最近在codecademy上学习Python, 这是一个非常注意实践的操作平台,每讲解一点内容就让人做一些练习,讲解点也设计得非常适合Python零基础的人学习。讲到了变量,list, dictionary, for/while loop, class, file I/O 等内容。
functional programming: you're allowed to pass functions around just as if they were variables or values. Sometimes we take this for granted, but not all languages allow this!
#用四个空格表示缩进,如果没有缩进,是语法错误 def spam(): eggs =12 return eggs print spam()
Variables, which store values for later use
Data types, such as numbers and booleans
Whitespace, which separates statements
Comments, which make your code easier to read, # 表示单行注释 ’'’表示多行注释
Arithmetic , +, -, *, /, **, and %
my_bool=true #错误。改为 my_bool=True 正确
my_bool=True #正确
count_to = 2137483647+2137483648 #没有发生溢出,运行正常
To divide two integers and end up with a float, you must first usefloat() to convert one of the integers to a float.
15.0/100 =0.15 #
15/100=0 #注意运算精度的问题,当期待的计算结果为float型时,等号左边至少有一个float
print 10//3.0 #3
print 10/3.0 #3.33333
print 10/3 #3
注意1 在python中转化为整数的语法是 int(x),而不是(int) x
#打印时间 from datetime import datetime now = datetime.now() print '%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s' % (now.month, now.day, now.year, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
'Alpha' "Bravo" str(3)
c = “cats”[1] #则c="a”, 注意变量c也是字符型
parrot="Norwegian Blue” print len(parrot) parrot = "Norwegian Blue" print parrot.lower() print parrot.upper() pi=3.14 print str(pi) #规律: 上面的内建函数中Methods that use dot notation only work with strings. On the other hand, len() and str() can work on other data types.
String Concatenation “a” + “b” + ”c”
string_1 = "Camelot" string_2 = "place" print "Let's not go to %s. 'Tis a silly %s." % (string_1, string_2) #The % operator after a string is used to combine a string with variables. The % operator will replace a %s in the string with the string variable that comes after it
hours =3 ones =hour %10 tens= hour //10 print tens, ones, “:00” #输出 0 3 :00 print str(tens), str(ones), “:00” #输出 0 3 :00 print str(tens)+str(ones)+“:00” #输出 03:00
import math #这种是generic import print math.sqrt(25) from math import sort #这种是function import from math import * #这种是universal import,可能会带来命名空间污染,不推荐使用 # 不需要import 任何module就可以直接使用的function是min(), max(), abs(), type()
pyg = 'ay' original = raw_input('Enter a word:') if len(original) > 0 and original.isalpha(): word = original.lower() first=word[0] new_word=word+first+pyg new_word=new_word[1:len(new_word)] print new_word else: print 'empty'
#定义函数 def hello(): print "Hello, world!” #调用函数 h=hello() print h #none #上面print h之后的显示结果为none,说明函数hello()其实隐形地返回了none,如下 def hello(): print "Hello, world!” return none
suitcase = [] suitcase.append("sunglasses") suitcase.append("tshirt") suitcase.append("dress") suitcase.append("belt") list_length = len(suitcase) # Set this to the length of suitcase print "There are %d items in the suitcase." % (list_length) print suitcase #list类型的变量suitcase是可以打印的
n = [1, 3, 5] #1.n.pop(index) will remove the item at index from the list and return it to you: n.pop(1) # Returns 3 (the item at index 1) print n # prints [1, 5] #2.n.remove(item) will remove the actual item if it finds it: n.remove(1) # Removes 1 from the list, NOT the item at index 1 print n # prints [3, 5] #3.del(n[1]) #del is like .pop in that it will remove the item at the given index, but it won't return it: del(n[1]) # Doesn't return anything print n # prints [1, 5]
#Method 1 - for item in list: for item in list: print item #Method 2 - iterate through indexes: for i in range(len(list)): print list[i]
for letter in "Codecademy": print letter print print word = "Programming is fun!" for letter in word: # Only print out the letter i if letter == "i": print letter
doubles_by_3 = [x*2 for x in range(1,6) if (x*2) % 3 == 0] even_squares = [x**2 for x in range(1,11) if x%2 ==0] print even_squares
#0 格式为list[start:end:stride] #1 步长: stride>0则从左往右前进,stride<0则从右往左前进 #2 默认: start_index=0, end_index=len(list), stride=1 #3 方括号: list和list slicing都使用方括号 #list slicing example1 l = [i ** 2 for i in range(1, 11)] # Should be [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] print l[2:9:2] #list slicing example2 my_list = range(1, 11) # should be [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] backwards=my_list[::-1]
#例1 在内建filter( )中结合使用lambda syntax进行过滤 my_list = range(16) print filter(lambda x: x % 3 == 0, my_list) #例2 在内建filter( )中结合使用lambda syntax进行过滤 languages = ["HTML", "JavaScript", "Python", "Ruby"] print filter(lambda x: x=='Python',languages )
#创建时,用{ } ,如 dict_a={ key_a:value_a, key_b:value_b, key_c:value_c, }, #注意1 创建之后 # 如果要删除用[ ],如del dict_a[key_b] # 如果要插入用[ ],如dic_a[key_a]=value_a #注意2 每次遍历dictionary,可能得到的遍历顺序不一样
#Python中的循环表示法,WHILE ELSE语法 import random print "Lucky Numbers! 3 numbers will be generated." print "If one of them is a '5', you lose!" count = 0 while count < 3: num = random.randint(1, 6) print num if num == 5: print "Sorry, you lose!" break count += 1 else: print "You win!”
hobbies = [] for i in range(3): hobby=raw_input("what is your hobby") hobbies.append(hobby)
thing = "spam!" for c in thing: print c word = "eggs!" for c in word: print c
phrase = "A bird in the hand..." for char in phrase: if char=='A' or char=='a': print 'X', else: print char, print
numbers = [7, 9, 12, 54, 99] print "This list contains: " for num in numbers: print num for num in numbers: print num**2
d = {'a': 'apple', 'b': 'berry', 'c': 'cherry'} for key in d: print key+" "+d[key]
choices = ['pizza', 'pasta', 'salad', 'nachos'] print 'Your choices are:' for index, item in enumerate(choices): print index+1, item
list_a = [3, 9, 17, 15, 19] list_b = [2, 4, 8, 10, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] for a, b in zip(list_a, list_b): if a>=b: print a else: print b
for循环搭配使用 zip语句,zip语句可以扩展到有N个list的情况,相当于对list求了横截面,生成N个list的横截面pair , 直到遇到最短的list为止。
list_a=[1,3,5,7,9,10] list_b=[2,4,6,8] list_c=[-6,-3,0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21] for a,b,c in zip(list_a,list_b,list_c): if a>=b: if a>=c: print a else: print c else: if b>=c: print b else: print c
fruits = ['banana', 'apple', 'orange', 'tomato', 'pear', 'grape'] print 'You have...' for f in fruits: print 'these are the fruits:', else: print 'A fine selection of fruits!'
for A in B 语法
#1 my_dict ={"Book" : "Idealism", "Rate" : 4.8, "Year" : 2013 } for each in my_dict: print each, my_dict[each] #2 for num in range(5): print num, #3 for letter in ‘Eric’ print letter,
def remove_duplicates(list_in): list_out=[] for item in list_in: if item not in list_out: list_out.append(item) return list_out