int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) { //模拟参数 argc = 2; argv[0] = L"clamwind"; argv[1] = L"18"; if (argc > 3) { wprintf(L"Usage %s: [cycles]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } if (argc == 2) { cycles = _wtoi(argv[1]); if ((cycles < 2) || (cycles > 20)) { wprintf(L"Invalid number of cycles\n"); return -1; } } SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE) console_ctrl_handler, TRUE); atexit(stop_console_handler); #if !defined(PROFILE_ADLER32) && !defined(PROFILE_PANAMA) int ret = -1; unsigned int no = 0; wprintf(L"Loading Clamav DB...\n"); #ifndef DAILY_ONLY ret = cl_loaddb("main.cvd", &m_root, &no); if (ret || !m_root || !no) { wprintf(L"Error loading main db...\n"); return 1; } #endif if ((ret = cl_loaddb("daily.cvd", &m_root, &no))) { wprintf(L"Error loading daily.cvd...\n"); return -1; } wprintf(L"Known viruses: %d\n", no); /* build engine */ if((ret = cl_build(m_root))) { wprintf(L"Error initializing database: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_free(m_root); return 1; } /* Specify no callback */ m_root->callback = NULL; /* set up archive limits */ memset(&limits, 0, sizeof(struct cl_limits)); limits.maxscansize = 150 * (1 << 20); /* 150 mb : during the scanning of archives this size will never be exceeded */ limits.maxfilesize = 100 * (1 << 20); /* 100 mb : compressed files will only be decompressed and scanned up to this size */ limits.maxreclevel = 15; /* maximum recursion level for archives */ limits.maxfiles = 10000; /* maximum number of files to be scanned within a single archive */ limits.archivememlim = 0; /* limit memory usage for some unpackers */ #endif if (cycles) { wprintf(L"Warm up cycle\n"); benchmark(); wprintf(L"Warm up done... starting..." PADDING_48); for (runs = 1; runs <= cycles; runs++) speed += benchmark(); } else { cycles = 1; speed = benchmark(); } #if !defined(PROFILE_ADLER32) && !defined(PROFILE_PANAMA) cl_free(m_root); #endif wprintf(L"Average speed: %4.3f mb/s" PADDING_50, (speed * BMTOMS / cycles)); return 0; }
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) { // read loglevel from registry DWORD logLevel = LOG_ALWAYS; svc.GetConfigValue(L"LogLevel", &logLevel); if ((argc > 1) && wcsstr(argv[1], L"/t")) log.InitStdOut(logLevel); else { wchar_t szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetOurDir(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); wcsncat(szPath, L"\\ClamWind.log", MAX_PATH); log.InitFile(logLevel, szPath); } if(!InitNtFunctions()) dbgprint(LOG_ALWAYS, L"ERROR Loading NTDll Functions...\n"); svc.Run(argv[1]); UnintNtFunctions(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HANDLE hFile; BOOL flg; DWORD dwWrite, cbBytesRead; int i; char reply[BUFSIZE]; char *buffer = NULL; FILE *fd = NULL; size_t flen = 0; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s file1 [file2] [file3] [...]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } log.InitStdOut(LOG_TRACE); hFile = CreateFile(CLAMWIND_PIPE, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("CreateFile failed for Named Pipe client %d\n", ::GetLastError()); return -1; } for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) { if (!(fd = fopen(argv[i], "rb"))) { printf("Invalid file %s - skipping\n", argv[i]); continue; } fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_END); flen = ftell(fd); fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET); buffer = new char[flen]; if (fread(buffer, 1, flen, fd) != flen) { perror("fread()"); delete buffer; fclose(fd); continue; } fclose(fd); printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("Sending %s to the server\n", argv[i]); flg = WriteFile(hFile, buffer, (DWORD) flen, &dwWrite, NULL); FlushFileBuffers(hFile); if (FALSE == flg) printf("WriteFile failed for Named Pipe client: %d\n", ::GetLastError()); else printf("WriteFile succeeded for Named Pipe client\n"); delete buffer; cbBytesRead = 0; if (ReadFile(hFile, reply, BUFSIZE, &cbBytesRead, NULL)) { reply[cbBytesRead] = 0; printf("Server reply: %s\n", reply); CwXmlMessage *msg = new CwXmlMessage(reply, (int) cbBytesRead, TAG_CLAMWINREPLY); delete msg; } else printf("Error reading from server %d\n", ::GetLastError()); FlushFileBuffers(hFile); } CloseHandle(hFile); return 0; }