The CompareString function compares two character strings, using the specified locale.
int CompareString( LCID Locale, // locale identifier DWORD dwCmpFlags, // comparison-style options LPCTSTR lpString1, // first string int cchCount1, // size of first string LPCTSTR lpString2, // second string int cchCount2 // size of second string );
LCID GetThreadLocale();
Flag | Meaning |
NORM_IGNOREWIDTH | 不区分相同字符的单字节和双字节字符。 |
SORT_STRINGSORT | 将标点按符号处理。 |
#include <Windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { TCHAR szBuffer[10] = { TEXT('A'),TEXT('A'),TEXT('A'),TEXT('A'),TEXT('A'), TEXT('A'),TEXT('A'),TEXT('A'),TEXT('A'),'\0' }; LCID local = GetThreadLocale(); int result = CompareString(local/*LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT*/,NORM_IGNORECASE,szBuffer,_countof(szBuffer),TEXT("AAAAAAAAA"),10); switch(result) { case 0: cout<<"Error"<<endl; break; case CSTR_LESS_THAN: cout<<"Str1 > Str2"<<endl; break; case CSTR_GREATER_THAN: cout<<"Str1 < Str2"<<endl; break; case CSTR_EQUAL: cout<<"Str1 = Str2"<<endl; break; default: cout<<"Don't goto there"<<endl; break; } cout<<result<<endl; return 0; }
Compares two Unicode strings to test binary equivalence.
int CompareStringOrdinal( __in LPCWSTR lpString1, __in int cchCount1, __in LPCWSTR lpString2, __in int cchCount2, __in BOOL bIgnoreCase );
Pointer to the first string to compare.
Length of the string indicated by lpString1. The application supplies -1 if the string is null-terminated. In this case, the function determines the length automatically.
Pointer to the second string to compare.
Length of the string indicated by lpString2. The application supplies -1 if the string is null-terminated. In this case, the function determines the length automatically.
TRUE if the function is to perform a case-insensitive comparison, using the operating system uppercase table information. The application sets this parameter to FALSE if the function is to compare the strings exactly as they are passed in.
Returns one of the following values if successful. To maintain the C runtime convention of comparing strings, the value 2 can be subtracted from a nonzero return value. Then, the meaning of <0, ==0, and >0 is consistent with the C runtime.
The function returns 0 if it does not succeed. To get extended error information, the application can callGetLastError, which can return one of the following error codes: