[nz@netezza ~]$ nzrev Release 6.1, Dev 2 [Build 16340] [nz@netezza ~]$ nzsql -d inza Welcome to nzsql, the Netezza SQL interactive terminal. Type: \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit INZA(ADMIN)=> select * from product; NAME | SHORTNAME | VERSION | INSTALLED -----------------------+-----------+-------------+------------ IBM Netezza Analytics | INZA | | 2013-08-01 (1 row)
NPS:这是Netezza PureData System,其实就是Netazza数据库服务器
INZA:这是IBM NetaZza Analytics的缩写,这里面默认有两个表Geometry_columns和Spatial_ref_sys
INZA(ADMIN)=> \d geometry_columns Table "GEOMETRY_COLUMNS" Attribute | Type | Modifier | Default Value -------------------+---------------------------------+----------+--------------- F_TABLE_CATALOG | NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(256) | NOT NULL | F_TABLE_SCHEMA | NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(256) | NOT NULL | F_TABLE_NAME | NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(256) | NOT NULL | F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN | NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(256) | NOT NULL | GEOMETRY_TYPE | INTEGER | | COORD_DIMENSION | INTEGER | | SRID | INTEGER | | DISSOLVE_COLUMN | NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(256) | | Distributed on hash: "F_TABLE_CATALOG" INZA(ADMIN)=> \d spatial_ref_sys Table "SPATIAL_REF_SYS" Attribute | Type | Modifier | Default Value -----------+-------------------------+----------+--------------- SRID | INTEGER | NOT NULL | AUTH_NAME | CHARACTER VARYING(256) | | AUTH_SRID | INTEGER | | SRTEXT | CHARACTER VARYING(2048) | | PROJ4TEXT | CHARACTER VARYING(2048) | | Distributed on hash: "SRID"
spatial_ref_sys是一个投影系统表,这个在我们使用teradata、MongoDB都看到过,就是存储OpenGIS 、OGC标准的投影信息,那么geometry_columns就是存储经过ArcGIS导入到Netezza数据库里面的空间字段的注册,一般情况下Netezza只支持存储在Spatial_ref_sys里面的投影信息(3750),如果是自定义的投影,数据会导入进去,但是查看属性会提示这个投影信息在投影表里面查看不到的错误。
INZA(ADMIN)=> select count(*) from spatial_ref_sys; COUNT ------- 3750 (1 row) INZA(ADMIN)=> select * from spatial_ref_sys where srid=4326; SRID | AUTH_NAME | AUTH_SRID | SRTEXT | PROJ4TEXT ------+-----------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4326 | EPSG | 4326 | GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] | +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (1 row) INZA(ADMIN)=> select * from geometry_columns; F_TABLE_CATALOG | F_TABLE_SCHEMA | F_TABLE_NAME | F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN | GEOMETRY_TYPE | COORD_DIMENSION | SRID | DISSOLVE_COLUMN -----------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+---------------+-----------------+--------+----------------- INZA | ADMIN | POLY | SHAPE | 11 | 2 | 4326 | INZA | ADMIN | XZQ | SHAPE | 11 | 2 | 900914 | INZA | ADMIN | PT | SHAPE | 1 | 2 | 4326 | (3 rows)
Netezza Spatial package包含大量的空间函数来处理空间数据,这个类似于Esri的ST_Geometry、Oracle的SDO_Geometry、PostGIS的Geometry、MS的Geometry和Geography提供的空间函数一样
INZA(ADMIN)=> \d pt Table "PT" Attribute | Type | Modifier | Default Value -----------+-----------------------+----------+--------------- OBJECTID | INTEGER | NOT NULL | SHAPE | CHARACTER VARYING(80) | | Constraints: Name Settings PT_PK Primary key(OBJECTID) Distributed on hash: "OBJECTID" INZA(ADMIN)=> select * from pt; OBJECTID | SHAPE ----------+------- 1 | g (1 row)同样,我们可以使用相关的函数对这些信息进行解析
INZA(ADMIN)=> select st_astext(shape) from pt; ST_ASTEXT --------------------- POINT (1.188 1.568) (1 row)关于这个空间字段我们可以参考:
If you use the legacy Netezza Spatial Package, a variable length, character varying(up to 64,000) column is created. For the legacy Netezza Spatial Package: Point geometries are created as character varying(80). The base size for all other geometries is 64,000 bytes. However, if creating a field of this size would cause the total row size to exceed 65,535 bytes, the a varchar field will be created with a smaller precision. For example, if the total size of all other fields in the row is 2,000 bytes, the geometry field will be created as character varying(63,535). If you use the Netezza Spatial Esri Package, an ST_Geometry column is created. For the Netezza Spatial Esri Package: Point geometries are created as ST_Geometry(140). The base size for all other geometries is 64,000 bytes. However, if creating a field of this size would cause the total row size to exceed 65,535 bytes, the ST_Geometry field will be created with a smaller precision. For example, if the total size of all other fields in the row is 2,000 bytes, the geometry field will be created as ST_Geometry(63,535).我们看一个使用空间关系的例子
INZA(ADMIN)=> select st_contains(st_wkttosql('polygon((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))'),st_point(0.5 ,0.5)); ST_CONTAINS ------------- t (1 row)
ArcGIS tools do not insert new values into the unique ID fields in a database; rather, they rely on the database to insert values to the field. Since Netezza does not have a data type or built-in mechanism to populate values in an ID field, ArcGIS tools that create new rows in a database table cannot be used with Netezza.
Do not drag data directly from your database connection in the Catalog window in ArcMap to the map if you have not already defined a subset of data. Extremely large datasets, as are normally stored in a data warehouse appliance, would take an inordinate amount of time to display on the map.
3:ArcGIS For Netezza只支持简单数据类型,不支持复杂数据类型
The other limitations are related to Netezza itself. As a Netezza user, you know that Netezza Spatial stores simple data. Therefore, you cannot paste nonsimple data from another database into Netezza.