在普通RMQ问题的<O(n),O(1)>算法中,由于需要构造Cartesian Tree和得到Euler tour,两个2*n-1大小的数组E和L使得空间消耗增加O(4*n)。本文介绍的Fischer-Heun算法绕过构建Cartesian Tree的步骤,也不需要将普通RMQ转化为RMQ+1/-1问题再求解。该算法的基本思想也是采用RMQ+1/-1的分组处理, 分别生成组内的Lookup Table和组外的稀疏表。但是在每个组的大小缩小了一倍,成为s=(logn)/4。由于每个组对应一颗笛卡尔树,若两个不同的组对应的两棵笛卡尔树相同的话,那么这两个组的lookup table完全一样;另外由于大小为n的笛卡尔树的个数为Catalan数Cn,因此构建的基本组大小是Cn。在组大小为s=(logn)/4时,根据Catalan数Cn的近似公式得到基本组个数为O(4^s/s^(3/2))数量级,虽然Catalan数Cn增长的很快,但在实践中Cs是一个比较小的数:比如,当s=8时,C8=1430,可以处理的A数组大小为n=2^32,n已经很大了。类似于RMQ+1/-1算法的分析,组内预处理的复杂度为线性:O(4^s/s^(3/2) * s^2) = O(n)!组外预处理的复杂度为O(s*logs)=O(n)。查询方式也是采用RMQ+1/-1算法中的查询做法,复杂度也是O(1)。
Fischer-Heun算法的关键是如何确定每一个组的Cartesian Tree编号,即如何确定组的类型数组T。在J. Fischer和V. Heun 2006年发表的论文中,比较巧妙地使用ballot数来处理。ballot数对应的三角形中,设当前位置在(p,q),那么ballot数C[p,q]相当于从(p,q)到(0,0)走法总数,如果p=q,C[p,q]就是Catalan数Cp,即对角线上的点对应Catalan数。确定组的类型数组的算法利用构造Cartesian Tree的过程,但是不真正构造树,而且堆栈中存放的是A[i]值,而不是下标值。首先在stack底部放置一个sentinel元素Integer.MIN_VALUE。设置Cartesian Tree编号N=0。在构造笛卡尔树的算法中,从ballot数三角形中的点(s,s)出发,每执行一次循环,对应往左走一步;如果某个元素A[i]小于栈顶元素,那么弹出栈顶元素,这时对应往上走一步,若当前位置在(p,q),N的值需要增加ballot数C[p-1,q];最后将A[i]入栈。由于构造Cartesian Tree算法的特点,按照这样的走法,可以保证在ballot数对应的三角形中不会超出边界范围。最后s个元素处理完时,N的值就是block的类型值,范围为0..Cs-1。
/** * * Fischer-Heun Algorithm * A space-economic general RMQ algorithm without transforming into RMQ+1/-1 * time complexity: <O(n),O(1)> * * see also: (2006) J. Fischer, V. Heun, Theoretical and Practical Improvements on the RMQ-Problem, with Applications to LCA and LCE * * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/) * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) * * * @author ljs * 2011-08-07 * */ public class RMQ_FH { private int blocksize; private int blockcount; //block type private int[] T; //block LookUp table private int[][] P; //out-of-block sparse table //the first-dimension indices are block IDs (from 0...blockcount-1) private int[][] M; //Note: this method is not quite different from the one in class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ: //Except that blockTypesCount and computeBlockType are different, this method is //almost the same as the one in class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ. public void preprocess(int[] A) throws Exception { int n = A.length; int paddingsize = 0; //block size: (logn)/4 int s = (int) (Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)) >> 2; if(s==0){ s = (n>4)?4:n; //small problem } int count = (int) Math.ceil(n / (double)s); this.blocksize = s; this.blockcount = count; //compute the ballot numbers for determining each block's cartesian trees or block type int[] ballotnums = RMQ_FH.makeBallotNumbersTable(s); // padding the last block int endblocksize = n - s * (count - 1); if (endblocksize > 0 && endblocksize < s) { paddingsize = s - endblocksize; } //step 1: in-block preprocess //the size of LU table (one-dimensional) int size = s*(s+1)/2; int start = 0; // j is the index of A int end = -1; T = new int[count]; int blockTypesCount = ballotnums[(s+2)*(s+1)/2 - 1]; //catalan number P = new int[blockTypesCount][size]; int[] B = new int[count]; //used in ST algorithm: the min-value array for each block boolean[] pDone =new boolean[blockTypesCount]; int fullblockscnt = count; if(paddingsize>0){ fullblockscnt = count - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < fullblockscnt; i++) { start = end+1; end = (i+1)*s-1; //compute the type of the block int type = computeBlockType(ballotnums,A,start,end); T[i] = type; if(!pDone[type]){ //if LU table is not done yet for this type of block P[type] = makeLUTable(s,A,start,size); pDone[type]=true; } B[i] = queryLUTable(s,start,start,end,type); } //the end block if(paddingsize>0){ start = end+1; end = count*s-1; //extend the end block int actualsize = n-start; int[] D = new int[s]; System.arraycopy(A, start, D, 0, actualsize); for (int k = actualsize; k < s; k++) { D[k] = D[k - 1] + 1; } int type = computeBlockType(ballotnums,D,0,s-1); T[count-1] = type; if(!pDone[type]){ P[type] = makeLUTable(s,D,0,size); pDone[type]=true; } //the min-index from start...n-1, not start...end B[count-1] = queryLUTable(s,start,start,n-1,type); } //step 2: Sparse table algorithm applied to out-of-blocks this.M = outBlockPreprocess(B,A,count); } //Note: this method is the same as the one in class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ. It is copied from there. //return the index public int query(int[] A,int p,int q){ if(q<p){ //swap int tmp=p;p=q;q=tmp; } int start = 0; int end = -1; int s = 0,t=0; int startMin=-1,endMin=-1; //the start block and end block's min index for (int i = 0; i < this.blockcount; i++) { start = end+1; end = (i+1)*this.blocksize-1; if(p>=start && q<=end){ //within a block return queryLUTable(blocksize,start,p,q,T[i]); }else if(p>=start && p<=end){ startMin = queryLUTable(blocksize,start,p,end,T[i]); s=i+1; }else if(q<=end && q>=start){ endMin = queryLUTable(blocksize,start,start,q,T[i]); t=i-1; break; } } int minIndex = startMin; if(s<=t){ int outBlocksMin = outBlockQuery(A,s,t); if(A[startMin]>A[outBlocksMin]){ minIndex = outBlocksMin; } } if(A[minIndex]>A[endMin]){ minIndex = endMin; } return minIndex; } //Note: this method is the same as the one in class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ. It is copied from there. //ST: O(1) for querying //precondition: s<=t private int outBlockQuery(int[] A,int s,int t){ int k = (int)(Math.log(t-s+1)/Math.log(2)); //the first interval int mina = M[s][k]; int minb = M[t-(1<<k)+1][k]; if(A[mina]<=A[minb]) return mina; else return minb; } //Note: this method is the same as the one in class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ. It is copied from there. private int[][] outBlockPreprocess(int[] B,int[] A,int count){ //floor value int maxJ=(int)(Math.log(count)/Math.log(2)); int[][] M = new int[count][maxJ+1]; //initial condition for dynamic programming: the RMQ for interval length=1 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) M[i][0] = B[i]; //dynamic programming: compute values from smaller(j=1) to bigger intervals for (int j = 1; j<=maxJ; j++){ for (int i = 0; i + (1 << j) - 1 < count; i++){ int nexti = i + (1 << (j - 1)); if (A[M[i][j - 1]] <= A[M[nexti][j - 1]]) M[i][j] = M[i][j - 1]; else M[i][j] = M[nexti][j - 1]; } } return M; } //Note: this method is the same as the one in class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ. It is copied from there. //return the index //precondition: i<=j private int queryLUTable(int blocksize,int offset,int i,int j,int type){ i -= offset; j-=offset; int[] L = P[type]; int index = blocksize*i - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i); return L[index]+offset; } //Note: this method is the same as the one in class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ. It is copied from there. //use naive method to compute the lookup table for a block //the return index is relative to the block itself private int[] makeLUTable(int blocksize, int[] D,int offset,int size) { int[][] Q = new int[blocksize][blocksize]; for (int i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) Q[i][i] = i; for (int i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) for (int j = i + 1; j < blocksize; j++) if (D[Q[i][j - 1]+offset] <= D[j+offset]) Q[i][j] = Q[i][j - 1]; else Q[i][j] = j; //convert to one-dimension array int[] L = new int[size]; int k=0; for(int i=0;i<blocksize;i++){ for(int j=i;j<blocksize;j++,k++){ L[k] = Q[i][j]; } } return L; } /* Ballot numbers: see: Knuth's Art of Computer Programming Vol 4A section "Generating all trees" The diagonal numbers are Catalan numbers. Catalan numbers:(0..16) see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_number 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440, 9694845, 35357670 .... */ public static int[] makeBallotNumbersTable(int s){ int k = (s+2)*(s+1)/2; int[] ballotnums = new int[k]; ballotnums[0] = 1; int i = 1; for(int q=1;q<=s;q++){ //p=0, only top element is used, left element is 0 ballotnums[i] = ballotnums[i-q]; i++; for(int p=1;p<q;p++){ ballotnums[i] = ballotnums[i-q] + ballotnums[i-1]; i++; } //p=q, only left element is used, top element is 0 ballotnums[i] = ballotnums[i-1]; i++; } return ballotnums; } private static void printBallotNumbersTriangle(int[] ballotnums,int s){ //print ballot numbers triangle System.out.println("Ballot numbers: "); int start = 0, end = -1; for(int m=0;m<=s;m++){ start = end + 1; end = (m+2)*(m+1)/2 - 1; for(int n=start;n<=end;n++) System.out.format(" %d", ballotnums[n]); System.out.println(); } } private static void printCatalanNumbers(int[] ballotnums,int s){ //print catalan numbers: System.out.println("Catalan numbers: "); for(int m=0;m<=s;m++){ int j = (m+2)*(m+1)/2 - 1; if(m % 5 == 0){ System.out.format("(%d):",m); } System.out.format(" %d", ballotnums[j]); if((m+1) % 5 == 0) System.out.println(); } } public static void testBallotNumberTable(){ int s = 16; int[] ballotnums = RMQ_FH.makeBallotNumbersTable(s); RMQ_FH.printCatalanNumbers(ballotnums, s); System.out.println(); RMQ_FH.printBallotNumbersTriangle(ballotnums, s); } //compute the block type, ie. the sequence number of its cartesian tree private int computeBlockType(int[] ballotnums, int[] D,int start,int end){ int s = end - start + 1; //the stack is the rightmost path int[] stack = new int[s+1]; stack[0] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; //the first element is a sentinel int top = 0; //stack top int N=0; //the sequence number of this block's cartesian tree int q = s; for(int i=0;i<s;i++){ int p = s-i-1; while(stack[top]>D[i+start]){ //numbering: go up one level in the ballot number triangle N += ballotnums[q*(q+1)/2+p]; top--; //remove the element q--; //up one level } //when stack[top]<= D[i+start], we append the current number to the rightmost path stack[++top] = D[i+start]; } return N; } public void testComputeBlockType(int[] D){ int s = D.length; //block size int[] ballotnums = RMQ_FH.makeBallotNumbersTable(s); int nr = this.computeBlockType(ballotnums,D, 0, D.length-1); System.out.format("block type(=cartesian tree sequence number): %d%n",nr); } private void reportLUTable(int[] A){ for(int x=0;x<A.length;x++){ System.out.format("%d..[%d-%d]",x,x,A.length-1); for(int y=x;y<A.length;y++){ int p = query(A,x,y); System.out.format(" %d/%d",A[p],p); } System.out.println(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //test ballot numbers RMQ_FH.testBallotNumberTable(); //test block types System.out.println("*************"); int[] A = new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}; RMQ_FH rmq = new RMQ_FH(); rmq.testComputeBlockType(A); System.out.println("*************"); A = new int[]{5,4,3,2,1}; rmq = new RMQ_FH(); rmq.testComputeBlockType(A); //RMQ operations System.out.format("***********************%n"); A=new int[]{1,7,3}; rmq = new RMQ_FH(); rmq.preprocess(A); rmq.reportLUTable(A); System.out.format("***********************%n"); A=new int[]{2,4,3,1,6,7,8,9,1,7}; rmq = new RMQ_FH(); rmq.preprocess(A); rmq.reportLUTable(A); System.out.format("***********************%n"); A=new int[]{10,15,34,20,7,5,18,68,29,40, //0..9 24,3,45,26,7,23,43,12,68,34, //10..19 26,34,33,12,80,57,24,42,77,27, //20..29 56,33,23,32,54,13,79,65,19,33, //30..39 15,24,43,73,55,13,63,8,23,17}; //40..49 rmq = new RMQ_FH(); rmq.preprocess(A); int i=0; int j=49; int min = rmq.query(A,i,j); System.out.format("RMQ for A[%d..%d]: A[%d]=%d%n", i,j,min,A[min]); } }
Catalan numbers:
(0): 1 1 2 5 14
(5): 42 132 429 1430 4862
(10): 16796 58786 208012 742900 2674440
(15): 9694845 35357670
Ballot numbers:
1 1
1 2 2
1 3 5 5
1 4 9 14 14
1 5 14 28 42 42
1 6 20 48 90 132 132
1 7 27 75 165 297 429 429
1 8 35 110 275 572 1001 1430 1430
1 9 44 154 429 1001 2002 3432 4862 4862
1 10 54 208 637 1638 3640 7072 11934 16796 16796
1 11 65 273 910 2548 6188 13260 25194 41990 58786 58786
1 12 77 350 1260 3808 9996 23256 48450 90440 149226 208012 208012
1 13 90 440 1700 5508 15504 38760 87210 177650 326876 534888 742900 742900
1 14 104 544 2244 7752 23256 62016 149226 326876 653752 1188640 1931540 2674440 2674440
1 15 119 663 2907 10659 33915 95931 245157 572033 1225785 2414425 4345965 7020405 9694845 9694845
1 16 135 798 3705 14364 48279 144210 389367 961400 2187185 4601610 8947575 15967980 25662825 35357670 35357670
block type(=cartesian tree sequence number): 0
block type(=cartesian tree sequence number): 41
0..[0-2] 1/0 1/0 1/0
1..[1-2] 7/1 3/2
2..[2-2] 3/2
0..[0-9] 2/0 2/0 2/0 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
1..[1-9] 4/1 3/2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
2..[2-9] 3/2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
3..[3-9] 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
4..[4-9] 6/4 6/4 6/4 6/4 1/8 1/8
5..[5-9] 7/5 7/5 7/5 1/8 1/8
6..[6-9] 8/6 8/6 1/8 1/8
7..[7-9] 9/7 1/8 1/8
8..[8-9] 1/8 1/8
9..[9-9] 7/9
RMQ for A[0..49]: A[11]=3
J. Fischer和V. Heun于2006年发表的论文“Theoretical and Practical Improvements on the RMQ-Problem, with Applications to LCA and LCE“