBandCount = 0;


	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      获取输出文件类型驱动                                            */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( pszFormat );
	if( hDriver == NULL || 
		GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, NULL ) == NULL )
		return NULL;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      循环所有的输入文件,计算图像范围                                */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	char    *pszThisTargetSRS = (char*)CSLFetchNameValue( papszTO, "DST_SRS" );
	if( pszThisTargetSRS != NULL )
		pszThisTargetSRS = CPLStrdup( pszThisTargetSRS );

	for(int iSrc = 0; papszSrcFiles[iSrc] != NULL; iSrc++ )
		GDALDatasetH hSrcDS;
		const char *pszThisSourceSRS = CSLFetchNameValue(papszTO,"SRC_SRS");

		hSrcDS = GDALOpen( papszSrcFiles[iSrc], GA_ReadOnly );
		if( hSrcDS == NULL )
			return NULL;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      检查当前文件是否存在波段                                        */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if ( GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDS) == 0 )
			return NULL;

		if( eDT == GDT_Unknown )
			eDT = GDALGetRasterDataType(GDALGetRasterBand(hSrcDS,1));

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      If we are processing the first file, and it has a color         */
		/*      table, then we will copy it to the destination file.            */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( iSrc == 0 )
			nDstBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDS);
			hCT = GDALGetRasterColorTable( GDALGetRasterBand(hSrcDS,1) );
			if( hCT != NULL )
				hCT = GDALCloneColorTable( hCT );

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      Get the sourcesrs from the dataset, if not set already.         */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( pszThisSourceSRS == NULL )
			const char *pszMethod = CSLFetchNameValue( papszTO, "METHOD" );

			if( GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS ) != NULL && 
				strlen(GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS )) > 0 && 
				(pszMethod == NULL || EQUAL(pszMethod,"GEOTRANSFORM")) )
				pszThisSourceSRS = GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS );
			else if( GDALGetGCPProjection( hSrcDS ) != NULL && 
				strlen(GDALGetGCPProjection(hSrcDS)) > 0 && 
				GDALGetGCPCount( hSrcDS ) > 1 && 
				(pszMethod == NULL || EQUALN(pszMethod,"GCP_",4)) )
				pszThisSourceSRS = GDALGetGCPProjection( hSrcDS );
			else if( pszMethod != NULL && EQUAL(pszMethod,"RPC") )
				pszThisSourceSRS = SRS_WKT_WGS84;
				pszThisSourceSRS = "";

		if( pszThisTargetSRS == NULL )
			pszThisTargetSRS = CPLStrdup( pszThisSourceSRS );

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      Create a transformation object from the source to               */
		/*      destination coordinate system.                                  */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		hTransformArg = 
			GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2( hSrcDS, NULL, papszTO );

		if( hTransformArg == NULL )
			CPLFree( pszThisTargetSRS );
			GDALClose( hSrcDS );
			return NULL;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      Get approximate output definition.                              */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		double adfThisGeoTransform[6];
		double adfExtent[4];
		int    nThisPixels, nThisLines;

		if( GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2( hSrcDS, 
			GDALGenImgProjTransform, hTransformArg, 
			&nThisPixels, &nThisLines, 
			adfExtent, 0 ) != CE_None )
			CPLFree( pszThisTargetSRS );
			GDALClose( hSrcDS );
			return NULL;

		if (CPLGetConfigOption( "CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ", NULL ) == NULL)
			double MinX = adfExtent[0];
			double MaxX = adfExtent[2];
			double MaxY = adfExtent[3];
			double MinY = adfExtent[1];
			int bSuccess = TRUE;

			/* Check that the the edges of the target image are in the validity area */
			/* of the target projection */
#define N_STEPS 20
			int i,j;
			for(i=0;i<=N_STEPS && bSuccess;i++)
				for(j=0;j<=N_STEPS && bSuccess;j++)
					double dfRatioI = i * 1.0 / N_STEPS;
					double dfRatioJ = j * 1.0 / N_STEPS;
					double expected_x = (1 - dfRatioI) * MinX + dfRatioI * MaxX;
					double expected_y = (1 - dfRatioJ) * MinY + dfRatioJ * MaxY;
					double x = expected_x;
					double y = expected_y;
					double z = 0;
					/* Target SRS coordinates to source image pixel coordinates */
					if (!GDALGenImgProjTransform(hTransformArg, TRUE, 1, &x, &y, &z, &bSuccess) || !bSuccess)
						bSuccess = FALSE;
					/* Source image pixel coordinates to target SRS coordinates */
					if (!GDALGenImgProjTransform(hTransformArg, FALSE, 1, &x, &y, &z, &bSuccess) || !bSuccess)
						bSuccess = FALSE;
					if (fabs(x - expected_x) > (MaxX - MinX) / nThisPixels ||
						fabs(y - expected_y) > (MaxY - MinY) / nThisLines)
						bSuccess = FALSE;

			/* If not, retry with CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=TRUE that forces ogrct.cpp */
			/* to check the consistency of each requested projection result with the */
			/* invert projection */
			if (!bSuccess)
				CPLSetConfigOption( "CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ", "TRUE" );
				CPLDebug("WARP", "Recompute out extent with CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=TRUE");
				hTransformArg = 
					GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2( hSrcDS, NULL, papszTO );

				if( GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2( hSrcDS, 
					GDALGenImgProjTransform, hTransformArg, 
					&nThisPixels, &nThisLines, 
					adfExtent, 0 ) != CE_None )
					CPLFree( pszThisTargetSRS );
					GDALClose( hSrcDS );
					return NULL;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      Expand the working bounds to include this region, ensure the    */
		/*      working resolution is no more than this resolution.             */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( dfWrkMaxX == 0.0 && dfWrkMinX == 0.0 )
			dfWrkMinX = adfExtent[0];
			dfWrkMaxX = adfExtent[2];
			dfWrkMaxY = adfExtent[3];
			dfWrkMinY = adfExtent[1];
			dfWrkResX = adfThisGeoTransform[1];
			dfWrkResY = ABS(adfThisGeoTransform[5]);
			dfWrkMinX = MIN(dfWrkMinX,adfExtent[0]);
			dfWrkMaxX = MAX(dfWrkMaxX,adfExtent[2]);
			dfWrkMaxY = MAX(dfWrkMaxY,adfExtent[3]);
			dfWrkMinY = MIN(dfWrkMinY,adfExtent[1]);
			dfWrkResX = MIN(dfWrkResX,adfThisGeoTransform[1]);
			dfWrkResY = MIN(dfWrkResY,ABS(adfThisGeoTransform[5]));

		GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer( hTransformArg );

		GDALClose( hSrcDS );

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Did we have any usable sources?                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( nDstBandCount == 0 )
		CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "No usable source images." );
		CPLFree( pszThisTargetSRS );
		return NULL;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Turn the suggested region into a geotransform and suggested     */
	/*      number of pixels and lines.                                     */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	double adfDstGeoTransform[6];
	int nPixels, nLines;

	adfDstGeoTransform[0] = dfWrkMinX;
	adfDstGeoTransform[1] = dfWrkResX;
	adfDstGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
	adfDstGeoTransform[3] = dfWrkMaxY;
	adfDstGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
	adfDstGeoTransform[5] = -1 * dfWrkResY;

	nPixels = (int) ((dfWrkMaxX - dfWrkMinX) / dfWrkResX + 0.5);
	nLines = (int) ((dfWrkMaxY - dfWrkMinY) / dfWrkResY + 0.5);

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Did the user override some parameters?                          */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( dfXRes != 0.0 && dfYRes != 0.0 )
		if( dfMinX == 0.0 && dfMinY == 0.0 && dfMaxX == 0.0 && dfMaxY == 0.0 )
			dfMinX = adfDstGeoTransform[0];
			dfMaxX = adfDstGeoTransform[0] + adfDstGeoTransform[1] * nPixels;
			dfMaxY = adfDstGeoTransform[3];
			dfMinY = adfDstGeoTransform[3] + adfDstGeoTransform[5] * nLines;

		nPixels = (int) ((dfMaxX - dfMinX + (dfXRes/2.0)) / dfXRes);
		nLines = (int) ((dfMaxY - dfMinY + (dfYRes/2.0)) / dfYRes);
		adfDstGeoTransform[0] = dfMinX;
		adfDstGeoTransform[3] = dfMaxY;
		adfDstGeoTransform[1] = dfXRes;
		adfDstGeoTransform[5] = -dfYRes;
	else if( nForcePixels != 0 && nForceLines != 0 )
		if( dfMinX == 0.0 && dfMinY == 0.0 && dfMaxX == 0.0 && dfMaxY == 0.0 )
			dfMinX = dfWrkMinX;
			dfMaxX = dfWrkMaxX;
			dfMaxY = dfWrkMaxY;
			dfMinY = dfWrkMinY;

		dfXRes = (dfMaxX - dfMinX) / nForcePixels;
		dfYRes = (dfMaxY - dfMinY) / nForceLines;

		adfDstGeoTransform[0] = dfMinX;
		adfDstGeoTransform[3] = dfMaxY;
		adfDstGeoTransform[1] = dfXRes;
		adfDstGeoTransform[5] = -dfYRes;

		nPixels = nForcePixels;
		nLines = nForceLines;
	else if( nForcePixels != 0 )
		if( dfMinX == 0.0 && dfMinY == 0.0 && dfMaxX == 0.0 && dfMaxY == 0.0 )
			dfMinX = dfWrkMinX;
			dfMaxX = dfWrkMaxX;
			dfMaxY = dfWrkMaxY;
			dfMinY = dfWrkMinY;

		dfXRes = (dfMaxX - dfMinX) / nForcePixels;
		dfYRes = dfXRes;

		adfDstGeoTransform[0] = dfMinX;
		adfDstGeoTransform[3] = dfMaxY;
		adfDstGeoTransform[1] = dfXRes;
		adfDstGeoTransform[5] = -dfYRes;

		nPixels = nForcePixels;
		nLines = (int) ((dfMaxY - dfMinY + (dfYRes/2.0)) / dfYRes);
	else if( nForceLines != 0 )
		if( dfMinX == 0.0 && dfMinY == 0.0 && dfMaxX == 0.0 && dfMaxY == 0.0 )
			dfMinX = dfWrkMinX;
			dfMaxX = dfWrkMaxX;
			dfMaxY = dfWrkMaxY;
			dfMinY = dfWrkMinY;

		dfYRes = (dfMaxY - dfMinY) / nForceLines;
		dfXRes = dfYRes;

		adfDstGeoTransform[0] = dfMinX;
		adfDstGeoTransform[3] = dfMaxY;
		adfDstGeoTransform[1] = dfXRes;
		adfDstGeoTransform[5] = -dfYRes;

		nPixels = (int) ((dfMaxX - dfMinX + (dfXRes/2.0)) / dfXRes);
		nLines = nForceLines;
	else if( dfMinX != 0.0 || dfMinY != 0.0 || dfMaxX != 0.0 || dfMaxY != 0.0 )
		dfXRes = adfDstGeoTransform[1];
		dfYRes = fabs(adfDstGeoTransform[5]);

		nPixels = (int) ((dfMaxX - dfMinX + (dfXRes/2.0)) / dfXRes);
		nLines = (int) ((dfMaxY - dfMinY + (dfYRes/2.0)) / dfYRes);

		dfXRes = (dfMaxX - dfMinX) / nPixels;
		dfYRes = (dfMaxY - dfMinY) / nLines;

		adfDstGeoTransform[0] = dfMinX;
		adfDstGeoTransform[3] = dfMaxY;
		adfDstGeoTransform[1] = dfXRes;
		adfDstGeoTransform[5] = -dfYRes;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Do we want to generate an alpha band in the output file?        */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( bEnableSrcAlpha )

	if( bEnableDstAlpha )

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Create the output file.                                         */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	hDstDS = GDALCreate( hDriver, pszFilename, nPixels, nLines, 
		nDstBandCount, eDT, *ppapszCreateOptions );

	if( hDstDS == NULL )
		CPLFree( pszThisTargetSRS );
		return NULL;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Write out the projection definition.                            */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	GDALSetProjection( hDstDS, pszThisTargetSRS );
	GDALSetGeoTransform( hDstDS, adfDstGeoTransform );

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Try to set color interpretation of output file alpha band.      */
	/*      TODO: We should likely try to copy the other bands too.         */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( bEnableDstAlpha )
			GDALGetRasterBand( hDstDS, nDstBandCount ), 
			GCI_AlphaBand );

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Copy the color table, if required.                              */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( hCT != NULL )
		GDALSetRasterColorTable( GDALGetRasterBand(hDstDS,1), hCT );
		GDALDestroyColorTable( hCT );

	CPLFree( pszThisTargetSRS );
	return hDstDS;


* @brief 转换投影坐标到图像行列号坐标
* 用于图像裁切中,按照AOI来裁切时转换AOI坐标到图像行列号坐标
class CutlineTransformer : public OGRCoordinateTransformation

	* @brief 源图像转换参数
	void *hSrcImageTransformer;

	* @brief 获取源数据空间参考坐标系
	* @return 返回源数据空间参考坐标系
	virtual OGRSpatialReference *GetSourceCS() { return NULL; }

	* @brief 获取目标数据空间参考坐标系
	* @return 返回目标数据空间参考坐标系
	virtual OGRSpatialReference *GetTargetCS() { return NULL; }

	* @brief 批量转换投影坐标到行列号
	* @param nCount		坐标点个数
	* @param x			x坐标串
	* @param y			y坐标串
	* @param z			z坐标串
	* @return 返回是否执行正确
	virtual int Transform( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z = NULL )
		int nResult;

		int *pabSuccess = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nCount);
		nResult = TransformEx( nCount, x, y, z, pabSuccess );
		CPLFree( pabSuccess );

		return nResult;

	* @brief 批量转换投影坐标到行列号
	* @param nCount		坐标点个数
	* @param x			x坐标串
	* @param y			y坐标串
	* @param z			z坐标串
	* @param pabSuccess	保存执行成功的数组
	* @return 返回是否执行正确
	virtual int TransformEx( int nCount, double *x, double *y, 
		double *z = NULL, int *pabSuccess = NULL ) 
		return GDALGenImgProjTransform( hSrcImageTransformer, TRUE, 
			nCount, x, y, z, pabSuccess );


* @brief 加载镶嵌块
* @param pszCutlineDSName	镶嵌块文件
* @param pszCLayer			镶嵌块图层名称,可以为NULL
* @param pszCWHERE			镶嵌块过滤字段
* @param pszCSQL			镶嵌块SQL过滤字段
* @param phCutlineRet		返回的镶嵌块数据指针
* @return 返回值0表示该正确
static int
LoadCutline( const char *pszCutlineDSName, const char *pszCLayer, 
			const char *pszCWHERE, const char *pszCSQL, 
			void **phCutlineRet )

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Open source vector dataset.                                     */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	OGRDataSourceH hSrcDS;

	hSrcDS = OGROpen( pszCutlineDSName, FALSE, NULL );
	if( hSrcDS == NULL )
		if(m_pProcess != NULL)


	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Get the source layer                                            */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	OGRLayerH hLayer = NULL;

	if( pszCSQL != NULL )
		hLayer = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL( hSrcDS, pszCSQL, NULL, NULL ); 
	else if( pszCLayer != NULL )
		hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName( hSrcDS, pszCLayer );
		hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer( hSrcDS, 0 );

	if( hLayer == NULL )
		if(m_pProcess != NULL)

		OGR_DS_Destroy( hSrcDS );
		return RE_FAILED;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Apply WHERE clause if there is one.                             */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( pszCWHERE != NULL )
		OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter( hLayer, pszCWHERE );

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Collect the geometries from this layer, and build list of       */
	/*      burn values.                                                    */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	OGRFeatureH hFeat;
	OGRGeometryH hMultiPolygon = OGR_G_CreateGeometry( wkbMultiPolygon );

	OGR_L_ResetReading( hLayer );

	while( (hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature( hLayer )) != NULL )
		OGRGeometryH hGeom = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(hFeat);

		if( hGeom == NULL )
			if(m_pProcess != NULL)

			OGR_DS_Destroy( hSrcDS );
			return RE_FAILED;

		OGRwkbGeometryType eType = wkbFlatten(OGR_G_GetGeometryType( hGeom ));

		if( eType == wkbPolygon )
			OGR_G_AddGeometry( hMultiPolygon, hGeom );
		else if( eType == wkbMultiPolygon )
			int iGeom;

			for( iGeom = 0; iGeom < OGR_G_GetGeometryCount( hGeom ); iGeom++ )
				OGR_G_AddGeometry( hMultiPolygon, 
					OGR_G_GetGeometryRef(hGeom,iGeom) );
			if(m_pProcess != NULL)

			OGR_DS_Destroy( hSrcDS );
			return RE_FAILED;

		OGR_F_Destroy( hFeat );

	if( OGR_G_GetGeometryCount( hMultiPolygon ) == 0 )
		if(m_pProcess != NULL)

		return RE_FAILED;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Ensure the coordinate system gets set on the geometry.          */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		hMultiPolygon, OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(hLayer) );

	*phCutlineRet = (void *) hMultiPolygon;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Cleanup                                                         */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( pszCSQL != NULL )
		OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet( hSrcDS, hLayer );

	OGR_DS_Destroy( hSrcDS );
	return RE_SUCCESS;

* @brief 转换AOI到源文件之间的行列号
* @param hSrcDS				输入文件GDAL数据集句柄
* @param hCutline			裁切的几何形状
* @param ppapszWarpOptions	转换选项,用于配置裁切参数
* @param papszTO_In			转换选项
* @return 返回值0表示该正确
static void
TransformCutlineToSource( GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, void *hCutline,
						 char ***ppapszWarpOptions, char **papszTO_In )
	OGRGeometryH hMultiPolygon = OGR_G_Clone( (OGRGeometryH) hCutline );
	char **papszTO = CSLDuplicate( papszTO_In );

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Checkout that SRS are the same.                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	OGRSpatialReferenceH  hRasterSRS = NULL;
	const char *pszProjection = NULL;

	if( GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS ) != NULL 
		&& strlen(GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS )) > 0 )
		pszProjection = GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS );
	else if( GDALGetGCPProjection( hSrcDS ) != NULL )
		pszProjection = GDALGetGCPProjection( hSrcDS );

	if( pszProjection != NULL )
		hRasterSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
		if( OSRImportFromWkt( hRasterSRS, (char **)&pszProjection ) != CE_None )
			hRasterSRS = NULL;

	OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS = OGR_G_GetSpatialReference( hMultiPolygon );
	if( hRasterSRS != NULL && hSrcSRS != NULL )
		/* ok, we will reproject */
	else if( hRasterSRS != NULL && hSrcSRS == NULL )
			"Warning : the source raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer\n"
			"not.  Cutline results may be incorrect.\n");
	else if( hRasterSRS == NULL && hSrcSRS != NULL )
			"Warning : the input vector layer has a SRS, but the source raster dataset does not.\n"
			"Cutline results may be incorrect.\n");

	if( hRasterSRS != NULL )

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Extract the cutline SRS WKT.                                    */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if( hSrcSRS != NULL )
		char *pszCutlineSRS_WKT = NULL;

		OSRExportToWkt( hSrcSRS, &pszCutlineSRS_WKT );
		papszTO = CSLSetNameValue( papszTO, "DST_SRS", pszCutlineSRS_WKT );
		CPLFree( pszCutlineSRS_WKT );
		int iDstSRS = CSLFindString( papszTO, "DST_SRS" );
		if( iDstSRS >= 0 )
			papszTO = CSLRemoveStrings( papszTO, iDstSRS, 1, NULL );

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Transform the geometry to pixel/line coordinates.               */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	CutlineTransformer oTransformer;

	oTransformer.hSrcImageTransformer = 
		GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2( hSrcDS, NULL, papszTO );

	CSLDestroy( papszTO );

	if( oTransformer.hSrcImageTransformer == NULL )
		exit( 1 );

	OGR_G_Transform( hMultiPolygon, 
		(OGRCoordinateTransformationH) &oTransformer );

	GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer( oTransformer.hSrcImageTransformer );

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      Convert aggregate geometry into WKT.                            */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	char *pszWKT = NULL;

	OGR_G_ExportToWkt( hMultiPolygon, &pszWKT );
	OGR_G_DestroyGeometry( hMultiPolygon );

	*ppapszWarpOptions = CSLSetNameValue( *ppapszWarpOptions, 
		"CUTLINE", pszWKT );
	CPLFree( pszWKT );


* @brief 图像镶嵌处理
* <B>注意事项,调用此函数之前,请先对影像进行几何纠正到同一投影坐标系统下,分辨率可以不同,
* 但是投影信息以及输入的各个数据的波段个数必须一致,否则会出现不能正常完成镶嵌操作。
* 图像的分辨率会按照输入影像的第一个影像获取,包括投影等信息</B>
* @param vStrSrcFiles		输入文件以及镶嵌线路径数组,默认第一个为参考影像,第一个图像在最下层,后面的依次向上
* @param pszCutLineFile		输入镶嵌块文件文件路径数组
* @param pszOutFile			输出文件路径
* @param eResampleMethod	重采样方式
* @param pszFormat			输出文件格式,详细参考GDAL支持数据类型
* @param pProcess			进度条指针,这个是我自己定义的类型,你可以自己写一个,或者删除
* @return 返回值,表示计算过程中出现的各种错误信息,返回值是我自己定义的int类型
int ImageMosaicing(vector<string> vStrSrcFiles, const char* pszCutLineFile, const char* pszOutFile, 
				GDALResampleAlg eResampleMethod, const char *pszFormat, CBatProcessBase* pProcess )
	CProcessBase* pAllProcess = NULL;
	CProcessBase* pSubProcess = NULL;

	if(pProcess != NULL)
		pAllProcess = pProcess->m_pAllProcess;
		pSubProcess = pProcess->m_pSubProcess;


	GDALDatasetH		hDstDS;
	char              **papszSrcFiles = NULL;
	const char         *pszDstFilename = NULL;
	int                 bCreateOutput = FALSE;
	void               *hTransformArg, *hGenImgProjArg=NULL, *hApproxArg=NULL;
	char              **papszWarpOptions = NULL;
	double              dfErrorThreshold = 0.125;
	GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer = NULL;
	char              **papszCreateOptions = NULL;
	GDALDataType        eOutputType = GDT_Unknown, eWorkingType = GDT_Unknown; 
	GDALResampleAlg     eResampleAlg = (GDALResampleAlg)eResampleMethod;
	const char         *pszSrcNodata = NULL;
	const char         *pszDstNodata = NULL;
	int                 bMulti = FALSE;
	char              **papszTO = NULL;
	const char         *pszCutlineDSName = NULL;



	pszSrcNodata = "0 0 0";
	pszDstNodata = "0 0 0";
	dfXRes = 0.0;
	dfYRes = 0.0;
	bCreateOutput = TRUE;
	eResampleAlg = GRA_Bilinear;
	pszCutlineDSName = pszCutLineFile;

	for(size_t i=0; i<vStrSrcFiles.size(); i++)
		string strFile = vStrSrcFiles[i];
		papszSrcFiles = CSLAddString( papszSrcFiles, strFile.c_str());

	pszDstFilename = pszOutFile;
	if( pszDstFilename == NULL )

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      输出文件是否已经存在?                                          */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
	hDstDS = GDALOpen( pszDstFilename, GA_Update );

	/* Avoid overwriting an existing destination file that cannot be opened in */
	/* update mode with a new GTiff file */
	if ( hDstDS == NULL )
		CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
		hDstDS = GDALOpen( pszDstFilename, GA_ReadOnly );

		if (hDstDS)
			fprintf( stderr, "输出文件%s存在,但是不能写入\n", pszDstFilename );
			return RE_FAILED;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      创建输出文件                                                    */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	int   bInitDestSetForFirst = FALSE;

	if( hDstDS == NULL )
		int iResult = RE_SUCCESS;
		hDstDS = GDALWarpCreateOutput( papszSrcFiles, pszDstFilename, pszFormat,
			papszTO, &papszCreateOptions, eOutputType, iResult);
		if(iResult != RE_SUCCESS)
			return iResult;

		bCreateOutput = TRUE;

		if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszWarpOptions, "INIT_DEST" ) == NULL && 
			pszDstNodata == NULL )
			papszWarpOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszWarpOptions,
				"INIT_DEST", "0");
			bInitDestSetForFirst = TRUE;
		else if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszWarpOptions, "INIT_DEST" ) == NULL )
			papszWarpOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszWarpOptions,
				"INIT_DEST", "NO_DATA" );
			bInitDestSetForFirst = TRUE;

		CSLDestroy( papszCreateOptions );
		papszCreateOptions = NULL;

	if( hDstDS == NULL )

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      遍历所有的输入文件,并将其写入输出文件                          */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	int iRev = RE_SUCCESS;
	for(int iSrc = 0; papszSrcFiles[iSrc] != NULL; iSrc++ )
		GDALDatasetH hSrcDS;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      打开文件                                                        */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		hSrcDS = GDALOpen( papszSrcFiles[iSrc], GA_ReadOnly );

		if( hSrcDS == NULL )
			goto CLEAN;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      检查输入文件是否不存在波段                                      */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if ( GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDS) == 0 )
			fprintf(stderr, "输入文件 %s 不存在波段。\n", papszSrcFiles[iSrc] );
			goto CLEAN;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      处理alpha波段                                                   */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		GDALColorInterp ci = GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation( 

		if( ci == GCI_AlphaBand && !bEnableSrcAlpha )
			bEnableSrcAlpha = TRUE;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      创建转换参数从源坐标到目标坐标系                                */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		hTransformArg = hGenImgProjArg = 
			GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2( hSrcDS, hDstDS, papszTO );

		if( hTransformArg == NULL )
			goto CLEAN;

		pfnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      Warp the transformer with a linear approximator unless the      */
		/*      acceptable error is zero.                                       */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( dfErrorThreshold != 0.0 )
			hTransformArg = hApproxArg = 
				GDALCreateApproxTransformer( GDALGenImgProjTransform, 
				hGenImgProjArg, dfErrorThreshold);
			pfnTransformer = GDALApproxTransform;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      Clear temporary INIT_DEST settings after the first image.       */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( bInitDestSetForFirst && iSrc == 1 )
			papszWarpOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszWarpOptions, 

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      创建warp选项                                                    */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		GDALWarpOptions *psWO = GDALCreateWarpOptions();

		psWO->papszWarpOptions = CSLDuplicate(papszWarpOptions);
		psWO->eWorkingDataType = eWorkingType;
		psWO->eResampleAlg = eResampleAlg;

		psWO->hSrcDS = hSrcDS;
		psWO->hDstDS = hDstDS;

		psWO->pfnTransformer = pfnTransformer;
		psWO->pTransformerArg = hTransformArg;

		psWO->pfnProgress = ALGTermProgress;
		psWO->pProgressArg = pSubProcess;

		psWO->dfWarpMemoryLimit = 52428800;		//使用50M的内存

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      创建波段映射关系                                                */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( bEnableSrcAlpha )
			psWO->nBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDS) - 1;
			psWO->nBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDS);

		psWO->panSrcBands = (int *) CPLMalloc(psWO->nBandCount*sizeof(int));
		psWO->panDstBands = (int *) CPLMalloc(psWO->nBandCount*sizeof(int));

		for(int i = 0; i < psWO->nBandCount; i++ )
			psWO->panSrcBands[i] = i+1;
			psWO->panDstBands[i] = i+1;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      构建alpha波段                                                   */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( bEnableSrcAlpha )
			psWO->nSrcAlphaBand = GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDS);

		if( !bEnableDstAlpha 
			&& GDALGetRasterCount(hDstDS) == psWO->nBandCount+1 
			&& GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation( 
			== GCI_AlphaBand )
				printf( "Using band %d of destination image as alpha.\n", 
				GDALGetRasterCount(hDstDS) );

			bEnableDstAlpha = TRUE;

		if( bEnableDstAlpha )
			psWO->nDstAlphaBand = GDALGetRasterCount(hDstDS);

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      创建  NODATA 选项                                               */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( pszSrcNodata != NULL && !EQUALN(pszSrcNodata,"n",1) )
			char **papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString( pszSrcNodata );
			int  nTokenCount = CSLCount(papszTokens);

			psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal = (double *) 
			psWO->padfSrcNoDataImag = (double *) 

			for(int i = 0; i < psWO->nBandCount; i++ )
				if( i < nTokenCount )
					CPLStringToComplex( papszTokens[i], 
						psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal + i,
						psWO->padfSrcNoDataImag + i );
					psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal[i] = psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal[i-1];
					psWO->padfSrcNoDataImag[i] = psWO->padfSrcNoDataImag[i-1];

			CSLDestroy( papszTokens );

			psWO->papszWarpOptions = CSLSetNameValue(psWO->papszWarpOptions,

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      没有指定NODATA值,从源文件中读取                                */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( pszSrcNodata == NULL )
			int bHaveNodata = FALSE;
			double dfReal = 0.0;

			for(int i = 0; !bHaveNodata && i < psWO->nBandCount; i++ )
				GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hSrcDS, i+1 );
				dfReal = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( hBand, &bHaveNodata );

			if( bHaveNodata )
				printf( "Using internal nodata values (eg. %g) for image %s.\n",
					dfReal, papszSrcFiles[iSrc] );
				psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal = (double *) 
				psWO->padfSrcNoDataImag = (double *) 

				for(int i = 0; i < psWO->nBandCount; i++ )
					GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hSrcDS, i+1 );

					dfReal = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( hBand, &bHaveNodata );

					if( bHaveNodata )
						psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal[i] = dfReal;
						psWO->padfSrcNoDataImag[i] = 0.0;
						psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal[i] = -123456.789;
						psWO->padfSrcNoDataImag[i] = 0.0;

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      设置输出文件的NODATA为最大值                                    */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( pszDstNodata != NULL )
			char **papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString( pszDstNodata );
			int  nTokenCount = CSLCount(papszTokens);

			psWO->padfDstNoDataReal = (double *) 
			psWO->padfDstNoDataImag = (double *) 

			for(int i = 0; i < psWO->nBandCount; i++ )
				if( i < nTokenCount )
					CPLStringToComplex( papszTokens[i], 
						psWO->padfDstNoDataReal + i,
						psWO->padfDstNoDataImag + i );
					psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i] = psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i-1];
					psWO->padfDstNoDataImag[i] = psWO->padfDstNoDataImag[i-1];

				GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDstDS, i+1 );
				int bClamped = FALSE, bRounded = FALSE;

#define CLAMP(val,type,minval,maxval) \
	do { if (val < minval) { bClamped = TRUE; val = minval; } \
		else if (val > maxval) { bClamped = TRUE; val = maxval; } \
		else if (val != (type)val) { bRounded = TRUE; val = (type)(val + 0.5); } } \

				case GDT_Byte:
					CLAMP(psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i], GByte,
						0.0, 255.0);
				case GDT_Int16:
					CLAMP(psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i], GInt16,
						-32768.0, 32767.0);
				case GDT_UInt16:
					CLAMP(psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i], GUInt16,
						0.0, 65535.0);
				case GDT_Int32:
					CLAMP(psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i], GInt32,
						-2147483648.0, 2147483647.0);
				case GDT_UInt32:
					CLAMP(psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i], GUInt32,
						0.0, 4294967295.0);

				if (bClamped)
					printf( "for band %d, destination nodata value has been clamped "
						"to %.0f, the original value being out of range.\n",
						i + 1, psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i]);
				else if(bRounded)
					printf("for band %d, destination nodata value has been rounded "
						"to %.0f, %s being an integer datatype.\n",
						i + 1, psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i],

				if( bCreateOutput )
						GDALGetRasterBand( hDstDS, psWO->panDstBands[i] ), 
						psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[i] );

			CSLDestroy( papszTokens );

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      读取镶嵌线                                                      */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		void *hCutline = NULL;
		if( pszCutlineDSName != NULL )
			string strFileName = GetFileName(papszSrcFiles[iSrc]);
			string strWhere = "影像路径=\"" + strFileName + "\"";
			LoadCutline( pszCutlineDSName, NULL, strWhere.c_str(), NULL, &hCutline );

		if( hCutline != NULL )
			TransformCutlineToSource( hSrcDS, hCutline, &(psWO->papszWarpOptions), papszTO );

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      初始化执行warp                                                  */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		GDALWarpOperation oWO;
		CPLErr CE = CE_None;
		if( oWO.Initialize( psWO ) == CE_None )
			if( bMulti )
				CE = oWO.ChunkAndWarpMulti( 0, 0, GDALGetRasterXSize( hDstDS ), GDALGetRasterYSize( hDstDS ) );
				CE = oWO.ChunkAndWarpImage( 0, 0, GDALGetRasterXSize( hDstDS ), GDALGetRasterYSize( hDstDS ) );

		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*      清理资源                                                        */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if( hApproxArg != NULL )
			GDALDestroyApproxTransformer( hApproxArg );

		if( hGenImgProjArg != NULL )
			GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer( hGenImgProjArg );

		GDALDestroyWarpOptions( psWO );

		if( hCutline != NULL )	//释放镶嵌块资源
			OGR_G_DestroyGeometry( (OGRGeometryH) hCutline );
			hCutline = NULL;

		GDALClose( hSrcDS );

		if (CE != CE_None)
			GDALClose( hDstDS );

			CSLDestroy( papszSrcFiles );
			CSLDestroy( papszWarpOptions );
			CSLDestroy( papszTO );

			GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );



			if(pProcess != NULL)
				if (!pAllProcess->m_bIsContinue)
					return RE_USERCANCEL;
					return RE_FAILED;

			return RE_FAILED;

		if(pAllProcess != NULL)

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*      善后工作                                                        */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	GDALClose( hDstDS );

	CSLDestroy( papszSrcFiles );
	CSLDestroy( papszWarpOptions );
	CSLDestroy( papszTO );

	GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );


	if(pProcess != NULL)

	return RE_SUCCESS;




//全局变量 图像范围
static double	       dfMinX=0.0, dfMinY=0.0, dfMaxX=0.0, dfMaxY=0.0;
//全局变量 图像分辨率
static double	       dfXRes=0.0, dfYRes=0.0;
//全局变量 图像宽高
static int             nForcePixels=0, nForceLines=0;
//全局变量 图像是否具有Alpha通道
static int             bEnableDstAlpha = FALSE, bEnableSrcAlpha = FALSE;
//全局变量 进度条指针
CProcessBase* m_pProcess = NULL;	

