[置顶] Flume-ng生产环境实践(四)实现log格式化interceptor

续上篇,由于filesink中需要使用/data/log/%{dayStr}/log-%{hourStr}%{minStr}-这样文件格式的,为了使file-sink能使用%{dayStr}这样的标签,需要在数据传输过程中,给event的header中添加对应的键值对。在flume-ng中提供了很方便的方式: Interceptor
原始日志格式: - - [29/Dec/2012:15:00:00 +0800] "GET /p.gif?a=1&b=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4
.0; 4399Box.1357; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; AskTbPTV2/; 4399Box.1357)"

agent.sources = source
agent.channels = channel
agent.sinks = sink

agent.sources.source.type = exec
#agent.sources.source.command = tail -n +0 -F /data/tmp/accesspvpb_2012-11-18.log
agent.sources.source.command = cat /opt/nginx/logs/vvaccess_log_pipe
agent.sources.source.interceptors = logformat

agent.sources.source.interceptors.logformat.type = org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor$Builder
agent.sources.source.interceptors.logformat.confpath = /usr/programs/flume/conf/logformat_vv.properties
agent.sources.source.interceptors.logformat.dynamicprop = true
agent.sources.source.interceptors.logformat.hostname = vv111
agent.sources.source.interceptors.logformat.prop.monitor.rollInterval = 100000
# The channel can be defined as follows.
agent.sources.source.channels = channel

agent.sinks.sink.type = avro
agent.sinks.sink.hostname =
agent.sinks.sink.port = 44444
agent.sinks.sink.channel = channel

# Each channel's type is defined.
agent.channels.channel.type = file
agent.channels.channel.checkpointDir = /data/tmpc/checkpoint
agent.channels.channel.dataDirs = /data/tmpc/data
agent.channels.channel.transactionCapacity = 15000


package  org.apache.flume.interceptor;

import  static  org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor.Constants. CONF_PATH ;
import  static  org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor.Constants. DYNAMICPROP ;
import  static  org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor.Constants. DYNAMICPROP_DFLT ;
import  static  org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor.Constants. HOSTNAME ;
import  static  org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor.Constants. HOSTNAME_DFLT ;
import  static  org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor.Constants. PROPMONITORINTERVAL ;
import  static  org.apache.flume.interceptor.LogFormatInterceptor.Constants. PROPMONITORINTERVAL_DFLT ;

import  java.io.File;
import  java.io.FileInputStream;
import  java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import  java.io.IOException;
import  java.text.ParseException;
import  java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import  java.util.Date;
import  java.util.HashMap;
import  java.util.LinkedList;
import  java.util.List;
import  java.util.Map;
import  java.util.Properties;

import  org.apache.flume.Context;
import  org.apache.flume.Event;
import  org.apache.flume.event.EventBuilder;
import  org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import  org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult;
import  org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import  org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler;
import  org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import  org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import  org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import  org.slf4j.Logger;
import  org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public  class  LogFormatInterceptor  implements  Interceptor {

         private  static  final  Logger  logger  = LoggerFactory
                     . getLogger(LogFormatInterceptor. class );

         private  String  conf_path  =  null ;
         private  boolean  dynamicProp  =  false ;
         private  String  hostname  =  null ;

         private  long  propLastModify  = 0;
         private  long  propMonitorInterval  ;

         private  String  regexp  =  null ;
         private  List<String>  keys  =  null ;

         private  Pattern  pattern  =  null ;
         private  PatternCompiler  compiler  =  null ;
         private  PatternMatcher  matcher  =  null ;
         private  SimpleDateFormat  sdf  =  null ;
         private  SimpleDateFormat  sd  =  null ;
         private  SimpleDateFormat  sh  =  null ;
         private  SimpleDateFormat  sm  =  null ;
         private  SimpleDateFormat  sdfAll  =  null ;

         private  long  eventCount  = 0l;

         public  LogFormatInterceptor(String conf_path,  boolean  dynamicProp,
                     String hostname,  long  propMonitorInterval) {
                this . conf_path  = conf_path;
                this . dynamicProp  = dynamicProp;
                this . hostname  = hostname;
                this . propMonitorInterval  = propMonitorInterval;

         public  void  close () {


         public  void  initialize () {
                try  {
                       // 读取配置文件,初始化正在表达式和输出的key列表
                     File file =  new  File( conf_path  );
                       propLastModify  = file.lastModified();
                     Properties props =  new  Properties();
                     FileInputStream fis;
                     fis =  new  FileInputStream(file);
                       regexp  = props.getProperty(  "regexp" );
                     String strKey = props.getProperty(  "keys" );
                       if  (strKey !=  null ) {
                           String[] strkeys = strKey.split(  "," );
                             keys  =  new  LinkedList<String>();
                             for  (String key : strkeys) {
                                    keys .add(key);
                       if  ( keys  ==  null ) {
                             logger .error( "====================keys is null====================" );
                     }  else  {
                             logger .info( "keys="  +  keys  );
                       if  ( regexp  ==  null ) {
                             logger .error( "====================regexp is null====================" );
                     }  else  {
                             logger .info( "regexp="  +  regexp  );

                       // 初始化正在表达式以及时间格式化类
                       compiler  =  new  Perl5Compiler();
                       pattern  =  compiler .compile(  regexp );
                       matcher  =  new  Perl5Matcher();

                       sdf  =  new  SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"  ,
                                  java.util.Locale.  US );
                       sd  =  new  SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd"  );
                       sh  =  new  SimpleDateFormat( "HH"  );
                       sm  =  new  SimpleDateFormat( "mm"  );
                       sdfAll  =  new  SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMddHHmmss"  );

              }  catch  (MalformedPatternException e) {
                       logger .error( "Could not complile pattern!"  , e);
              }  catch  (FileNotFoundException e) {
                       logger .error( "conf file is not found!"  , e);
              }  catch  (IOException e) {
                       logger .error( "conf file can not be read!"  , e);

         public  Event intercept(Event event) {
              ++  eventCount ;
                try  {
                       if  ( dynamicProp  &&  eventCount  >  propMonitorInterval ) {
                           File file =  new  File( conf_path  );
                             if  (file.lastModified() >  propLastModify  ) {
                                    propLastModify  = file.lastModified();
                                  Properties props =  new  Properties();
                                  FileInputStream fis;
                                  fis =  new  FileInputStream(file);
                                  String strKey = props.getProperty(  "keys" );
                                    if  (strKey !=  null ) {
                                         String[] strkeys = strKey.split( ","  );
                                         List<String> keystmp =  new  LinkedList<String>();
                                           for  (String key : strkeys) {
                                           if  (keystmp.size() >  keys  .size()) {
                                                  keys  = keystmp;
                                                  logger .info( "dynamicProp status updated = "  +  keys );
                                         }  else  {
                                                  logger .error( "dynamicProp status new keys size less than old,so status update fail = "
                                                              +  keys );
                                  }  else  {
                                           logger .error( "dynamicProp status get keys fail ,so status update fail = "
                                                       +  keys );


                     Map<String, String> headers = event.getHeaders();
                     headers.put(  "host" ,  hostname  );
                     String body =  new  String(event.getBody());
                       if  ( pattern  !=  null ) {
                           StringBuffer stringBuffer =  new  StringBuffer();
                           Date date =  null ;
                           Map<String, String> index =  new  HashMap<String, String>();
                             if  ( matcher  .contains(body,  pattern )) {
                                  index.put(  "host" ,  hostname  );
                                  MatchResult result =  matcher .getMatch();
                                  index.put(  "ip" , result.group(1));
                                    try  {
                                         date =  sdf .parse(result.group(2));
                                         index.put(  "loc_time" ,  sdfAll .format(date));
                                  }  catch  (ParseException e1) {

                                  String url = result.group(3).replaceAll(  "," ,  "|" );
                                  String[] params = url.split(  "&" );
                                    for  (String param : params) {
                                         String[] p = param.split( "="  );
                                           if  (p. length  == 2) {
                                                index.put(p[0], p[1]);
                                  index.put(  "browser" , result.group(4).replaceAll( ","  ,  "|"  ));
                                    for  (String key :  keys  ) {
                                           if  (index.containsKey(key)) {
                                                stringBuffer.append(index.get(key) +  "," );
                                         }  else  {
                                                stringBuffer.append(  "~," );
                                    if  (stringBuffer.length() > 0) {
                                         stringBuffer.deleteCharAt(stringBuffer.length() - 1);
                                  }  else  {
                                         stringBuffer.append(  "error="  + body);

                                    if  (date !=  null ) {
                                         headers.put(  "dayStr" ,  sd  .format(date));
                                         headers.put(  "hourStr" ,  sh  .format(date));
                                         Integer m = Integer.parseInt( sm .format(date));
                                         String min =  "" ;
                                           if  (m >= 0 && m < 10) {
                                                min =  "0"  + (m / 5) * 5;
                                         }  else  {
                                                min = (m / 5) * 5 +  ""  ;
                                         headers.put(  "minStr" , min);
                                  }  else  {
                                         headers.put(  "dayStr" ,  "errorLog"  );
                                  Event e = EventBuilder.withBody(stringBuffer.toString()
                                                .getBytes(), headers);
                                    return  e;
              }  catch  (Exception e) {
                       logger .error( "LogFormat error!"  , e);
                return  null  ;

         public  List<Event> intercept(List<Event> events) {
              List<Event> list =  new  LinkedList<Event>();
                for  (Event event : events) {
                     Event e = intercept(event);
                       if  (e !=  null  ) {
                return  list;

        * Builder which builds new instances of the HostInterceptor.
         public  static  class  Builder  implements  Interceptor.Builder {

                private  String  confPath  ;
                private  boolean  dynamicProp  ;
                private  String  hostname  ;
                private  long  propMonitorInterval  ;

                public  Interceptor build() {
                       return  new  LogFormatInterceptor( confPath ,  dynamicProp ,  hostname ,
                                    propMonitorInterval );

                public  void  configure(Context context) {
                       confPath  = context.getString(  CONF_PATH );
                       dynamicProp  = context.getBoolean( DYNAMICPROP ,  DYNAMICPROP_DFLT );
                       hostname  = context.getString(  HOSTNAME ,  HOSTNAME_DFLT  );
                       propMonitorInterval  = context.getLong( PROPMONITORINTERVAL ,
                                    PROPMONITORINTERVAL_DFLT );


         public  static  class  Constants {

                public  static  String  CONF_PATH  =  "confpath" ;

                public  static  String  DYNAMICPROP  =  "dynamicprop" ;
                public  static  boolean  DYNAMICPROP_DFLT  =  false ;

                public  static  String  HOSTNAME  =  "hostname" ;
                public  static  String  HOSTNAME_DFLT  =  "hostname" ;

                public  static  String  PROPMONITORINTERVAL  =  "prop.monitor.rollInterval"  ;
                public  static  long  PROPMONITORINTERVAL_DFLT  = 500000l;


